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Steps To Selecting PSN Grantees

Overview of PSN Grants

Step One: Develop a Strategy

Step Two: Designate the Selection Committee

Step Three: Select and Certify a Fiscal Agent

Step Four: Develop an Overall Budget

Step Five: Determine a Method for Selecting Subrecipients

Step Six: Certify Applicants

Step Seven: Hold a Final Subrecipient Selection Meeting

Step Eight: Complete the Application

Task Force Role After Award

Tool Box Contents

Contact Information

Task Force Role After Award

Although the fiscal agent is the entity responsible for the funds granted to them, the activities of the agent and subrecipients should be coordinated with the PSN Task Force. This will ensure that the activities comply with the strategy of the task force and allow the strategy to be modified as needed.

The task force may want to include the fiscal agent and subrecipients among their membership, or at least ask them to provide regular updates as to their activities. If, as the task force moves along in its work, adjustments need to be made, the fiscal agent can request a grant adjustment from BJA.


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