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What is Household Hazardous Waste?

What is household hazardous waste?
Household hazardous waste (HHW) is any material that is toxic, flammable, corrosive and/or reactive.

Why can't I throw hazardous waste out with the trash?
Hazardous waste that is thrown out with the trash can negatively affect human health, injure sanitation workers, and contaminate the environment (such as our drinking water). Dumping household hazardous waste in storm drains or arroyos is illegal.

How do I know if a product is considered hazardous?
Read the label. Look for words on the product label such as "danger", "warning", or "caution". A hazardous product also has at least one of the four following properties:

  • Toxic - Products that are toxic include pesticides, auto products, paint thinners, and some cleaners. Toxic materials are poisonous and can cause long term illness.
  • Corrosive - Corrosive products include toilet bowl cleaners, auto batteries, drain cleaners, and oven cleaners. Corrosive products eat through material, and can cause burns to skin, eyes or throat.
  • Flammable - Solvents, paint thinners, and the majority of auto products are flammable, meaning they burn easily. Never use flammable products near heat, flame, or while smoking.
  • Reactive - Reactive products explode when exposed to shock, heat, water, or air. The results of mixing reactive products with other chemicals could be toxic, gaseous or cause fire.

How can I manage my household hazardous waste?
The best way to manage hazardous waste is to buy only the amount of product you need, and then use the entire product or donate it to someone else who can use it. Also, proper handling and disposal assures that HHW does not cause harm or injury to you or your family.

How do I dispose of household hazardous waste properly?
Take your household hazardous waste to a collection center. The Collection and Material Reuse Center is located at 6133 Edith Boulevard NE. Hours of operation are, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, and Saturdays 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. The center is closed Tuesdays and Thurdsays.  For additional information call the center at 345-1650 or 998-4154.

If you have additional questions about proper handling, use and/or disposal of household hazardous waste please feel free to contact the Bernalillo County Office of Environmental Health at 314-0310.