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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Module 6: Basic Components of a Study (Page 11 of 11)

Surveys | Cohort Studies | Case-Control Studies | Randomized Clinical Trials

Review Questions

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Review Questions

1. Interview data depend on people's recall of past events and willingness to share their practices and beliefs with a stranger. True | False

Those being interviewed must not only remember what happened in the past but be willing to share that information with someone they may not know.

2. Surveys are not very good at capturing practices and health conditions of large groups of people. True | False

Surveys provide wonderful insights into the practices and health conditions of large groups of people as well as clues for future investigation into the impact of medical practices on health outcomes or the relationship between exposures and disease.

3. Surveys are a major data collection method in health services research. Researchers may collect data from _______ with patients, the public, clinicians, health care administrators, and others or from ________ of hospital discharges, patient charts and medical records, disease registries, and billing documents. (Select the best pair/combination of words).

A. interviews | reports
B. examination of the medical record | reminders
C. discussions | logbooks
D. interrogations | extrapolations

Surveys are a major data collection method in health services research. Researchers may collect data from interviews with patients, the public, clinicians, health care administrators, and others or from reports of hospital discharges, patient charts and medical records, disease registries, and billing documents.

4. One advantage to using a cohort study is that results of the study can be retrieved quickly. True | False

Data from cohort studies cannot be quickly retrieved because groups of people are studied over time and the results measured. For example, researchers observe people with asbestos exposure and people without asbestos exposure over a long period of time to detect differences in their rates of lung disease at some end point.

5. Several disadvantages to using cohort studies may exist. Which of the items listed below does not belong or is incorrect?

A. it may take many years to detect changes in the groups
B. researchers may be tempted to decrease the length of the study due to the time involved
C. participants may drop out of the study as time passes
D. cohort studies may be very costly
E. cohort studies require few participants

Cohort studies require many participants, not a few select participants in order to maintain reliable data.

6. Compared to cohort studies, case-control studies are __________ and _________ to do. (Select the correct pair of words).

A. hard | fast
B. well-organized | difficult
C. conceptual | hard
D. fast | cheap

Case-control studies are relatively fast and cheap compared to cohort studies and can study multiple exposures. They are very useful for rare diseases that require many years to develop and many people to observe in order to find them.

7. (Study type) are very useful for rare diseases that require many years to develop and many people to observe in order to find them. (select the most appropriate study name).

A. Randomized clinical trials
B. Case-control studies
C. Surveys
D. Cohort studies

Case-control studies are very useful for rare diseases that require many years to develop and many people to observe in order to find those diseases.

8. __________study participants and researchers avoids treating people differently based on the intervention. (Select the best word or phrase from the list below).

A. Choosing
B. Masking
C. Dividing up
D. Using more than one PI to

Masking study participants and researchers avoids treating people differently based on the intervention.

9. Clinical trials occur under very specialized, controlled conditions that do not represent everyday life. We may conclude that the results obtained in this environment ____________ transfer to larger groups of people not engaged in the research. (Select the correct word or phrase).

A. usually
B. may not

Clinical trials occur under very specialized, controlled conditions that do not represent everyday life. Thus, the results obtained in this environment may not transfer to larger groups of people not engaged in the research.

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Last reviewed: 03 November 2007
Last updated: 03 November 2007
First published: 03 November 2007
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