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U.S. Department of Homeland Security Announces
Import Restriction on Iraqi Cultural Property

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The United States Department of State is responsible for implementing the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act (the Act). This is the enabling legislation for the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. In accordance with the Act, United States Department of State accepts requests from countries for import restrictions on archaeological or ethnological artifacts, the pillage of which places their national cultural heritage in jeopardy. The Cultural Property Advisory Committee, appointed by the president of the United States, reviews these requests and makes recommendations to the United States Department of State. Under the president's authority, the State Department makes a decision with regard to the request and may enter into a cultural property agreement with the requesting country. The cultural property staff supports these functions and related activities and serves as a center of expertise on global cultural heritage protection issues.


Photos:  Top and Middle – Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia;  Bottom  - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici (Italy)

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·        The Problem of Pillage -- Commentary on the purpose of the U.S. law that implements the 1970 UNESCO Convention (Excerpt from Senate Report No. 97-564).

·     What's New -- DHS announces an import restriction on Iraqi cultural property, and I.C.E. repatriates over 60 objects to Colombia..

·     News Archive -- News stories and press releases on discoveries, repatriations, and prosecutions (1998 - 2006).



Link to The U.S. Response Page

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·        Overview -- Process by which the Act is implemented, committee composition, exceptions to import restrictions, and frequently asked questions.

·        Implementation -- Documents relating to U.S. Customs import restrictions, by country. 

·        Chart of Current and Expired Import Restrictions

·        Image Database -- Illustrations of materials subject to import restriction.

·        Recursos en español



Link to U.S. and International Laws Page

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·        U.S. Laws 

·        International Laws 

·        Other Efforts -- Links to U.S. and international law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organizations.

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Last updated: July 29, 2008