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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
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Term Definition
Defined population A population specified by a specific set of characteristics.
Demographic controls Controlling for results by comparing different population groups based on their social characteristics.
Diagnostic interview An interview used to assess the health status, conditions or problems experienced by an individual and decide on the cause of these so that medical care can be provided.
Disparities Disparities are differences in health status care or outcomes between demographic groups. Many of the groups which are disadvantaged by these disparities have suffered from a history of discrimination.
Episode of care An instance of medical care beginning with the presentation of a problem or disease and continuing to diagnosis, care and subsequent asessment of progress.
Evidentiary support Support for a theory or conclusion based on information inferred from data.
External Population Controls Using information about a group or population that is not derived directly from observations or collected data to calibrate a result. For example, health surveys typically use population data from the census to assess and adjust their results to achieve better represenativeness in their estiamtes.
Focused content coverage Defined content for a survey or data collection that is bounded by a specific content area or topic
Health Coorelates The factors in population health, genetic predispositions, the environment, socieity, behavior or the economy that lead to wellness, disease or improvements in health status. For example, insuffienct income could be a coorelate of malnutrition.
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Last reviewed: 08 January 2008
Last updated: 08 January 2008
First published: 08 January 2008
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content