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Final Agenda
FDA Counterfeit Drug Task Force Public Workshop/Vendor Display

February 8 & 9, 2006
Holiday Inn Select
Bethesda, MD

DAY 1 -- Wednesday, February 8, 2006

The vendor display will be open from 8am-5pm . Attendees are encouraged to visit this room throughout the day.

8:30 Introduction
Randall Lutter, Ph.D.
Associate Commissioner for Policy and Planning, FDA

Welcome remarks
Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach
Acting Commissioner, FDA

8:45 Getting Started
Margaret Glavin, FDA
Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs  

8:50 Building a More Secure Supply Chain -- Keynote Panel
Carmen Catizone, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
Alan Goldhammer, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
John Gray, Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA)
Mike Meranda, EPCglobal US [PowerPoint presentation]
Ron Moser, Wal-Mart [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Kathy Smith, Department of Defense [presentation] [Text]
Steve Perlowski, National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Sara Radcliffe, Biotechnology Industry Association [PowerPoint presentation]

10:30 Break

10:45 What is Needed for Widespread RFID Implementation

Panel 1: Stakeholders
Tom McPhillips, Pfizer [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Mike Rose, Johnson & Johnson [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
James Class, Partnership for Safe Medicines [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Steve Perlowski, NACDS [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Lisa Clowers, HDMA
Doug Scheckelhoff, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

12:15 Lunch (on your own)

1:30 Panel 2: Technology and Research
Dan Engels, MIT [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Krish Mantripragada, SAP
Laura Osburnsen, Unisys [PDF]
Melind Mehere , OAT Systems [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Narendra Srivatsa , NJ Packaging [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Randy Stigall, UPM Rafsec [PowerPoint presentation]
Siamak Zadeh, Oracle

2:45 Standards, E-pedigree, and Data Access Issues

Panel 1: Standards
Bob Celeste, EPCglobal [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Lucy Deus, SupplyScape
Verun Gupta, Raining Data
Piers Lingle, Cyclone
Bruce Harder, Verisign

Panel 2: General Issues
Paul Rudolf, Consultant [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Jim Rittenburg, Authentix [PowerPoint presentation][Text]
David Dillon, Verify Brand [PowerPoint presentation]

4:00 RFID and Privacy
Julie Mayer, Federal Trade Commission [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Paula Bruening, Center for Democracy and Technology [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Elliot Maxwell, Consultant & Johns Hopkins University [PowerPoint presentation]
Steve Casey, SureID [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Joe Pearson, Texas Instruments [PowerPoint presentation]

5 :00 Adjourn

DAY 2 --
Thursday, February 9, 2006

The vendor display will be open from 8am-5pm . Attendees are encouraged to visit this room throughout the day.

9:00 Recap from Day 1
Margaret Glavin, FDA

9:05 Introduction
Randall Lutter, FDA

John Agwunobi, MD
Assistant Secretary for Health, US Dept. Health and Human Services  

9:25 Brief Overview of Relevant Provisions of the Prescription Drug Marketing Act
William McConagha, FDA [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]

9:40 Pedigree Pilots & PDMA compliance
Paul Chang, IBM
Andrew Dubner, 3M [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Jamie Hintlian, Accenture
Paul Fowler, McKesson [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Peter Spellman, SupplyScape
Mike Celentano, PurduePharma
Rob Kashmer, H.D. Smith [PowerPoint presentation]

11:10 State Efforts
Donna Wall, Indiana Board of Pharmacy [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Judy Nurse, California Board of Pharmacy [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
John D. Taylor, Florida Department of Health [PowerPoint presentation]

12:15 Lunch (on your own)

1:30 PDMA in 2007 and Beyond
Scott Melville, HDMA
Kevin Nicholson, NACDS [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Eleni Anagnostiadis, NABP [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Jim Dahl, Consumer [PowerPoint presentation] [Text]
Ron Bone, McKesson
Steve Haynes, PDMA Alliance [PowerPoint presentation]

3:30 Open Mike (Must sign up in advance at registration table outside of meeting room)

4:00 Wrap up & Next Steps

4:15 Adjourn (Note: Vendor display will remain open until 5:00pm)

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