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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Module 3: Selected Players (Federal and Private) (Page 26 of 27)

Enrichment Section

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Evidence-based Practice Centers. July 2007. [Online] Site URL:
Gives an overview of the EPCs and describes the work of the Centers.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

CMS. FAQs. various dates. [Online] Site URL:
Answers to nearly every question you'd want to ask about CMS and its services.

Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi)

Health Technology Assessment International. About HTAi. 2007. [Online] Site URL:
Offers information about the mission and aims of HTAi and its organization chart as well as other related information.

Health Technology Assessment International. Corporate Strategy 2003 - 2008. 2004. [Online] Site URL:[]
Additional information about the plans HTAi has for the future.

History of Health Services Research

History of Health Services Research Project: Interview with Kathy Lohr March 20, 1998. Conducted by Edward Berkowitz. 10 March 2003. [Online] Site URL:
Follows the career of one of the luminaries in health services research, Dr. Kathy Lohr.

Institute of Medicine (IOM)

IOM Report Index. 2007. [Online] Site URL:
List of reports back to 1970. All reports from the Institute of Medicine and the National Academies are available to read and order online at the National Academies Press Web site.

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)

JCAHO Quality Check. 2007. [Online] Site URL:
Quality Check is a search engine that you can use to search for JCAHO accredited health care organizations. Search by Zip Code or by name.

Joint Commission Resources. 2002-2007. [Online] Site URL:
Locate a variety of JCAHO resources including publications, videos, Web-based training, advice, and consulting information.

Kaiser Family Foundation Daily Reports. 2006. [Online] Site URL:
Sign up for email delivery of the Daily Health Policy Report, Daily HIV/AIDS Report, the Daily Women's Health Policy Report the Kaiser First Edition or any of their other free email alerts. A very valuable resource for tracking what is happening in health care.

Medicaid (CMS)

Medicaid, The Basics. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August 2006. [Online] Site URL:

Oral presentation with slides by Diane Rowland, Executive Director, Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.

Medicare (CMS)

Medicare 101, Tutorial. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August 2006. [Online] Site URL:
Oral presentation with slides by Tricia Neuman, Sc.D., Vice President and Director, Medicare Policy Project, Kaiser Family Foundation.

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC)

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). 1995-2007. [Online] Site URL:
More about MedPAC from the American Association of Medical Colleges.

National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO)

NAHDO FAQ. NAHDO. 2006. [Online] Site URL:
Additional information about NAHDO including history and mission.

NAHDO Projects. n.d. [Online] Site URL: (select Projects link from the top navigation bar to select the individual project you want to view).
Get a detailed description of the various projects NAHDO is involved in from this page and linked pages.

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

About NCHS. NCHS. January 11, 2007. [Online] Site URL:
A welcome letter from the Director with a description of the mission and purpose of NCHS.

Press Room. NCHS. August 1, 2007. [Online] Site URL:
A good page for keeping up with NCHS News Releases, News Release Archives (organized alphabetically by topic), Upcoming Releases, Announcements, and Conferences. Also available: Free E-mail Updates.

National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)

About NCQA. 2007. [Online] Site URL:
Provides additional information about NCQA.

NCQA Report Cards. n.d. [Online] Site URL:
Links to various report cards generated through the accreditation process.

National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)

HSR Information Center. Subject List, NICHSR. July 9, 2007. [Online] Site URL:

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Health Information. National Institutes of Health (NIH). July 30, 2007. [Online] Site URL:
Way more links than you could find the time to look at in this category. Examine health information by topical area, by category, by age, sex, and minority status.

Pew Charitable Trust

Sustaining the Legacy: A History of The Pew Charitable Trusts. 2001. [Online] Site URL:
Looks at the work of the Pew Charitable Trusts from a historical point of view.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program. n.d. [Online] Site URL:
An important RWJF initiative to produce clinical leaders in health services research. The program "stresses training in the quantitative and qualitative sciences underlying health services research essential to improving health and medical care systems. The program's newest iteration will also emphasize community-based research and leadership training." The University of North Carolina currently serves as the National Program Office.


Children's Health Insurance Coverage, Tutorial. Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2005. [Online] Site URL:
David Rousseau,  Senior Policy Analyst,  Director, State Health Facts Online, Kaiser Family Foundation, gives this online tutorial.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). 07/19/2007. [Online] Site URL:
NREPP "is a searchable database of interventions for the prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders. SAMHSA has developed this resource to help people, agencies, and organizations implement programs and practices in their communities."

Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator. n.d. [Online] Site URL:
This searchable directory of drug and alcohol treatment programs shows the location of more than 11,000 facilities around the country that treat alcoholism, alcohol abuse and drug abuse problems.

Veterans Administration (VA)

About VA. March 23, 2006. [Online] Site URL:
A description of the VA from its Web site. The site offers information about the Agency and the services it provides to veterans.

Health Services Research and Development Service: Then and Now. Health Spotlight. April 2002. [Online] Site URL:
Describes what health services research is and how the VA-HSR&D integrates the research it funds into the agency's provision of care to veterans. Background on past and present research efforts and emphases.

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Last reviewed: 03 November 2007
Last updated: 03 November 2007
First published: 03 November 2007
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