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Hotline Complaint Procedure       


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Before you begin:  Before filing a complaint with a Navy Inspector General, please review the 4 categories below to ensure the hotline is the appropriate process to resolve your issue. This procedure is also outlined in a convenient Trifold.



If you have already filed a complaint with another office/agency concerning your issue and the investigation is ongoing, continue to pursue your complaint with that office until the investigation is completed.  We will not initiate an investigation into a complaint that is already being addressed using another process.




If you have already contacted a member of Congress concerning an issue, please continue to pursue resolution of your complaint with your Congressman as we can not duplicate the process you have already initiated by contacting a member of Congress.




If you need assistance with correcting your official military personnel record and you are no longer on active duty, the appropriate agency to address your request is the Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR).





If you are requesting assistance with dependent/former dependent financial support, please read the information on this website's Questions & Answers page regarding dependent support.


If none of the above apply to you, review the following 4-Step Hotline Complaint Procedure to determine if you should file a complaint:  


Step 1:


Determine the best method to address your issue.


Step 2:


Review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) so that you will know what to expect when you file a hotline complaint.


Step 3:


Prepare your complaint for submission to an IG.  (List of Matters Appropriate for an IG investigation and a list of questions you will asked when you file a complaint.)


Step 4:



File a complaint with an IG.



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