A Nonpartisan Economic and Social Policy Research Organization
urban teenagers hanging out

If companies are in trouble, corporate philanthropy is one of the first things to
get cut.

Tom Pollak, Bloomberg News, Sept. 17, 2008

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The Urban Institute


CONDUCTS research,

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EDUCATES Americans on social and economic issues

— to foster sound public policy and effective government.


September 20, 2008

Q&A: What Do the Latest Census Numbers on Poverty, Income, and Health Insurance Mean?

African America FamilyMedian income went up, the poverty rate inched down, and the number of people without health insurance decreased in 2007. But a closer look reveals little improvement for low-income families. Our experts talk about what the latest Census Bureau numbers mean and how we can shore up the social safety net.
> New Income and Poverty Statistics and the Social Safety Net

The Case for Evidence-Based Policy

the word analysis in a dictionaryThe fundamental question for public policy —Will the policy work?—too often gets short shrift or even ignored. In this newly updated paper, Urban Institute experts look "Beyond Ideology, Politics, and Guesswork" to argue that hard evidence and analysis can illuminate the path to more effective public policy.
> Read more

UI Launches healthpolicycenter.org

screenshot of the HPC web siteThe Health Policy Center's new resource, healthpolicycenter.org, provides extensive research and analysis of key health issues including: private insurance, the uninsured, Medicaid, Medicare and SCHIP, disability and long-term care, vulnerable populations and health care reform, in addition to many others.

Five Questions for the Experts

Rudolph PennerAs baby boomers retire and health care costs keep rising, spending for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will grow faster than federal revenues, pushing the deficit to an unmanageable size. Senior Fellow Rudolph Penner, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, sizes up the problems ahead and argues for fiscal reform.

>Read the interview

recent interviews:
|| G. Thomas Kingsley || Richard Johnson || Amy Solomon || more ||
just released

Making Health Care Reform Work for Small Businesses (Testimony)  September 18, 2008

Aligning Incentives: The Case for Delivery System Reform (Testimony)  September 16, 2008

Food Stamps, Federalism, and Working Families (Series/Perspectives on Low-Income Working Families)  September 16, 2008

Distributional Analysis of Pension and Social Security Reforms (Research Report)  September 16, 2008

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decision points

In his acceptance speech John McCain promised to help unemployed workers find and train for new jobs.

photo of Harry HolzerListen to Harry Holzer, UI expert on worker training and low-wage labor, talk about what it takes to develop America’s workforce.
Sound Policy: Investment in Job Training (mp3)

More experts on the campaign issues

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Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center
President Lyndon Johnson founded the Urban Institute in 1968

War and TaxesWar and Taxes

Steven A. Bank, Kirk J. Stark, Joseph J. Thorndike

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