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Cultural Programs Division
Photo of First Lady Laura Bush and Under Secretary Hughes with the Global Cultural Initiative partners.
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May 31 - June 30, 2008
• Documentary Film Fellowships
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On September 25, 2006, First Lady Laura Bush was joined by Under Secretary Karen Hughes to launch the GLOBAL CULTURAL INITIATIVE, which began an effort by the State Department to build upon and mobilize the vast talents and resources of America's cultural institutions to support a broad reaching international cultural diplomacy effort characterized by partnerships with U.S. government and private sector cultural agencies and institutions.

This multi-faceted initiative leverages a broad range of resources to emphasize the importance of the arts as a platform for international engagement and demonstrates a strong commitment to cultural exchanges by the Department and the Administration. Funding for cultural diplomacy has more than tripled since 2001, and - while the State Department has a long history of working with the cultural arts community in a project-specific context - this initiative represents the first time the public and private sectors have joined forces to coordinate lasting, institutional collaboration. The Global Cultural Initiative encompasses a series of projects designed to:

  • Connect foreign audiences with American artists and art forms
  • Share American expertise in arts management and performance
  • Educate young people and adults in the United States and abroad about the arts and cultures of other countries

The Global Cultural Initiative (GCI) consists of four key partnerships, outlined below, with additional partnerships planned for the future.

Through this cooperative initiative, the Department of State and the Kennedy Center have built upon the strengths of both institutions to coordinate and enhance programs that bring young foreign performing artists and arts managers from priority countries to the U.S. for specialized training and a first-hand experience of our culture and society.

The Cultural Visitor and Arts Management Fellows Mentoring Program allows ECA to deepen exchanges with talented young performing artists, arts managers and promising cultural leaders through intensive, professional mentoring and residency programs in the United States. It focuses on key countries with significant Muslim populations and other priority countries. The overall objective of the Program is to increase cross-cultural understanding internationally. The Visitors program provides outreach, exposure and new opportunities for young aspiring performing artists and for arts managers. Participants travel to the United States for two to three-week training, residency, collaboration, and/or performance and it provides unique educational and professional development opportunities for mid-level arts managers.

Landmarks of American History and Culture: In partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities under its "We the People" program launched by President Bush in 2002, the State Department has furthered understanding of the United States and American democratic principles by welcoming international participants - classroom teachers, educational leaders, and representatives of cultural and educational agencies - to the one-week, NEH Landmarks Summer Institutes for K-12 teachers. These institutes combine lectures and small-group discussion with experiential learning by bringing participants to sites in the United States where our nation's history was made. Alongside teachers drawn from throughout the United States, international participants have the opportunity of exploring the events and places that shaped American history and of sharing their own experiences and perspectives with Americans.

International Literary Exchanges: Building upon the National Endowment for the Arts' poetry anthology project with Mexico, the State Department, working with NEA has established special series of the "The Big Read" program that is designed to initiate literary translation projects and publications between the United States and other countries and to provide foreign readers access to highly talented American writers. "The Big Read Egypt" is currently in the implementation phase, with projects in development for other countries in the region. The three American classics selected for this first major project are: "Fahrenheit 451", "The Grapes of Wrath", and "To Kill a Mockingbird."

AFI PROJECT: 20/20: The State Department has partnered with the American Film Institute (AFI), the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH), the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in this international filmmaker and film exchange, designed to foster cross-cultural understanding, promote appreciation of shared values and diverse perspectives, and underscore the importance of free expression in the creative process. Screening films and conducting various programs within the United States and abroad the American and foreign filmmakers share their films with each other's audiences and encourage dialogue and engagement on universally shared themes and issues from different points of view and cultures.

Photo of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Professional Exchanges Alina L. Romanowski and National Endowment of the Arts Chairman Dana Gioia participating in the opening ceremonies of the Big Read Egypt program in Cairo
Launch of Big Read Egypt/United States
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