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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Case Description | Case Background | Case Objectives | Case Exercise

Case 2. The End-Stage Renal Disease Program: Quality Issues (Page 28 of 34)
Phase Two: Finding the Information

Q11. Where would you go to get high-quality books on this topic?

Suggested Solution

Visit the National Academy Press site where all IOM reports are kept in full text. IOM's members and committees examine many issues of importance to health services researchers including those on racial and ethnic disparities. More information on the Institute of Medicine.

CINAHL includes full text documents in its database and is worth exploring as are the full text documents in HSTAT.

LocatorPlus is one of the NLM free online catalogs. Use the catalog to search for books on your issues using MeSH. For example, a search on 'ESRD' turns up 9 books. 'Quality of life' and 'quality of care' turn up many books (>2200 each) when you use the 'Subject Search'. You would likely want to combine these terms with others to limit your search significantly.

Other publishers including associations also have made a number of valuable documents available on the Web. Be sure to check out the important players module (Module 3) for relevant documents.

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Last reviewed: 03 November 2007
Last updated: 03 November 2007
First published: 03 November 2007
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content