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Quiz for Introduction to Health Services Research Module 5

Module 5 examined details on the role of quality filtering and evidence-based medicine by looking at sampling, assignment, assessment, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation. Upon successful completion of this quiz you may request a Certificate of Success by clicking on the buttonlocated at the bottom of the answer page.

1. Authors of research papers should be careful of generalizations as they write up their results. True | False


2. Research results can always | sometimes be extrapolated to other groups.


3. Measurement errors may occur in several ways. Which item below does NOT belong with the others in the list?

the instruments themselves are inaccurate
the study participants are neither blinded nor randomized
study participants change their behavior because they are under observation
the investigators question one group more thoroughly or more frequently than the other
people in the study drop out and cannot be followed (lost to follow-up)

4. Complete this sentence. Relative risks of 5 are considered quite ... (what? Select the correct word or phrase).

too big to be believable

5. Researchers perform analysis to identify three major characteristics: a. Strength of the association; b. Adjustment; and c. (what? Select the correct answer).

Statistical significance

6. In a research project, the process that randomly assigns people to a group so that neither the researchers or the people in the groups know which group they are in is called _________ (what)?

statistical methods

7. Three (or more) factors are used to describe the people in each group in a study. The factors can include: age, __________, and health characteristics. (Select the missing word or phrase from the list below).

random assignment
socioeconomic status

8. The need for quality filtering has | has not increased as health researchers and policy makers produce clinical guidelines or conduct meta-analyses.

has increased
has not increased

9. Quality filtering ... (select the best answer).

remains a mystery to many librarians
is a study protocol used to assess health status
is a process that sifts the more substantial studies from the less informative ones
informs researchers when to stop a study

10. Even when you have millions of people in a group it is better to survey the entire population than to take a sample. True | False



Last updated: 21 May 2004
First published: 05 December 2003
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