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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Intended Use Worksheet for Leasing NLM® Databases - 2008

[pdf version]

Date: _______________

LICENSEE (organization): __________________________________________________________

If you lease multiple NLM databases and require differing responses, complete a separate worksheet for each database leased.

  1. Follow links to read about NLM databases/products and check those you will lease for 2008:

    [ ] MEDLINE®/PubMed® (Also receive most other non-MEDLINE status records that reside in PubMed.)
    [ ] Catfile (in MARC21 format only)
    [ ] CatfilePlus
    [ ] in MARC21 format
    [ ] in XML format
    [ ] Serfile
    [ ] in MARC21 format
    [ ] in XML format
    [ ] ChemIDplus Subset
    [ ] DIRLINE®
    [ ] CCRIS
    [ ] GENE-TOX
    [ ] HSDB®
    [ ] TOXLINE® Subset (The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), the producer of IPA, requires special arrangements with NLM's licensees before NLM may distribute the IPA subfile. See If you wish to receive the IPA subset and have received permission from ASHP, submit that correspondence.)

  2. MEDLINE/PubMed baseline database and updates as well as NLM's other leased databases are available via ftp. Provide IP address(es) you will use to ftp leased databases from NLM's server (other IP addresses will be blocked). NLM will permit access by subnet (e.g.130.14.73.) instead of a specific IP address (e.g. If you have a firewall using network address translation (NAT), provide the firewall's address. If your firewall does not use NAT, provide the address behind the firewall. Do not provide a non-routeable, private address.


  3. Check the single item that best describes the type of organization leasing NLM data:
    [ ] Academic institution
    [ ] Biotechnology company
    [ ] Database publisher and/or vendor
    [ ] Government organization
    [ ] Not-for-profit organization
    [ ] Pharmaceutical company
    [ ] Software development company
    [ ] Individual
    [ ] Other (state type of organization) _________________________________________________

  4. Check the items(s) that categorize your use of MEDLINE/PubMed or other NLM leased databases (check all that apply):
    [ ] Research purposes
    [ ] Data/text mining
    [ ] Development of information extraction and/or retrieval methods
    [ ] for internal use
    [ ] for outside use
    [ ] Development of ontologies/classification schema
    [ ] for internal use
    [ ] for outside use
    [ ] Biological knowledge discovery
    [ ] for internal use
    [ ] for outside use
    [ ] Vending NLM database(s); that is, offering search access to MEDLINE/PubMed citations or other NLM data to people outside your organization, with or without charges to users. Does not include only providing links to PubMed® or only providing access to secondary information derived from mining NLM data. Non-US licensees are permitted to use NLM data solely for internal research purposes so should not check this item.
    If vending NLM data, check the media used:
    [ ] CD-ROM
    [ ] Web
    * Provide Web site name and url ____________________________________________________________
    * Provide non-billed access code/password (if needed) for NLM use __________________________________
    * Will you enter into agreements with any organizations that will provide a link from their Web site to your Web site for access to your leased NLM database? [ ] yes [ ] no
    [ ] Other _________________________________________________________

  5. Provide a brief description, about 50 words, of your research, product, or service emphasizing and explaining the specific application* of MEDLINE/PubMed or other NLM databases in the research, product, or service. This information may be used in reports to Congress or other U.S. government entities. Check here if you do not permit this information to be used in other reports disseminated outside NLM. [ ]

    (*If you use NLM data for research, your description should include a statement of the overall focus of your project. For example, for data used for biological knowledge discovery, include statement such as using data for: association of genes and/or drugs with the diseases they affect; discovery of interactions among genes and gene products; extraction of evidence for gene homologs among various organisms; identification of metabolic pathways; extraction of molecular information; etc.)

  6. Do you intend to merge NLM-supplied data with data from other sources? (Except for use of Catfile, CatfilePlus, and Serfile, this requires compliance with Section E.2 of License; must submit sample merged record before NLM will permit). Yes [ ] No [ ]

  7. Do you intend to provide copies of NLM data (that is, redistribute the data) to other organizations whose intention is to create their own search access to the data? (Except for Catfile, CatfilePlus, and Serfile, this use is not permitted under NLM's non-US license). Yes [ ] No [ ]
    If yes, will they provide:
    [ ] internal access
    [ ] access outside their organization

  8. License contact (please print):____________________________________________



  9. NLM corresponds with licensees on technical and administrative matters via e-mail. These messages are subsequently posted as announcements on the licensee information page at Two correspondents are permitted for each License; one should be the License contact, above. In addition to that person, include the following on the e-mail distribution list (both will receive all e-mail communications for further internal distribution as deemed appropriate by the recipients):

    Name: _____________________________________________

    E-mail: ____________________________________________


REMINDER: All usage from products/services, whether your own or from those to whom you have redistributed the data or provided a link for access to NLM data, must be included in usage reports to the NLM. The NLM-supplied usage report form is available at Licensees using NLM data for internal research only are not required to submit a usage report.

Return to:
Jane L. Rosov
MEDLARS Management Section
National Library of Medicine
Room 4N403
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20894
Voice: 301-496-7706
FAX: 301-496-0822

Last reviewed: 29 July 2008
Last updated: 29 July 2008
First published: 01 January 2000
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