
Records of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation [RFC]

(Record Group 234)

Overview of Records Locations

Table of Contents

  • 234.1 Administrative History
  • 234.2 Records of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) 1928-68
    • 234.2.1 Records of the Office of the Secretary
    • 234.2.2 Records of the Legal Division
    • 234.2.3 Records of the Office of the Controller-Treasurer
    • 234.2.4 Records of the Examining Division
    • 234.2.5 Records of the Railroad Division
    • 234.2.6 Records of the Office of Loans
    • 234.2.7 Records of the RFC Price Adjustment Board
    • 234.2.8 Records of Other Divisions
    • 234.2.9 Records of Field Offices
  • 234.3 Records of the Federal Loan Agency (FLA) 1939-49
  • 234.4 Records of the Secretary of Commerce 1942-44
  • 234.5 Records of the Subsidiary Corporations 1932-59
    • 234.5.1 Records of the Metals Reserve Company
    • 234.5.2 Records of the Defense Plant Corporation (DPC)
    • 234.5.3 Records of the Defense Supplies Corporation (DSC)
    • 234.5.4 Records of the Defense Homes Corporation (DHC)
    • 234.5.5 Records of the War Damage Corporation (WDC)
    • 234.5.6 Records of the U.S. Commercial Company (USCC)
    • 234.5.7 Records of the Rubber Reserve Company (RRC)
    • 234.5.8 Records of the Office of Rubber Reserve (ORR)
    • 234.5.9 Records of the Pacific Development Company, Inc. (PDC) and the Rubber Development Corporation (RDC)
    • 234.5.10 Records of other subsidiary corporations
  • 234.6 Records OF Allied Corporations 1934-61
    • 234.6.1 Records of the Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission (RPFDC) and the Federal Facilities Corporation (FFC)
    • 234.6.2 Records of the Electric Home and Farm Authority (EHFA)
    • 234.6.3 Records of the Lafayette Building Corporation (LBC)
  • 234.7 Records of Successor Agencies 1932-64
    • 234.7.1 Records of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
    • 234.7.2 Records of the General Services Administration (GSA)
    • 234.7.3 Records of the Office of Defense Lending, Treasury Department
  • 234.8 Cartographic Records (General)
  • 234.9 Motion Pictures (General)
  • 234.10 Sound Recordings (General)
  • 234.11 Still Pictures (General)

234.1 Administrative History

Established: As an independent agency by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, January 22, 1932 (47 Stat. 5).

Transfers: To newly established Federal Loan Agency (FLA), with Electric Home and Farm Authority, Federal Housing Administration, Export-Import Bank of Washington, and Federal Home Loan Bank Board, by Reorganization Plan No. I of 1939, effective July 1, 1939; to Department of Commerce by EO 9071, February 24, 1942; to FLA by an act of February 24, 1945 (59 Stat. 5); to independent agency status upon abolishment of FLA by an act of June 30, 1947 (61 Stat. 202).

Functions: Provided emergency financing facilities for financial institutions. Aided in financing agriculture, commerce, and industry. Purchased preferred stock, capital notes, or debentures of banks, trust companies, and insurance companies. Made loans as prescribed by law.

Abolished: By Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1957, effective June 30, 1957. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation Liquidation Act (67 Stat. 230), July 30, 1953, had provided for RFC's continuation to June 30, 1954, and for termination of its lending powers, effective September 28, 1953. Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1954 had assigned to appropriate agencies for liquidation certain functions of RFC, effective July 1, 1954.

Successor Agencies: Federal Facilities Corporation (disposition of synthetic rubber production and tin smelting facilities) by EO 10539, June 30, 1954. Export-Import Bank of Washington, Small Business Administration, and Federal National Mortgage Association (as liquidators of foreign loans, disaster loans, and RFC mortgages) by Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1954, effective June 30, 1954. Housing and Home Finance Agency; General Services Administration; Small Business Administration; and Office of Defense Lending, Department of the Treasury (residual functions of RFC), by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1957, effective June 30, 1957.

Finding Aids: Charles Zaid, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1932-64, PI 173 (1973); supplement in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
Records of the Office of Price Administration, RG 188.
Records of the Smaller War Plants Corporation, RG 240.
Records of the War Assets Administration, RG 270.
Records of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, RG 275.
Records of the Federal National Mortgage Association, RG 294.

234.2 Records of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

234.2.1 Records of the Office of the Secretary

Textual Records (in College Park, except as noted): Minutes, 1932-54, with indexes. Dockets, 1951- 57. Administrative subject file, 1932-57. Correspondence with the White House, the Bureau of the Budget, and other government agencies, 1932-57. Transcripts of hearings, 1932-51. Transcripts of notes taken at board conferences, 1932-35. Reports to Congress, 1932-54. Instructional issuances, 1932-57. Circulars, 1932-53. Periodic reports, 1948-54. Instructions and bulletins relating to loans to the Commodity Credit Corporation, 1933-43. Administrative histories of the RFC wartime programs, 1943-54. Diaries of RFC officials, 1933-51. Records relating to RFC legislation, 1932-54; and to a financial survey of airlines, 1947-50. Minutes of meetings and other records relating to the Committee on Operations, 1936; the Review Committee of the Office of Production, 1949-51; the Advisory Loan Committee of the Atlanta Loan Agency, 1932-53 (in Atlanta); the Central Advisory Committee of the Boston Loan Agency, 1944-53 (in Boston); and the Midwest Disaster Loan Committee, 1951 (in Kansas City). Copies of forms submitted by the Chicago Loan Agency, 1935-40 (in Chicago). Records of the Records Management Division, 1944-57.

Map (1 item): Loan agency districts and headquarters in the United States, ca. 1937. See Also 234.8.

Photographs (4 images): Board of Directors, 1932, 1938 (B). See ALSO 234.10.

234.2.2 Records of the Legal Division

Textual Records: Opinions of the General Counsel, 1934-57, with indexes. Correspondence and other records relating to investments in preferred stock of banks and trust companies, 1933-40. Reports of litigation authorized by the Board of Directors, 1936-50. Files of the deputy assistant general counsel in charge of litigation and liquidation, 1947-59. Records relating to the Lustron case, 1947-57. Index to litigation case files, 1932-57.

234.2.3 Records of the Office of the Controller-Treasurer

Textual Records: General and safekeeping files, 1932-54. Reports to the Congress, 1932-57. Financial statements of the RFC and its subsidiaries, 1932-47. Statistical reports, 1932-47. Reports on lending activities, 1932-48; and on loans to industry and business, 1934-46. Audit reports, 1932-46. Agreements, legal documents, and related correspondence, 1932-54. Records relating to surveys by the Fiscal Planning Staff, 1946-52. Records of the Statistical and Economic Division, 1932-44; Industrial Analysis Branch, 1948-53; and Assistant Treasurer, 1933-54. Records relating to the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, 1933-36; and to RFC financial notes, 1932-52. Records relating to loans to business and industry, including computer printouts, 1932-54.

234.2.4 Records of the Examining Division

Textual Records: Paid loan case files, 1932-42 (834 ft.). Records relating to declined and canceled loans, 1932-46 (525 ft.). Loan indexes, 1932-57. Records concerning emergency relief to the states, 1932-34. Minutes of meetings of the Claims Review Committee, Office of Loans, 1950-54. Financial reports received by the Liquidation Section, 1937-41.

234.2.5 Records of the Railroad Division

Textual Records: General file, 1932-53. Records of division officials, 1932-57. Records relating to paid, canceled, and withdrawn railroad loans, 1932-57 (313 ft.). Legal case files relating to railroad loans, 1932-57 (185 ft.). Records of the legal staff, 1932-57. Case files and briefs relating to reorganization proceedings, 1932-56. Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works railroad loan case files, 1933-35. Records relating to the value of loan collateral, 1940-51. Records of the RFC Accounts and Planning Division relating to railroad loans, 1932-55. Monthly financial reports of selected railroads, 1938-54. Organization charts of railroads and securities companies, 1937-39.

Maps and Graphs (3,692 items): Railroad location and corporate ownership maps for about 125 railroads, with corporate structure and track diagrams; profiles; maps relating to the proposed Prince Plan of railroad consolidation; and graphs relating to economic studies, volumes of carloadings, hauling capacities, and tank car designs, arranged by letter and number ("Letter File"), 1933-50 (1,864 items). Railroad location and corporate ownership maps arranged by name of railroad ("Alphabetical File"), 1930-43 (1,800 items). U.S. cities, showing railroads and industrial areas, 1929-41 (24 items). Railroad maps of Cuba, 1936-41 (3 items). Traffic density in Moscow, Russia, 1928 (1 item). See ALSO 234.8.

234.2.6 Records of the Office of Loans

Textual Records: Defense Production Act and Civil Defense Act case files, 1950-68. Records of the Loan Liquidation Division including records maintained by the Chicago Loan Agency relating to the Central Republic Trust Company and foreign government bonds (1890-1954), 1932-54; records relating to mortgages held by the Jefferson Trust Company, Hoboken, NJ, 1936-54; records of mortgages secured by closed banks, 1935-56; and correspondence relating to lend-lease materials, 1941-55.

234.2.7 Records of the RFC Price Adjustment Board

Textual Records: General records, 1943-54. Minutes, 1943-50, with index, 1943-48. Memorandums, 1943-49. Delegated and unilateral authority files, 1943-54. Renegotiation agreements and reports, 1943-49. Issuances on renegotiation rules and procedures, 1942- 50.

234.2.8 Records of other divisions

Textual Records: Records of the Division of Information, including press releases, 1932-54, with index; histories relating to rubber development programs, 1941-55; publications and issuances, 1946-56; and speeches by key personnel, 1932-54. Records of the Deposit Liquidation Board, 1932-43. Minutes of the Loan Policy Board, 1951-53. Records of RFC Contract Settlement Committee, consisting of minutes of the RFC Supervisory Committee for Settlement of Terminated War Contracts, 1944; and minutes of the RFC Contract Settlement Committee, 1944-45. Records of the Office of War Activity Liquidation, consisting of records of meetings of the Plant Liquidation Division Review Committee and of the Contract and Commodity Claims Committee, 1948-50: and report on the Nicaro Nickel Project, Nacaro, Cuba, 1948-49. Records of the Agency Division including records relating to loans approved by the Central Republic Trust Company, Chicago, IL, 1932-38; and records maintained by the Dallas Loan Agency relating to closed Texas banks, 1934-52. Procedures manuals and operating guidelines issued by the Personnel Division, 1945-52.

Sound Recording (3 items): Radio interview of Chairman Earl Schram, November 20, 1939.

234.2.9 Records of field offices

Textual Records (in Atlanta): Records of the Atlanta field office including correspondence, loan files, patent license agreements, patent lists, and patents, 1938-55.

234.3 Records of the Federal Loan Agency (FLA)

History: Established by Reorganization Plan No. I of 1939, effective July 1, 1939, to consist of the Electric Home and Farm Authority, Federal Housing Administration, Export-Import Bank of Washington, Federal Home Loan Bank Board and subsidiary corporations, and RFC and subsidiary corporations. Inactivated by transfer of agencies to National Housing Agency (Federal Home Loan Bank Board and subsidiary corporations, Federal Housing Administration, and RFC Defense Homes Corporation) and Department of Commerce (RFC and subsidiary corporations, except Defense Homes Corporation; Electric Home and Farm Authority; and Export- Import Bank of Washington) by EO 9070, February 24, 1942. Reactivated upon return of RFC and subsidiary corporations by an act of February 24, 1945 (59 Stat. 5). Abolished by an act of June 30, 1947 (61 Stat. 202).

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1939-45. Administrative subject file, 1939-45. Directives received from other federal agencies, 1939-49.

234.4 Records of the Secretary of Commerce

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1942-44. Administrative subject file, 1942-44.

234.5 Records of the Subsidiary Corporations

234.5.1 Records of the Metals Reserve Company

History: Established, June 28, 1940, to procure, stockpile, and dispose of strategic and critical metals and minerals, and to pay subsidies to their producers. Dissolved and merged with the RFC, July 1, 1945, in accordance with an act of June 30, 1945 (59 Stat. 310). Assets and liabilities subsequently liquidated by the RFC Office of Metals Reserve.

Textual Records: General records, 1940-53. Minutes, 1940-45, with index. Financial records, 1940-49. Records relating to the premium price plan, 1942-50. Records relating to the land grant program, 1940-57. Records relating to the tin program, 1942-53. Contract files, administrative subject files, and correspondence relating to approvals to purchase minerals from foreign sources, 1940-55. Treasurer's files, including correspondence and executed contracts, 1942-46. Records relating to the shipment of miscellaneous metals from foreign mines, including correspondence, reports, applications for quotas, and records relating to the Amtorg Trading Corporation, 1942-51. Records relating to the Cold Metal Process Joint Board, 1943-48. Quota lists, 1943-48, with index.

234.5.2 Records of the Defense Plant Corporation (DPC)

History: Established, August 22, 1940, to finance and supervise construction and equipping of industrial facilities operated, for the most part, by private concerns sponsored by federal agencies administering defense and war programs. Dissolved, July 1, 1945. Functions, assets, and liabilities were merged with the RFC. The RFC Office of Defense Plants was established to liquidate DPC assets.

Textual Records (in College Park, except as noted): Minutes, 1940-45, with index and supporting documents. General records, 1940-51. Construction and acquisition contracts, 1942-46. Engineers' reports ("Plancor Files") and appendixes, 1942-50 (300 ft.). Final accountability case files, 1942-50 (122 ft.). Correspondence with sponsoring agencies relating to the leasing of equipment and property to defense plants ("Take Out Letters"), 1941-46. Correspondence and agreements concerning additional funds from DPC for plant facilities ("Green Light letters"), 1941-45. Plancor steel projects files, 1943-45. Pamphlets describing DPC operated manufacturing plants, 1940-45. Correspondence, memorandums, and reports relating to iron and steel production projects, 1942-45. Memorandums to the board of directors and regional engineers concerning contract awards and lease agreements, 1942-45. Correspondence, inventories, and lists relating to surplus war property, 1943-46. Contracts, correspondence, ledgers, lease agreements and resolutions, loan files, reports, and construction plans, 1942-57 (in Atlanta). General correspondence and minutes of meetings of the Atlanta Loan Agency, 1942-49 (in Atlanta).

Maps (50 items): Proposed Plancor project site plans, 1942-45. See Also 234.8.

Architectural Plans (250 items): Proposed Plancor projects, including steel and coal plants, machinery, and storage warehouses, 1942-45. See Also 234.8.

234.5.3 Records of the Defense Supplies Corporation (DSC)

History: Established, August 29, 1940, to finance or administer programs that had no direct relationship to other RFC activities; to stockpile strategic and critical materials; and to pay subsidies for the relief of inflationary pressures and the promotion of domestic strategic and critical materials production. Dissolved, July 1, 1945. Functions transferred to the RFC, which established the Office of Defense Supplies to administer those projects that related to the reconversion program.

Textual Records (in College Park, except as noted): Minutes, 1940-45, with index and supporting documents, 1940-45. General records, 1940-49. Commodity procurement file, 1942-49. Commodity accounting file, 1942-48. Financial statements, 1941-46. Accounting reports, 1943-47. Records relating to subsidy payments programs, 1942-49. Records of the Division of American Republics Aviation, 1941-46. Records relating to the Amtorg Trading Corporation, 1941-47. Bills of lading, tally sheets, and warehouse tickets relating to the procurement and sale of stockpiled wool from the Price-Bass Company, Nashville, TN, 1944-45 (in Atlanta).

Maps (35 items): Surveys of airport sites in Brazil, 1943-44. See ALSO 234.8.

234.5.4 Records of the Defense Homes Corporation (DHC)

History: Established, October 23, 1940, to alleviate a housing shortage for defense workers. Transferred to the Federal Public Housing Authority of the National Housing Agency, February 24, 1942. DHL liquidation began, 1945. Assets transferred to the RFC for final liquidation, 1948.

Textual Records: General records, 1940-49. Minutes, 1940-48, with index and supporting documents. Project files, 1941-47. Records of the General Counsel, 1941-48; and Treasurer, 1941-48. Records relating to administrative operations, 1941-49.

234.5.5 Records of the War Damage Corporation (WDC)

History: Established as the War Insurance Corporation, December 13, 1941. Renamed the War Damage Corporation (WDC), March 27, 1942. Provided property owners in the United States and its territories and possessions with reasonable insurance protection against loss or damage from enemy attack or U.S. military resistance. Existing insurance companies acted as WDC agents in receiving applications, issuing policies, and handling the program. WDC charter expired, January 22, 1947. All policies expired, April 1, 1947. WDC assets liquidated by June 30, 1949. WDC stock transferred to the Secretary of the Treasury by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1957, effective June 30, 1957, for cancellation after all suits against the WDC had been settled.

Textual Records (in College Park, except as noted): Minutes, 1941-59, with index, 1941-51. Records of the Secretary, 1941-49; the Treasurer, 1942-47; and the Chief Auditor, 1943-49. Claim files, 1942-51. Correspondence with fiduciary or service agents, 1942-44. Scrapbook illustrating promotional material relating to WDC insurance policies, 1942-43. Records of the Seattle, WA, office, 1942-46 (in Seattle). Summary statements of insurance in force, 1942- 44. Sample of field records, 1941-47 (in Atlanta).

234.5.6 Records of the U.S. Commercial Company (USCC)

History: Established, March 26, 1942, to conduct joint preclusive and preemptive purchasing operations with the United Kingdom and to develop and purchase foreign strategic commodities for import. Transferred, with the Board of Economic Warfare (BEW), to the Office of Economic Warfare by EO 9128, April 13, 1942; and to the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), by EO 9361, July 15, 1943. Returned to the RFC, October 20, 1945, following termination of FEA by EO 9630, September 27, 1945. USCC charter expired, June 30, 1948. Liquidation of its activities completed by the Liquidation Division of the RFC Office of Loans, and the USCC dissolved, June 20, 1957.

Textual Records: General records, 1942-43. Minutes, 1942-47, with index and supporting documents. Correspondence of the Office of the Secretary, 1944-45. Organizational records, 1944-45. Records of the Board of Directors, 1942-46. Administrative subject file, 1942-48. General country file, 1942-48. Records of the BEW and the FEA, 1942-45. Records of the Metals and Minerals Division, 1942-45. Records of the Anglo-American Economic Committee, 1942-44. Records of the Preclusive Operations Division, 1942-44, and relating to preclusive buying operations, 1942-47. Records relating to sources of commodities, 1941-45; to a survey of foreign mineral resources, 1940-45; and to production and procurement of cinchona, balsa, and mahogany, 1942-45. Records relating to recruitment of foreign personnel by USCC, 1942-45; and USCC activities in Latin America, Turkey, India, Germany, France, and the Pacific islands, 1942-47. Records relating to Cuban mines, 1943-45.

Motion Pictures (25 reels): Survey of the economy, geography, and sociology of the Micronesian islands, 1945-47 (21 reels). Guatemalan cinchona plantations, natives, and countryside, taken in connection with activities of the U.S. Commercial Company in developing sources of quinine, 1943-44 (4 reels). See Also 234.9.

234.5.7 Records of the Rubber Reserve Company (RRC)

History: Established, June 28, 1940, to purchase and distribute natural and synthetic rubber and rubber scrap to meet both military and civilian requirements. Dissolved, July 1, 1945, with its functions transferred to the Office of Rubber Reserve (ORR).

Textual Records: General records, 1940-50. Correspondence of the Office of the Rubber Director, 1943-44. Minutes of the RRC, 1940- 45, with index. Minutes of the Rubber Research Board, 1943-44. Memorandums of the secretary, 1940-48. Public information and technical bulletins, circulars, and reports, 1942-45. Records of the Research Compounding Branch, 1943-44; the Copolymer Development Branch, 1943-44; the Butadiene Producers Technical Committee, 1944-45; and the International Rubber Regulation Committee, 1940-44. Records relating to government-equipped rubber plants ("Plancors"), 1943-44; and butadiene plants, 1942- 44. Research contracts and authorizations, 1942-48. Microfilm copy of German synthetic rubber reports, 1937-45 (17 rolls). Budgetary records, 1942-48. Reports of tire tests and truck tire surveys, 1943-44. Minutes of meetings of the Synthetic Tire Construction Committee and subcommittees, 1943-44.

Microfilm Publications: T948.

234.5.8 Records of the Office of Rubber Reserve (ORR)

History: Established as an operating division of the RFC to succeed the RRC, July 1, 1945. ORR superseded by the Synthetic Rubber Division (SRD), 1951. SRD superseded by the Office of Synthetic Rubber (OSR), August 1952. Under the terms of the Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Act of 1953 (67 Stat. 408), August 7, 1953, the government's synthetic rubber facilities were sold to private industry, and on June 30, 1954, the synthetic rubber program was transferred from the RFC to the Federal Facilities Corporation (See 234.6.1).

Textual Records: General records, 1943-54, 1944-50. Summaries of meetings, 1944-53. Correspondence with contractors, 1949-55. Records of officials, 1948-56. Monthly and annual reports, 1944- 53. Technical reports, 1945-52, with index. Polymer research reports, 1953-54. Minutes of meetings of the Polymer Development Committee, 1944-54. Records of the Compounders Committee and other synthetic rubber development committees, 1942-46. Correspondence, reports, and committee records of the Research and Development, Traffic, Plant Operations, Sales, and Engineering Divisions, 1942-45. Fiscal records of the Office of the Controller, 1945-52. Reports of the Office of Synthetic Rubber, 1954-55, with index.

Architectural Plans (119 items): Pilot plants constructed at government expense for private firms participating in the synthetic rubber program, 1943-45. See Also 234.8.

234.5.9 Records of the Pacific Development Company, Inc. (PDC) and the Rubber Development Corporation (RDC)

History: PDC established as a private corporation, November 1940, to exploit mining properties on the Galapagos Islands. Suspended operations, February 1942, and transferred stock to Defense Supplies Corporation, which, in turn, sold stock to RFC. Redesignated RDC, February 16, 1943, with responsibility, effective February 23, 1943, for developing and acquiring foreign sources for natural rubber and related products. Transferred to the Office of Economic Warfare by EO 9361, July 15, 1943, and to the Foreign Economic Administration by EO 9380, September 25, 1943. Returned to the RFC when FEA abolished by EO 9630, September 27, 1945, where it remained until its charter expired, June 30, 1947.

Textual Records: General records, 1940-47. Minutes, 1940-47, with indexes, 1943-47. General country file, 1942-47. Country correspondence, 1942-45. Correspondence with RDC field offices, 1943-45. Records relating to rubber development in Latin America, 1942-45; rubber production, 1942-45; and the rubber program's history and organization, 1943-47. Records relating to the Batt Committee, 1945-46; and committees on the conservation and development of rubber, 1943-46. Technical reports, 1942-45. Reports on field trips by technicians in the Amazon area, 1943- 44. General records of the RDC, 1943-47. RDC central subject files, 1942-49.

Maps (267 items): Parts of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, showing rubber production and transportation facilities, prepared and collected by divisions of the RDC, 1943-44. See Also 234.8.

Motion Pictures (4 reels): Brazilian plantations, natives, cities, and countryside, made in connection with activities of the RDC, 1943-44. See Also 234.9.

Photographs (900 images): Activities of the RDC; rubber production in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Haiti, and Peru; corporation equipment and facilities; agency personnel; and scenic views, 1943-44 (G, M). See Also 234.10.

Finding Aids: Shelflist to photographic series G and M.

234.5.10 Records of other subsidiary corporations

Textual Records: Records relating to the Regional Agricultural Credit Corporations (RACC), 1932-33. Records of the RFC Mortgage Company, including general records, 1935-39; and minutes, with indexes and supporting memorandums, 1935-48. General records of the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), 1938-50. Records of the Disaster Loan Corporation (DLA), including general records, 1937-45; minutes, 1937-45, with indexes and supporting memorandums, 1937-45; records relating to the Northeastern Timber Salvage Administration, 1939-42; and records relating to the Texas Timber Salvage Program, 1944-45. Records of the War Assets Corporation (WAC) and its predecessor, the Petroleum Reserves Corporation (PRC), including general records, 1943-47; minutes of the PRC, 1943-44, and the WAC, 1945-46; and records relating to a claim by the Arabian American Oil Company, 1944-48.

234.6 Records OF Allied Corporations

234.6.1 Records of the Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission (RPFDC) and the Federal Facilities Corporation (FFC)

History: RPFDC established by Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Act (67 Stat. 408), August 7, 1953, to implement RFC disposal program. FFC chartered by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to EO 10539, June 30, 1954, to administer RFC tin and synthetic rubber programs. Research and Development Division, Office of Synthetic Rubber, FFC, transferred to the National Science Foundation, June 1955 (See 234.7.1). RPFDC abolished by EO 10678, September 20, 1956, effective September 24, 1956, with functions transferred to FFC. Liquidation of the synthetic rubber program assigned to the Administrator of General Services, who succeeded the Secretary of the Treasury as head of FFC by EO 10720, July 11, 1957, effective June 30, 1957. FFC dissolved, effective September 30, 1961, by an act of August 30, 1961 (75 Stat. 418), with remaining functions transferred to the Administrator of General Services (See 234.7.2).

Textual Records: General records, 1942-47. Minutes of the RPFDC, 1953-56. Minutes of the FFC, 1954-61. Minutes and reports of committees, 1942-52. Records of the Director of the Office of Synthetic Rubber, 1945-56. Reports of the Polymer Development Branch, 1943-55. Records of the Office of Controller-Treasurer, 1954-56. Audit reports, 1942-55. Microfilm copy of records of the RFC Office of Rubber Reserve and FFC Office of Synthetic Rubber, 1941-54 (41 rolls). Records of the FFC relating to the Longhorn Tin Smelter, Texas City, TX, 1948-57.

Microfilm Publications: T949.

Architectural Plans: Microfilm copy of plans for standard copolymer plant, 1942-43 (11 rolls). See Also 234.8.

234.6.2 Records of the Electric Home and Farm Authority (EHFA)

History: Established as a Delaware corporation, January 17, 1934, pursuant to EO 6514, December 13, 1933, under provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act (48 Stat. 194), June 16, 1933, and assigned to the National Recovery Administration (NRA). Financed installment sales of electric and gas equipment and appliances to families of moderate income. Transferred to Tennessee Valley Authority after NRA declared unconstitutional, May 27, 1935. Incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia, August 1, 1935, and designated an independent agency by EO 7139, August 12, 1935. Assigned to Federal Loan Agency by Reorganization Plan No. I of 1939, effective July 1, 1939. Transferred to the Department of Commerce by EO 9071, February 24, 1942. Terminated by EO 9256, October 13, 1942, with assets transferred to the RFC for liquidation.

Textual Records: Subject file, 1934-42. Minutes, 1934-42. Dealer, manufacturer, and utility files, 1934-42. Dealer number books, 1934-42. Contracts with utility companies, 1934-42, with card file. Correspondence with banks, 1934-42. Financial records, 1934-42.

234.6.3 Records of the Lafayette Building Corporation (LBC)

History: Established as a Delaware corporation, September 30, 1938, to acquire land in Washington, DC, and erect a building to be used for RFC central offices. Construction completed August 2, 1940. LBC assets acquired by the RFC Mortgage Company, May 26, 1941. LBC dissolved, July 1, 1941.

Textual Records: Minutes, 1938-41. Correspondence, 1938-49. Basic document file, 1938-41. Documents relating to a loan from the RFC Mortgage Company, 1938.

Architectural Plans (200 items): Blueprints and specifications for the Lafayette Building, 1938-39. See Also 234.8.

234.7 Records of Successor Agencies

234.7.1 Records of the National Science Foundation (NSF)

History: In June 1955 the NSF agreed to accept responsibility for the federal rubber research program, formerly administered by the FFC Office of Synthetic Rubber, through fiscal year 1956. An act of July 26, 1956 (70 Stat. 657), transferred control of the laboratory from the NSF to the General Services Administration for disposal as surplus property. (For administrative history of the NSF, See RG 307.)

Textual Records: Records relating to the rubber research and development program under the NSF, 1955-56. Microfilm copy of U.S. and foreign printed patent summary cards, ca. 1945-56 (5 rolls).

234.7.2 Records of the General Services Administration (GSA)

History: Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1957, effective June 30, 1957, transferred certain functions of the RFC to the GSA for liquidation. By the act dissolving the FFC (75 Stat. 418), August 30, 1961, the GSA became responsible, effective September 30, 1961, for disposal of government-owned synthetic rubber plants. (For administrative history of GSA, See RG 269.)

Textual Records: Selected case files relating to claims based on contracts issued by the Metals Reserve Company, 1942-62. Selected case files of negotiations by the Price Adjustment Board to determine excess profit, 1942-64. Correspondence relating to claims based on contracts issued by the RDC, 1942-62. Case files relating to the claim of the Banking and Trading Corporation of Indonesia against the RDC, 1945-59. Correspondence relating to claims resulting from operations of the U.S. Commercial Company, 1942-62. Office file of T.J. Doherty, liquidation examiner, Liquidation Division, Office of Loans, RFC, 1942-57. Accountability records of lessees of small defense plants (Swapcos) and large defense plants (Plancors), 1947-53; and companies leasing equipment in government-owned defense plants (Rentras), 1946-49. Plancor record cards, 1945-48. Records relating to liquidation of defense plants by the RFC Office of Defense Plants, 1942-56; liquidation of rubber-producing plants by the RFC Office of Rubber Reserve and Federal Facilities Corporation, 1942-60; and disposal of government rubber plants by the Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission, 1953-61. Formerly security-classified records relating to the government synthetic rubber program, 1942-56. Report file of the RRC and the ORR, 1941-57. Subject file of the RPFDC, 1953-56. Correspondence of the RPFDC and its successor, the FFC, 1953-61. Records of the Defense Supplies Corporation and its successor, the Office of Defense Supplies, relating to the food subsidy program, 1943-52. GSA correspondence relating to liquidation of RFC accounts, 1956- 60. Miscellaneous records of the FFC, 1948-60.

234.7.3 Records of the Office of Defense Lending, Treasury Department

History: Established by Treasury Order No. 185, July 1, 1957, pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1957, effective June 30, 1957, to continue liquidation of RFC functions under provisions of the RFC Liquidation Act (67 Stat. 230), July 30, 1953, and to administer the lending programs that had been transferred to the Secretary of the Treasury by EO 10489, September 23, 1953, under provisions of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 816) September 8, 1950, as amended.

Textual Records: Paid loan case files, 1956-58. Paid, canceled, and withdrawn loan file, 1956-58. Records relating to the liquidation of closed banks, 1932-58. Fiscal records pertaining to loans, 1957. Administrative records, 1957. Original agreements and documents covering Defense Production Act of 1950, 1950-55. Georgia and Florida railroads operating reports, 1950-55.

234.8 Cartographic Records (General)

See Maps Under 234.2.1, 234.5.2, 234.5.3, and 234.5.9.
See Maps and Graphs Under 234.2.5.
See Architectural Plans Under 234.5.2, 234.5.8, 234.6.1, and 234.6.3.

234.9 Motion Pictures (General)

See Under 234.5.6 and 234.5.9.

234.10 Sound Recordings (General)

See Under 234.2.8.

234.11 Still Pictures (General)

See Photographs Under 234.2.1 and 234.5.9.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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