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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Module 3: Selected Players (Federal and Private) (Page 12 of 27)


Snapshot of the AcademyHealth home page. This image opens in a new window. Close the window to return to this page.AcademyHealth ( "is the professional home for health services researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners, and a leading, non-partisan resource for the best in health research and policy."

It resulted from a merger between the Alpha Center and the Association for Health Services Research in 2000. More information on AcademyHealth in Module 2.

In addition to hosting an annual conference and a variety of seminars AcademyHealth works to make health services research accessible to policymakers and to the public.

HSR Impacts

Academy Health has developed "a series of one-page HSR Impacts that illustrate how health services research has contributed to our understanding of some of the biggest issues in health care today."

"These fact sheets spotlight how health services research has identified areas that need improving in our current health care system (medical errors, health care disparities) as well as the critical role the field has played in solving those problems (by contributing to the development of computerized prescribing, for example, or cultural competency programs)." Stories that describe how health services research has changed public policy or practice are highlighted.

Topics include obesity, aging, patient safety and others.

International Exchange of Ideas

AcademyHealth fosters an international exchange of ideas and resources through its International Exchange. The Exchange makes it possible for researchers from other countries to study the American health care system and for American health services researchers to observe changes in the health care systems in other countries.

Coalition for Health Services Research

Its Coalition for Health Services Research, "advises federal agencies on appropriate funding and policies and mobilizes other advocates to increase public and private support for health services research." (Web site)


AcademyHealth produces or co-sponsors a variety of publications including a glossary of terms, briefs and case studies, core libraries in health economics, health outcomes and economic evaluation in health and public health, and journals such as Health Services Research and Health Affairs.


Snapshot of the AcademyHealth Tools page. Close the page that appears to return to this page.Of interest to both librarians and to health services researchers is the Tools page. Links to HSRProj (discussed in Module 4), to syntheses of research findings, to links, including to privacy resources and to its Directory of Training Programs in Health Services Research and Health Policy.

The Glossary of Terms Commonly used in Healthcare is an important source of definitions for the public and for librarians new to the field.

Notification Services

Visit the News Room for press releases and other news from Academy Health.

Discussion Questions

  1. Examine the research synthesis section of the AcademyHealth Web site. How useful is this section in your thinking about health services research?
  2. The Directory of Training Programs on the AcademyHealth site offers what kind of information? Who would find it most useful? Can you find Doctoral programs that offer part-time training? What else?
  3. A good source of information about the work of an association can be found in its annual report. Examine AcademyHealth's Annual Report. What does it tell you about the association? (Use the Sitemap to locate the Annual Reports).
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Last reviewed: 03 November 2007
Last updated: 03 November 2007
First published: 03 November 2007
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