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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Module 3: Selected Players (Federal and Private) (Page 17 of 27)

Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi)

Snapshot of the HTAi home page. Click to visit the site. Close the open window to return to this page.

HTAi ( was officially launched in June 2003 at an international HTA conference held in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. HTAi focuses uniquely on health technology assessment (HTA) and provides the key forum for all those from the worlds of health care, academia and business interested in the science, development and application of HTA. Health technology assessment (HTA) offers "supporting evidence based decision making in health care policy and practice".

Its mission is to support the development, communication, understanding and use of HTA around the world as a means of promoting the introduction of effective innovations and effective use of resources in health care.

It runs annual meetings for those interested in health technology assessment, distributes an international journal on HTA (International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care) and facilitates the transfer of information on HTA through publications, member expertise, newsletters, an annual meeting and through other information services. (more about the journal in Module 4).

Retrieving HTA Content on the Web

HTAi has a Vortal, that facilitates your search for health technology information. Using a specialized Google search that searches across all public-access web sites currently listed in the HTAi Vortal you can access a broad range of HTA content. HTA-related web site links are organized according to HTA-related subject category.

Some of the subjects include

  • HTA Glossaries
  • HTA Agencies and Organizations
  • How to Do HTA
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Keeping Up: Stuff for Librarians
  • Medical Devices

Notification Services

Visit the News section on the site to get updated information on HTAi activities.

Discussion Questions

  1. Change happens and technological change is a given. How important is HTAi in the health technology arena? How can you tell?
  2. Think about the role of technology in the provision of health care. How much has technology changed health care? The way health care providers practice medicine?
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Last reviewed: 03 November 2007
Last updated: 03 November 2007
First published: 03 November 2007
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content