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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Module 1: What is Health Services Research (HSR)? (Page 11 of 11)

Review Questions

Use these questions to review for the quiz for this module. After successfully taking the quiz and passing it with 80% accuracy, you can choose to get a Certificate of Success for the module. The bolded text indicates the correct answer. The explanation for the answer is under the selections for each question.

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Review Questions

1. John Wennberg and his colleagues are best known for their work in (what area of research)?

A. asthma prevention in children
B. demand for specialty care in HMOs
C. uncompensated care of the uninsured
D. small area variation

The work of John Wennberg and his colleagues describing geographic variations in the utilization of medical technology has influenced research on clinical and patient decision-making.

2. Concern for the underserved population in the United States 1960s and 1970s lead to an increase in the numbers of physicians | physician assistants and nurse practitioners. (Select the best answer).

During the 1960s and 1970s, cost was not a major feature of health services research. Extending access to underserved areas was a priority and, out of that concern, developed the use of physician assistants and nurse practitioners.

3. In 1995 the Institute of Medicine identified the major issues that health services researchers continue to address today. These include: organization and financing of health services, access to health care, practitioner, patient, and consumer behavior, ______________, clinical evaluation and outcomes research, informatics and clinical decision-making, and ____________. What are the missing issues? (Fill in the blanks)

A. Online Searching | PubMed
B. Online literacy | Web-based health care
C. Health care management | social work
D. Quality of care | health professions work force

The missing issues from the above list include quality of care and health professions work force, the first being often searched and the latter of concern to anyone interested in a well-trained and competent work force.

4. The definition of the term "health services research" as first defined by Last in his Dictionary of Epidemiology has remained remarkably constant over the past 25 plus years. True | False

Most of the definitions include the terms access, quality, cost and evaluation of the effects and outcomes of the health care "system" on people's health or some variation on this theme.

5. The four core areas of health services research include access, _________, cost, and the evaluation of the impact of a service or technology. (select the correct answer)

A. public health
B. quality
C. technology assessment
D. efficacy

The core areas of interest in health services research are access, quality, cost, and the evaluation of the impact of a service or technology.

6. Researchers define access in terms of (select the correct answer).

A. sociometric analysis
B. male to female ratios
C. utilization rates
D. demographics

Researchers almost always define access in terms of utilization rates.

7. Outcomes research measures (select the correct answer).

A. how long patients remain in the hospital after a procedure (length of stay)
B. the outcome of peer-to-peer transmission of health information
C. why most online health information is suspect
D. the changes that occur in people's health and satisfaction due to specific medical and health interventions.

Outcomes research measures the changes that occur in people's health and satisfaction due to specific medical and health interventions. This research requires careful discrimination between these interventions and all the other factors that influence one's health and satisfaction.

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Last reviewed: 01 November 2007
Last updated: 01 November 2007
First published: 31 October 2007
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content