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2006 Headline Archives

Headlines by Month

December 2006

As 2006 draws to a close, OVC Director John W. Gillis shares a Holiday Message.

OVC Calendar of Events iconMore than 100 upcoming events are readily accessible in the OVC National Calendar of Events. Join the hundreds who have already discovered this essential online tool. It allows you to locate, plan, and promote victim assistance-related events nationwide.

OVC will award a nonprofit organization or public agency a $210,000 grant to develop the 2008 NCVRW Resource Guide, to be used by the victims' field to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues. Apply by January 25, 2007, 11:59 p.m. eastern time.

OVC is offering $350,000 in grants to raise public awareness among underserved populations about victims' rights and how to access crime victim services. Apply by January 22, 2007, 11:59 p.m. eastern time.

Your national, nonprofit organization could receive up to $75,000 through OVC's 2007 Action Partnerships program, which will award five cooperative agreements of up to $75,000 each to help organizations advance victims' rights and services and promote a collaborative victim assistance response. Apply by January 24, 2007, 8 p.m. eastern time.

OVC Director John W. Gillis announces the availability of the online application for the International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP), which is intended to reimburse victims for allowable expenses, retroactive to December 21, 1988, incurred as a result of acts of terrorism occurring outside the United States.

November 2006

More than 600 events have been added to the OVC National Calendar of Events since it was introduced in January. Join the hundreds who have already discovered this essential online tool. It allows you to locate, plan, and promote victim assistance-related events nationwide.

Through a grant from OVC, the National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators (NAVAA) will support up to 60 communities with funds to conduct public awareness initiatives during National Crime Victims' Rights Week, April 22-28, 2007. Apply by November 20, 2006, through NAVAA only.   If you have any questions about this NCVRW grant, please contact

This month, OVC will present a Web Forum Guest Host session on best practices for helping victims obtain victim compensation. Join Dan Eddy, Executive Director of the National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards, for the live discussion on November 14, 2006, at 2 p.m. eastern time.

OVC Director John W. Gillis offers this message In Recognition of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and, in partnership with other federal agencies, a Web Forum on assisting children exposed to domestic violence. This session was held October 25, by Dr. David Finkelhor and Betsy McAlister Groves.

October 2006

OVC Director John W. Gillis offers this message In Recognition of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, OVC has partnered with the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to bring you an OVC Web Forum Guest Host session on assisting children exposed to domestic violence. Dr. David Finkelhor and Betsy McAlister Groves will co-host the session on October 25, 2006, at 2 p.m. eastern time.

OVC is now accepting nominees for the 2007 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) awards. You are invited to download the nomination brochure and turn in your nomination by October 13, 2006.

September 2006

OVC Director John W. Gillis announces the Federal Register rule posting for the International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP), which is intended to reimburse victims for allowable expenses, retroactive to December 21, 1988, incurred as a result of acts of terrorism occurring outside the United States.

OVC Director John W. Gillis Offers a Special Message for the 5th Anniversary of 9/11.

August 2006

Join Alan Lai, Crime Victim Service Director for the Chinese Information and Service Center, September 20, 2006, at 2 p.m. eastern time, for an OVC Web Forum Guest Host session on assisting international victims. If you missed the August 31, 2006, session on rural victimization assistance, you can view the discussion online now.

Join NOVA Executive Director Jeannette Adkins on August 31, 2006, at 2 p.m. eastern time, for an OVC Web Forum discussion on rural victimization assistance and best practices. If you missed the July 27, 2006, session on campus victimization and assistance services, you can view the discussion online at the forum.

OVC Director Gillis copresented the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) Crime Victim Services award, which recognizes "outstanding achievement by a Sheriff's Office in support of victims," during NSA's annual conference in June. Monroe County, Georgia, Sheriff's Office is the 2006 recipient.

OVC is pleased to announce the National Crime Victims' Rights Week theme for 2007: Victims' Rights: Every Victim. Every Time. The week will be observed April 22-28, 2007.

July 2006

Join S. Daniel Carter, Senior Vice President of Security On Campus, Inc., July 27, 2006, at 2 p.m. eastern time, for an OVC Web Forum discussion about victimization and assistance services on college and university campuses. If you missed the June 22, 2006, session on Internet safety and identity theft, you can view the discussion online now.

OVC Director Gillis copresented the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) Crime Victim Services award, which recognizes "outstanding achievement by a Sheriff's Office in support of victims," during NSA's annual conference in June. Monroe County, Georgia, Sheriff's Office is the 2006 recipient.

New iconOVC is pleased to announce the National Crime Victims' Rights Week theme for 2007: Victims' Rights: Every Victim. Every Time. The week will be observed April 22-28, 2007. The NCVRW 2007 Nomination Form is expected to be available in August 2006.  

Help us improve the OVC Web Site by taking a short customer satisfaction survey when it pops up. It's strictly confidential and no personal information will be collected.

The 2007 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide grant supports the design and production of a resource guide to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues nationwide with grants up to $200,000. Apply by July 14, 2006.

A summary of the Justice for All Act-which includes the Crime Victims' Rights Act-has been created to further clarify victims' rights under the new law. New information will be added to the page as it becomes available.

June 2006

On June 22, 2006, at 2 p.m. eastern time, OVC will host a Web Forum discussion on keeping children safe on the Internet with Joselle Shea, manager of children and youth initiatives at the National Crime Prevention Council.

OVC Director John W. Gillis announces the release of several new OVC publications and products on key crime victim issues.

U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales announced $551 million to support victims of crime and honored National Crime Victims' Rights Award Recipients for their extraordinary efforts in providing services to victims of crime.

A Crime Victims' Rights Resolution was just introduced in the House of Representatives to support this year's National Crime Victims' Rights Week and efforts to increase public awareness of the rights, needs, and concerns of crime victims. Check back with THOMAS for legislative updates (search on bill number H. CON. RES 378).

May 2006

Up to $3,000 is available for 20 sites to establish a teen victimization awareness campaign with funding from OVC. Applications are due by May 15, 2006 to the National Crime Prevention Council.

OVC invites applicants to apply for State Victim Assistance Academy grants. Four awards of $35,000 are available. Apply by May 11, 2006.

President George W. Bush's proclamation marks April 23-29 as National Crime Victims' Rights Week. U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzalez, at a prelude event on April 21, honored extraordinary individuals and programs that provide services to victims of crime during a special awards ceremony.

U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales announces $551 million to support victims of crime. Read more. . .

Regretfully, OVC must cancel the May 3rd Web Forum Guest Host session on Missing and Exploited Children's Issues. We hope to have a Web Forum on this topic in the near future. Check the Forum's Calendar for updates and join us soon for our upcoming May 24th session on Assisting Victims With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, to be cohosted by Lucy Berliner and Dr. Dean Kilpatrick.

April 2006:

OVC and the Bureau of Justice Assistance invite applicants to apply under a joint solicitation for Human Trafficking Task Forces and Victim Services Grants. Apply by April 25, 2006.

Visit the OVC Web Forum to read about the best practices in prevention of youth violence shared by Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith on March 29, 2006. Dr. Prothrow-Stith is a nationally recognized public health leader who works with community-based programs locally, nationally, and internationally.

March 2006:

Visit the OVC Web Forum to read about assisting victims of elder abuse—the online discussion held March 22, 2006, and hosted by Lisa Nerenberg, field practitioner for more than 20 years and a consultant for organizations nationwide.

Join us on March 22, 2006, at 2 p.m. ET, when OVC will host a Web Forum discussion on elder abuse with Lisa Nerenberg, who has been involved in the field for more than 20 years and is a consultant for organizations nationwide.

OVC is offering $350,000 in grants to raise public awareness among underserved populations about victims' rights and how to access crime victim services. Apply by March 21, 2006.

Tribal Victim Assistance funding is available to (1) provide direct victim services in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities and reservations and (2) establish training and technical assistance to Tribal Victim Assistance (TVA) grantees. Award amounts will vary for the victim service grants; one award of $600,000 will be made for the training grant. Both solicitations are due March 15, 2006.

February 2006:

Visit the OVC Web Forum for Q&A on National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW)—questions and answers posted by your colleagues during the online discussion hosted by Ms. Seymour, advocate and coauthor of the NCVRW resource guide, on planning outreach activities and helping grassroots organizations maximize their collaborative efforts, Feb. 8, 2006.

OVC recently released the 2006 Resource Guide for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, April 23-29, 2006. Developed to help communities promote awareness of victim issues, this online Guide includes camera-ready art files, posters, sample PSAs, and more.

OVC is offering one cooperative agreement of $200,000 to produce a Resource Guide for the victims' field to use during National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) in April 2007. Register online in well in advance of the application deadline of February 23, 2006.

We need your help to improve the OVC Web Site. Please take the satisfaction survey—a Web survey that pops up at random and gathers no personal information about you. It takes just minutes to respond!

Join Anne Seymour, cofounder and senior advisor of Justice Solutions, on February 8, 2006, at 2 p.m. e.t., for an OVC Web Forum discussion about planning outreach activities for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW). Ms. Seymour has coauthored NCVRW resource guides and helps grassroots organizations maximize their collaborative efforts.

January 2006:

HOPE II funds are available from OVC to help faith and community-based organizations establish or expand victim services in 48 high-crime urban areas. Apply by January 31, 2006, to the MD Crime Victims’ Resource Center for these OVC HOPE II subawards of up to $50,000.

Join the OVC Web Forum on Friday, January 27th from 2–3 p.m. (eastern time) for the Sexual Assault and Stalking Guest Host discussion with Dr. David Lisak and Tracy Bahm. See what your colleagues are saying about the topic and gather insight from these experts in the field.

As we begin a new year, OVC Director John W. Gillis shares the OVC FY 2005 Accomplishments.

Visit the new Consultant Spotlight on our OVC TTAC Web site. Each month we will feature one of the professionals who assist OVC in informing the field of best practices, policy development, and emerging issues.

New funding opportunities are available for supporting the implementation of the Children's Justice Assistance Act in American Indian and Alaska Native communities in FY 2006.

As we begin a new year, OVC Director John W. Gillis shares the OVC FY 2005 Accomplishments and a Holiday Message.

Anticipation of a holiday without a friend or family member can be harder than the actual holiday itself. Coping With the Holidays, a new OVC Web resource, has suggestions from survivors for getting through the holidays. e-only icon

Featured Resources

December 2006:

Stop drunk driving iconNational Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Month (December 2006)

In recognition of National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Month, OVC held a Web Forum discussion on serving victims of impaired driving. Read the discussion held on December 15, 2006, with co-hosts Debbie Weir and John M. Evans, both of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). OVC also offers resource links on drunk driving and related publications, including "Drunk Driving Victimization," from the OVC Help Series.

November 2006:

OVC Directory of Crime Victim Services iconOnline Directory of Crime Victim Services (November 2006)

More than 5,000 programs are listed in OVC's Online Directory of Crime Victim Services, and yours could be too. With more than 200,000 visits since 2003 and hundreds more every day, your program is sure to reach those who need it most.

Whenever you need to find victim services, you can easily search the comprehensive and user-friendly database by:

  • Location.
  • Type of victimization.
  • Type of agency.
  • Available services.

October 2006:

School Crisis Response Initiative CoverCoping with Random Acts of Violence

OVC offers links to resources for working with victims amidst the challenges presented by random shootings and other acts of violence. These resources include publications such as the School Crisis Response Initiative and help topics, including:

Web Forum iconJoin the Discussion on Children Exposed to Domestic Violence (October 2006)

In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, OVC has partnered with the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to bring you an OVC Web Forum Guest Host session on assisting children exposed to domestic violence. Dr. David Finkelhor and Betsy McAlister-Groves will co-host the session on October 25, 2006, at 2 p.m. eastern time.

September 2006:

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc.Honoring the Memories of Murder Victims  (September 2006)

On September 25, 2006, the national organization of Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. is observing a "True Day of Remembrance" in honor of all victims of homicide. OVC extends its condolences and reminds victim services providers of the survivor resources available to help grieving friends and relatives cope with the loss of a loved one.

Providing Services to Victims Viewing a Trial at Multiple Locations screen shot.Providing Services to Victims Viewing a Trial at Multiple Locations (September 2006)

To help victims and survivors of mass violence and terrorism, some courts have ordered the closed-circuit transmission of trial proceedings to multiple locations so that victims may more easily participate in the trial process. This e-publication (NCJ 212293) describes the protocol—first developed in response to the Oklahoma City bombings by the Colorado Oklahoma Resource Council (CORC)—for providing standardized quality services to victims in a safe haven environment.

August 2006:

Cover for the NCVRW award nomination forms 2007 theme "Victims' Rights: Every Victim. Every Time."NCVRW Call for Nominations (August 2006)

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty to help improve the lives of victims in the aftermath of crime? If so, you are encouraged to nominate that person for a 2007 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) award. To ensure that outstanding service providers are given the recognition they deserve, submit your nominations before October 13, 2006. Biographies and accomplishments of the 2006 award recipients can be found on the NCVRW Web site. NCVRW will be held April 22-28, 2007.

Join the Discussion on Rural Victimization Assistance (August 2006)

On August 31, 2006, at 2 p.m. eastern time, Jeannette Adkins, Executive Director for the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA), will host an OVC Web Forum discussion on rural victimization assistance. Ms. Adkins has provided extensive training to professionals in the area of crime victims' issues as an adjunct professor and as both a state and national trainer. If you missed the July 27, 2006, session on campus victimization and assistance services, you can view the discussion online now.

July 2006:

OVC TTAC Monthly Training Events logoAnnouncing Training Opportunities From OVC (July 2006)

OVC provides comprehensive and practical skill-building sessions to victim service providers. The Fall/Winter 2006 Training Schedule offers several new workshops as well as favorites from years past:

  • Providing Culturally Competent Services to Victims of Crime, Sept. 12-14
  • Sexual Assault Advocate/Counselor Training, Sept. 27-28
  • Mental Health Response to Mass Violence and Terrorism, Oct. 3-5
  • Professional Development Institute, Oct. 10-12
  • The Ultimate Trainer, Oct. 24-26
  • Program Evaluation, Nov. 7-8
  • Identity Theft: Victims' Needs for Recovery of Their Good Name and
    Their Good Credit, Dec. 5-6New icon

OVC Professional Development Scholarships are available for Training Calendar Events! View the eligibility criteria for all scholarship applications.

Register now!

For questions about scholarships or training registration, call OVC TTAC at
1-866- OVC -TTAC (1-866-682-8822); TTY 1-866-682-8880.

June 2006:

Avoid Identity Theft CoverTake Charge: Fight Back Against Identity Theft (June 2006)
Tome control: Defiéndase contra el robo de identidad (junio 2006)

In support of federal efforts to reduce the risk to individuals of becoming victims of fraud or identity theft, the Federal Trade Commission has unveiled its newest education kit, AVOID Identity Theft: Deter, Detect, Defend, which is also available in Spanish. The kit includes-
  • A brochure with tips and a How-To Guide
  • Facts for consumers
  • Presentation slides
  • A 10-minute educational video

Visit the Web site to access the kit or place your order and test your knowledge with the new OnGuard online quiz. The Office for Victims of Crime, which is helping to distribute more than 4,000 copies of the kit, also offers relevant publications and links to Web sites to assist victims of identity theft, service providers, and allied professionals.



May 2006:

New for NCVRWLatest Guides, DVDs, and Bulletins from OVC
(May 2006

OVC is pleased to announce its new releases in time for National Crime Victims' Rights Week. These products cover a range of topics:

  • Training Victim Service Providers.
  • Assisting prosecutors serving rural victims.
  • Addressing elder fraud.
  • Responding to sexual assault victims.
  • Forming partnerships to better serve crime victims.
  • Supporting crime victims' rights and the Justice for All Act of 2004.
  • Listening to the Voices of Victims to understand and respond to their unique needs.

Learn more from OVC's What's New.

April 2006:

Help End Sexual Violence (April 2006)

Logo for Sexual Assault Awareness MonthRead OVC's Director Message recognizing April as National Sexual Assault Awareness Month and—

March 2006:

Logo for National Youth Violence Prevention WeekNational Youth Violence Prevention Week (March 2006)

National Youth Violence Prevention Week will be observed April 3-7, 2006, to raise awareness of effective ways to prevent and reduce youth violence. OVC offers several resources on school and community issues, which provide information to help students cope with violence and address underlying causes of conflict. Be sure to visit the Web Forum March 29, 2006, at 2 p.m. e.t. for a discussion with Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith on these important issues and to learn how you can participate in the upcoming observance.

February 2006:

2006 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource GuideNational Crime Victims’ Rights Week (February 2006)

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) will be observed April 23-29, 2006. To help jurisdictions promote the week and awareness of victims’ rights issues, OVC offers the 2006 Resource Guide for NCVRW which includes a theme DVD. OVC also offers a new online National Calendar of Events, where you can search for and add NCVRW-related events, and don’t miss the Web Forum session on NCVRW hosted by Anne Seymour February 8, 2006.

January 2006:

Faith-Based Victim Assistance Organizations iconSupport for Crime Victims From Faith-Based Organizations

OVC recognizes faith-based organizations as a vital and largely untapped source of support for victims and provides funding to help them enhance and expand victim assistance efforts. Details on funding support, grantees, and programs created are featured in the new OVC Web pages on Victim Assistance by Faith-Based Organizations. Browse this new Web resource and explore the resources and links for faith-related victim assistance efforts.

January is National Stalking Awareness MonthRaise Awareness and Help Stalking Victims (January 2006)

More than 1 million women and nearly 400,000 men in America become stalking victims each year (PDF file 57 kb). This January is the third annual National Stalking Awareness Month, and OVC is offering a Web Forum session to help raise awareness of this serious and often deadly problem. OVC also offers relevant publications and links to Web sites to assist stalking victims, service providers, and allied professionals. To learn more about this issue and how to support victims of stalking, visit the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) Stalking Resource Center.

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This document was last updated on September 19, 2008