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Pew Center on the States' electionline.org will publish news updates throughout Election Day from news agencies around the nation and from staff reporters stationed in eight states.

Pew Center on the States' electionline.org Covers Election Day 2008

Pew Center on the States' electionline.org will publish news updates throughout Election Day from news agencies around the nation and from staff reporters stationed in eight states.

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Election Preview 2008: What if We Had an Election and Everyone Came?

This preview from electionline.org provides a comprehensive look at the rules, technology, registration figures and issues to watch in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.More


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Exit Poll Preview

In an exclusive interview with the Pew Research Center, Joe Lenski, co-founder and Executive Vice President of Edison Media Research discusses his organization's plans for conducting exit polls on November 4, given this year's special challenges.

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Expert Q & A

Tom Rosenstiel on Journalism in America

Our next featured expert is Tom Rosenstiel, Director, Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism

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