BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Bulgaria Local time: 05:35 AM

International Company Profile


As of May 1st, 2008 the International Company Profile fees are:

  • $600 for SME Companies*
  • $350 for SME Companies* new to export and using this service for the first time
  • $900 for Large Companies*

* A Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or self-certified as a small business under SBA regulations. A large company is defined as a firm with more than 500 employees. Subsidiaries will be classified based on the size of the parent company.


15 business days from receipt of payment


Initiate and manage your international business relationships with confidence.

Have the U.S. Commercial Service generate a customized International Company Profile (ICP) on your potential business partners. Researched and prepared by our international trade specialists and commercial officers, ICPs enable U.S. small and medium-sized businesses to more effectively evaluate overseas companies. You'll get detailed answers to your questions about the specific overseas companies in which you are interested competitors, credit rating, profit and loss numbers, key officers, and our opinion on the overall viability of the firm in its market.

For more information, send e-mail to