
Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense

(Record Group 330)
1921-95 (bulk 1942-74)

Overview of Records Locations

Table of Contents

  • 330.1 Administrative History
  • 330.2 General Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) 1941-87
    • 330.2.1 Records of the Administrative Services Division
    • 330.2.2 Records of the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy)
    • 330.2.3 Records of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Guided Missiles)
    • 330.2.4 Records of other special assistants
    • 330.2.5 Records of the Office of the General Counsel
  • 330.3 Records of the Defense Management Council 1949-53
  • 330.4 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) 1947-94
    • 330.4.1 General records
    • 330.4.2 Records of the Fiscal Management Staff
    • 330.4.3 Records of the Progress Reports and Statistics Division
    • 330.4.4 Records of the Office of the Director for Plans and Systems
    • 330.4.5 Records of the Office of the Director of Accounting Policy
    • 330.4.6 Records of the Military Construction Division
    • 330.4.7 Records of the Office of the Economic Advisor
  • 330.5 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Personnel, and Reserve Affairs) 1942-92
    • 330.5.1 Records of the Executive Office
    • 330.5.2 Records of the Office of Administrative Services
    • 330.5.3 Records of the Office of Armed Forces Information and Education
    • 330.5.4 Records of the Office of Domestic Programs
    • 330.5.5 Records of the Office of Manpower Utilization
    • 330.5.6 Records of the Office of Personnel Policy
    • 330.5.7 Records of the Office of Personnel Security Policy
    • 330.5.8 Records of the Personnel Policy Board
    • 330.5.9 Records of the Joint Army and Navy Personnel Board
    • 330.5.10 Records of the Office of Organizational and Management Planning
  • 330.6 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) 1944-67
    • 330.6.1 Records of the Executive Office
    • 330.6.2 Records of the Office of Military Assistance
    • 330.6.3 Records of the Office of Programming and Control
    • 330.6.4 Records of the Office of Special International Affairs
    • 330.6.5 Records concerning interdepartmental committee activities
    • 330.6.6 Records of the Officer in Charge, U.S. Antarctic Programs, and the U.S. Antarctic Projects Officer
  • 330.7 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative and Public Affairs) 1940-77
    • 330.7.1 Records of the Office of Legislative Programs
    • 330.7.2 Records of the Office of Public Information
    • 330.7.3 Records of the Directorate for Defense Information
    • 330.7.4 Records of American Forces Information Service
    • 330.7.5 Records of the Office of Security Review
    • 330.7.6 Records of the Office of Special Services
  • 330.8 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Supply and Logistics) 1941-57
    • 330.8.1 Records of the Executive Office
    • 330.8.2 Records of the Director of Transportation and Communications
    • 330.8.3 Records of the Office of Procurement Policy
    • 330.8.4 Records of the Office of Production
  • 330.9 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Properties and Installations) 1951-53
  • 330.10 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Analysis and Evaluation) 1963-74
  • 330.11 Records of the Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering 1942-70
    • 330.11.1 General records
    • 330.11.2 Records of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency
    • 330.11.3 Records of the Research and Development Board
    • 330.11.4 Records of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group
  • 330.12 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health and Medical) 1946-54
    • 330.12.1 General records
    • 330.12.2 Records of the Armed Forces Medical Policy Council
    • 330.12.3 Records of the Hawley Board/Committee
    • 330.12.4 Records of the Armed Forces Medical Advisory Committee (Cooper Committee)
  • 330.13 Records of the Munitions Board 1921-56
    • 330.13.1 Records of the Executive Committee
    • 330.13.2 Records of the Office of the Chairman of the Board
    • 330.13.3 Office of the Vice Chairman for Production and Requirements
    • 330.13.4 Records of the Office of the Vice Chairman for Supply Management
    • 330.13.5 Records of the Office of the Vice Chairman for Materials
    • 330.13.6 Records of related committees
  • 330.14 Records of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Service 1952
  • 330.15 Textual Records (General) 1950-95
  • 330.16 Cartographic Records (General)
  • 330.17 Motion Pictures (General) 1961-84
  • 330.18 Video Recordings (General) 1981-95
  • 330.19 Sound Recordings (General) 1981-95
  • 330.20 Machine-Readable Records (General) 1965-95
  • 330.21 Still Pictures (General)1943-95

330.1 Administrative History

Established: By the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947, to head the National Military Establishment, redesignated the Department of Defense (DOD) by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 578), August 10, 1949.

Predecessor Agencies:
  • War Department (1789-1947)
  • Department of the Navy (1798-1947)

Functions: Administers DOD and assists the President in providing for the national security of the United States.

Finding Aids: Helene Bowen et al., comps., "Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense," NM 12 (1962); supplement in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified.

Related Records:
Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library, RG 45.
General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1798-1947, RG 80.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, RG 107.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Army, RG 335.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, RG 340.
General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1947- , RG 428.

330.2 General Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense

330.2.1 Records of the Administrative Services Division

Note: This subgroup includes approximately 2 lin. ft. of records in process of reallocation from Record Group 338, Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1942- . Summary descriptions of these records are enclosed in braces {}.

Textual Records: Security-classified correspondence relating to atomic energy research and development and atomic weapons capabilities of the Soviet Union, 1947-54 (101 ft.), with index. Unclassified subject correspondence, 1947-53 (185 ft.), with index. General correspondence, 1953-54. After-action reports of significant naval, air, and sea actions during World War II, 1941-45. Microfilm copy of speeches, testimony, and public statements of Secretaries of Defense and Secretaries of the Army, 1941-53 (6 rolls). Korean War historical publications, 1950-53. Press releases relating to Korean War casualties, 1950-53. Records created or accumulated by Lawrence Suid under a contract to DOD for a scholarly history of the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, 1980-87. Records of boards and committees, 1962. {Records of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, 1950-52.}

330.2.2 Records of the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary
of Defense (Atomic Energy)

Textual Records: Records of the Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee concerning the development of the atomic energy program, 1947-54. Correspondence, reports, and position papers relating to the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), 1973-80. Geostrategic assessments of the world situation by Fritz G. A. Kraemer, 1973-78. Numbered case files concerning the assignment and discontinuance of code words for various projects and operations ("Code Word Cases," "Code Word Related Meanings"), 1945-67.

330.2.3 Records of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense (Guided Missiles)

Textual Records: Special report on Jupiter ground support equipment, n.d.

330.2.4 Records of other special assistants

Textual Records: Records of Special Assistants James G. Van Fleet, John A. McCone, Clay Bedford, William A. Kelley, Robert W. Koch, Felix E. Larkin, and Valentine Deale relating to the military forces of Korea, Formosa, Japan, and the Philippines; the proposed U.S. Air Force Academy; military production programs; departmental reorganization; procurement methods and operations; and the development and utilization of aircraft and aircraft facilities, 1946-54.

330.2.5 Records of the Office of the General Counsel

History: Established in OSD by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953.

Textual Records: Reading file of Richard A. Buddeke, Special Assistant to the General Counsel, 1947-55. Records of the Chairman of the Committee on Selective Service, 1947-50. Documents relating to the Loyalty Security Program, 1949-53. Correspondence relating to international agreements, 1949-51. Industrial security investigations case files, 1941-53.

330.3 Records of the Defense Management Council

History: Established as the Defense Management Committee in OSD, August 10, 1949, by authority of OSD memorandum, same date, pursuant to the National Security Act Amendments of 1949, to centralize responsibility for improving the organizational structure of DOD. Redesignated the Defense Management Council by DOD Directive 5138.1, June 21, 1952. Abolished by DOD Directive 5120.12, August 13, 1953.

Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Director, including correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, subject and project files, organizational data, and other records relating to management improvement programs, 1949-53.

330.4 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense

History: The National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 578), August 10, 1949, elevated the three Special Assistants to the Secretary to the rank of Assistant Secretaries. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) advised and assisted the Secretary in the areas of budgeting and fiscal and organizational management.

330.4.1 General records

Textual Records: Correspondence relating to organizational functions of the office and military assistance programs, 1947-55. DOD Reorganization Plan for 1958 and its charters, 1958.

330.4.2 Records of the Fiscal Management Staff

Textual Records: Records relating to procedures for the operation and maintenance of automotive and electrical accounting facilities, 1950-53. Survey reports and correspondence relating to the control of military installations, 1952.

330.4.3 Records of the Progress Reports and Statistics Division

Textual Records: Facility expansion studies, 1952-54. Supply operations reports, 1952-53. Public works committee reports, 1951-53. Inventories of military real property, 1954-57. Reports on the training of foreign nationals, 1952-53.

330.4.4 Records of the Office of the Director for Plans and

Textual Records: Reports and studies prepared for the Advisory Committee on Fiscal Reorganization and Procedures (Cooper Committee), 1954-55. Working papers of the Advisory Committee on Fiscal Operation and Procedures and of the Procurement Activities Working Group (Army), 1951-54. Reports and studies of the Second Hoover Commission, 1955-58.

Machine-Readable Records: U.S. combat fatalities, Southeast Asia ("Combat Area Casualties File"), 1957-94, with supporting documentation (19 data sets). See also 330.19.

330.4.5 Records of the Office of the Director of Accounting

Textual Records: Accounting, finance, and audit policy correspondence, 1950-59.

330.4.6 Records of the Military Construction Division

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1950-57. Subject files, 1955-57.

330.4.7 Records of the Office of the Economic Advisor

Textual Records: Background data on the U.S. Military Aid Programs--Far East, 1954-57.

330.5 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Manpower, Personnel, and Reserve Affairs)

History: Established in OSD by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953.

330.5.1 Records of the Executive Office

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1949-54, with indexes. Correspondence maintained by Assistant Secretary Anna Rosenberg, 1951. Weekly activity reports, 1951-53. Records relating to the Citizen Advisory Commission on the Medical Care of Dependents of Military Personnel (Moulton Commission), 1953, and the Advisory Committee on Service Pay (Hook Commission), 1947-50. Records relating to the Service Academy Board, 1949.

330.5.2 Records of the Office of Administrative Services

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1947-56. Military defense assistance program reports, 1942-54. U.S. regional organization records of the Budget and Finance Division, 1951-54. Personnel Division personal name files, 1949-54. Administrative Facilities and Services Division space reports, 1948-55.

330.5.3 Records of the Office of Armed Forces Information and

Note: This subgroup includes approximately 2 lin. ft. of records in process of reallocation from Record Group 338, Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1942- . Summary descriptions of the records are enclosed in braces {}.

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1943-52 (126 ft.). Research Division attitude studies ("The American Soldier in World War II"), consisting of completed questionnaires and related records documenting the attitudes of military personnel, including army nurses, toward various aspects of army life, 1942-55; with index, and accompanying microfilm copy of personnel survey data extract cards (4 rolls). Historical file, 1941-55. Records relating to universal military training surveys, 1942-54. Attitude reports of overseas personnel, 1942-43, with indexes. Histories, reports, and other program records relating to the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS), 1942-92. Lists of the recordings of the AFRTS music transcription library, 1943-68 . {Records of the Los Angeles Branch Office, Troop Information and Education Division, relating to the Armed Forces Radio Service, 1943-51.}

Machine-Readable Records: American Soldier Series, produced by the Roper Center from encoded responses of "The American Soldier in World War II" studies described above, 1970, with supporting documentation (276 data sets).

330.5.4 Records of the Office of Domestic Programs

Textual Records: Records of the Civil Defense Division relating to the organization and administration of the civil defense program in the United States and allied countries, 1941-52.

330.5.5 Records of the Office of Manpower Utilization

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1950-53. Strength, personnel, and workload reports, 1951-52. Military occupational classification project reports, 1948-51. Training cost studies and reports, 1949-53. Army strength reports, 1951-52. Tables of organization and equipment special projects file, 1953-54. Reports of meetings of the National Security Training Commission, 1951.

330.5.6 Records of the Office of Personnel Policy

Textual Records: General file of the Civilian Personnel Policy Division, 1948-52. Reports and correspondence of the Separation Committee, including special and final reports of the Committee on Retirement Policy for Federal Personnel, 1952-54. Military Personnel Policy Division records, 1949-52.

330.5.7 Records of the Office of Personnel Security Policy

Textual Records: Correspondence and transcripts of Congressional hearings relating to the maintenance of military security in government-controlled facilities, 1953-54. Correspondence of Ralph N. Stohl, member of the Policy Board, Physical Security Equipment Agency, 1951-54.

330.5.8 Records of the Personnel Policy Board

Textual Records: Directives, minutes and agendas, and historical file, 1949-51. Correspondence, 1948-51. Joint agreements, 1942-49. Military occupational classification project contracts and subcommittee studies, 1948-51. Decoration and award studies, 1945-51.

330.5.9 Records of the Joint Army and Navy Personnel Board

Textual Records: Correspondence, reports, and studies, 1942-45. Minutes of meetings, 1942-47.

Related Records: Records of Joint Army and Navy Boards and Committees, RG 225.

330.5.10 Records of the Office of Organizational and Management

Textual Records: Project files, 1961-62.

330.6 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(International Security Affairs)

History: Established in OSD by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953.

330.6.1 Records of the Executive Office

Textual Records: Conference notes, 1950-52. Correspondence, 1952-53. Monthly activity reports, 1950-55. Export control security lists, 1951-54. U.S. European Command effectiveness reports, 1953-54. State Department documents relating to the participation of U.S. delegates in the development of plans and policies for defense of the United Nations, 1952-54. Transcripts of Congressional hearings relating to the allotment of appropriated funds to foreign nations under the Mutual Security Program, 1952-53.

330.6.2 Records of the Office of Military Assistance

Textual Records: Correspondence relating to the Mutual Defense Assistance Program established to support European countries belonging to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1949-53. Military Assistance Advisory Group activity reports, 1952-53. Foreign Assistance Correlation Committee records, 1949-50. Military Information Control Committee records, 1949-51. Subject file of the Statistical Section, 1950-52. Case files of the Reimbursable Aid Branch, 1949-55. Records relating to the Geneva Summit Conference, the Geneva meeting of foreign ministers, and the Tripartite Working Group in Paris, 1953-55. Military assistance allocations, 1955-59.

330.6.3 Records of the Office of Programming and Control

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1949-53. Records relating to shipments of military and civilian supplies to countries participating in the Mutual Defense Assistance Program ("Country Files"), 1950-55.

330.6.4 Records of the Office of Special International Affairs

Textual Records: Correspondence, reports, and minutes of meetings relating to the military and economic development of European countries belonging to NATO, 1951-52. Correspondence of the Office of North Atlantic Treaty Affairs, 1949-53. Facility expansion studies, 1952-54. Supply operations reports, 1952-53. Public works commitment reports, 1951-53. Inventories of military real property, 1954-57. Reports on the cost of training foreign nationals, 1952-53.

330.6.5 Records concerning interdepartmental committee activities

Textual Records: Records relating to trade and tariff negotiations, allocation of essential commodities to foreign industries by U.S. export firms, and reciprocity information, 1944-52.

330.6.6 Records of the Officer in Charge, U.S. Antarctic
Programs, and the U.S. Antarctic Projects Officer

Textual Records: Deputy's subject file, 1956-65. Central subject file, 1949-62. Miscellaneous subject files, 1954-62. Historian's correspondence, 1956-65. Correspondence and lists relating to the Antarctic Service Medal, 1958-65. Copies of letters sent, 1956-65 ("Serial File Outgoing," 1956-57, and "Running File," 1964-65). Observers' reports, 1958-65. Formerly security-classified records, 1955-64. News releases, 1955-65. Miscellaneous records, 1955-65. Records relating to the National Intelligence Survey, 1956-66. Security-classified records relating to the Operations Control Board, 1954-60. Records relating to Antarctic claims, 1929-57 (bulk 1947-57). Records relating to the Antarctic Service Medal, 1958-65. Issues of The Bulletin of the U.S. Antarctic Projects Officer and related publications, 1957-65. News releases and messages relating to "Operation Deepfreeze," 1955-65. Reference files relating to Antarctic expeditions and studies, 1949-65.

Maps: Map file, Office of U.S. Antarctic Programs, 1951-67 (1,979 items). Antarctica, showing aerial flights and traverses, 1960 (2 items). Antarctic aerial flight lines, 1962 (2 items). Amundsun Sea to Palmer Peninsula, annotated to show ice conditions, and historical (ca. 1821-1955) flight and ship tracks, 1957 (1 item). Exploration and claims in Antarctica, 1956 (1 item). Annotated Argentine map of Antarctica, Weddel Sea to South Pole, 1963 (1 item). Miscellaneous outline maps of Antarctica, ca. 1956-58 (3 items).

330.7 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Legislative and Public Affairs)

History: Established in OSD by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953. Abolished, effective February 6, 1959, pursuant to the DOD Reorganization Act (72 Stat. 514), August 6, 1958, with legislative functions transferred to newly established Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs) and public affairs functions to newly established Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs).

330.7.1 Records of the Office of Legislative Programs

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1949-52.

330.7.2 Records of the Office of Public Information

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1940-52. Activity reports, 1950- 55. Columnists' digests and feature articles, 1948-52. Articles on George C. Marshall and James Forrestal, 1949-52. Subject files on the first Armed Forces Day, 1950; an investigation of B-36 aircraft, 1948-49; black newspapers, 1944-46; public opinion on national defense matters, 1948-51; and studies of universal military training, 1948-52.

330.7.3 Records of the Directorate for Defense Information

Textual Records: News Division correspondence relating to the review and release of films and scripts, 1949. Records relating to the production of motion pictures for the armed forces, 1943-52. Scripts and related correspondence, including material for Air Force Story, 1950-57. General correspondence of the Pictorial Branch, 1951-53. Correspondence relating to daily activities of the Still Pictures Section, 1951-52. Minutes, 1949-53, and journals, 1951-53, of the National Organizations Branch. News pamphlets of the Industrial Services Branch, 1951-52. Speeches and other public papers of the Secretaries of Defense and the Deputy Secretaries of Defense, 1969-77.

Motion Pictures: Television network news broadcasts relating to DOD activities, 1965-76, and related documentation (574 reels). See also 330.16.

Sound Recordings: Speeches, statements, interviews, press briefings, news conferences, and Congressional testimony of Secretaries and Secretaries-Designate of Defense; and radio programs for broadcast to military personnel, 1949-77 (1,210 items). See also 330.18.

330.7.4 Records of American Forces Information Service

Sound Recordings: "Command Performance" radio program, 1942-49 (68 items). See also 330.18.

330.7.5 Records of the Office of Security Review

Textual Records: Correspondence relating to review and release of military information for public dissemination, 1945-54. Records relating to review of speeches, 1951; the manufacture of aircraft and other government-contracted property, 1948-50; and the evaluation of foreign military intelligence after its release for public dissemination, 1953.

Sound Recordings: Stenotapes relating to the Secretaries' Conference, a meeting of high-level DOD officials held at the Marine Corps School, Quantico, VA, July 23-26, 1953 (18 items). See also 330.18.

330.7.6 Records of the Office of Special Services

Textual Records: Correspondence and reference cards relating to military and civilian celebrations and special events in which the armed forces participated, 1948-52, with indexes, 1950-51. Records relating to air demonstrations and exhibits, 1948-52.

330.8 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Supply and Logistics)

History: Established in OSD by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953. Functions combined with those of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Properties and Installations), 1961, and redesignated Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics). See 330.9.

330.8.1 Records of the Executive Office

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1953-55 (67 ft.). Policy directives, 1951-55. Security-classified administrative correspondence, 1956. Supply and logistics correspondence, 1957. Chronological files and investigative reports, 1957.

330.8.2 Records of the Director of Transportation and

Textual Records: Correspondence relating to military transportation and traffic, 1950-55.

330.8.3 Records of the Office of Procurement Policy

Textual Records: Subject correspondence, 1951-53. Production schedules, 1951-53. Records relating to DOD allocation of materials, 1954-55. Tabulations of World War II and Korean War reports on the dollar value of industrial shipments, 1941-52. Reports of the Air Force Elgin Jewel Bearing Project, July 1954. General records of the Petroleum Logistics Division relating to petroleum programs in the Zone of Interior and overseas, 1948-55. Procurement production issuances, 1947-56.

330.8.4 Records of the Office of Production

Textual Records: Production schedules and worksheets, 1957.

330.9 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Properties and Installations)

History: Established in OSD by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953. Functions combined with those of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Supply and Logistics) in 1961 and redesignated Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics). See 330.8.

Textual Records: Records of the Office of Real Property, 1951-53, including rent control surveys, labor statistics, and other records of the Family Housing Division; and correspondence of the Real Estate Division relating to the acquisition and maintenance of military property.

330.10 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Program Analysis and Evaluation)

History: Established in OSD, March 23, 1974, to assume functions previously performed by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis and to carry out force planning.

Machine-Readable Records: Indochina analysis and evaluation studies of the Special Regional Studies Division, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Regional Programs), relating to the Hamlet Evaluation System (HES), 1967-74 (14 data sets); Terrorist Incident Reporting System (TIRSA), 1967-73 (1 data set); Pacification Attitude Analysis System (PAAS), 1970-72 (4 data sets); Vietnam Data Base (VNDBA), 1963-69 (3 data sets); Viet Cong Initiated Incidents (VCIIA), 1963-71 (1 data set); Territorial Forces Reporting System (TFARS), 1972-74 (2 data sets); National Police Force (NAPE), 1969-71 (1 data set); Enemy Base Area File (BASFA), 1966-71 (1 data set); Cambodian Incidents File (KHMER), 1970-74 (1 data set); Cambodian Friendly Units File (FANK), 1972-73 (1 data set); Phung Hoang Management Information System (PHMIS), 1969-72 (1 data set); Southeast Asia Province Summary (SEAPR), 1967-73 (1 data set); herbicide spraying in South Vietnam, 1965-71 (4 data sets); and Southeast Asia Friendly Forces (SEAFA), 1966-72 (1 data set), all studies with supporting documentation. See also 330.19.

330.11 Records of the Office of the Director of Defense Research
and Engineering

History: Established as the Research and Development Board by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953, and superseded by Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Development). Redesignated Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering by DOD Reorganization Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 514), August 6, 1958.

330.11.1 General records

Textual Records: Research and engineering policy records, 1953-57. Subject files of the Committee on Aeronautical Facilities, 1954-57.

330.11.2 Records of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency

History: Transferred to OSD from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, October 15, 1962.

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1946-52. Foreign scientist case files, 1945-58. Defense Scientist Immigration Program administrative records, 1958-70.

330.11.3 Records of the Research and Development Board

Textual Records: Records relating to fiscal and budgetary aspects of research and development programs, 1946-53. Records relating to new weapons and equipment, 1942-45. Progress reports of army, navy, and air force weapons research, 1946-54. Biological warfare reports, 1946-60. Minutes of meetings of the Executive Council, 1946-50. Records of the Committee on Technical Information, 1946-53.

330.11.4 Records of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group

Textual Records: Technical Reports, 1958-67.

330.12 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of
Defense (Health and Medical)

History: Established in OSD by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953.

330.12.1 General records

Textual Records: Studies relating to joint use of medical services in the Zone of Interior and overseas, 1954. Records relating to the blood program, 1950-54.

330.12.2 Records of the Armed Forces Medical Policy Council

History: Established in OSD by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953.

Textual Records: Minutes and agendas of meetings, 1951-52. Records relating to health and medical programs, 1949-52. Reports relating to the standardization of medical services, 1949-53; and implementation of the whole blood and blood derivatives programs, 1950-52. Records of meetings of the Medical Committee, 1949-52. Transcripts of meetings of the Military Medical Advisory Council, 1950.

330.12.3 Records of the Hawley Board/Committee

Textual Records: Study of military medical services, 1948-49. Subcommittee reports of the Hoover Commission Task Force on government medical services, 1948.

330.12.4 Records of the Armed Forces Medical Advisory Committee
(Cooper Committee)

Textual Records: Records relating to the reorganizations of medical services and to cooperation between civilian and military medical groups, 1946-51.

330.13 Records of the Munitions Board

History: Established as the Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board by authority of Joint Board letter, June 27, 1922, to coordinate army and navy munitions procurement. Superseded by Munitions Board, which was established in OSD by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953, with most functions transferred to newly created Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Supply and Logistics). See 330.8.

Related Records: Records of Joint Army and Navy Boards and Committees, RG 225.

330.13.1 Records of the Executive Committee

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1945-47.

330.13.2 Records of the Office of the Chairman of the Board

Textual Records: Records relating to procurement, production, and allocation of military and naval material and equipment, and to industrial mobilization, 1942-53. Organizational and historical records of the board, 1921-53. Correspondence of Gen. Leroy Lutes, Chairman, 1948. Correspondence relating to surveys of aircraft procurement and appropriations for the armed forces, 1948. Records of the historian and special assistant to the chairman, 1948-53. Records maintained by Chairmen Donald F. Carpenter, Hubert E. Howard, and Thomas J. Hargrave, 1947-50. Records of the acting chairman and deputy chairman, 1947-50. Records of the Procurement Policy Council, 1946-53.

330.13.3 Office of the Vice Chairman for Production and

Textual Records: Records of the Offices of Programming, 1942-53; Production Planning, 1942-53; Support Materiel Programs, 1941-52; Priorities and Controls, 1950-53; Clothing, Equipage, and Subsistence Programs, 1949-52; Petroleum Programs, 1946-53; Guided Missile Programs, 1945-56; Industrial Security, 1942-52; Aircraft Programs, 1948-52; Electronic Programs, 1946-53; and Materials Resources, 1944-53.

330.13.4 Records of the Office of the Vice Chairman for Supply

Textual Records: Correspondence and reports relating to the availability of labor for industrial facilities, 1951-53. Minutes of meetings of the Surplus Manpower Committee, 1950-53. Records relating to defense contracts, 1952-53. Studies and reports relating to military equipment and supplies, 1950-52.

330.13.5 Records of the Office of the Vice Chairman for Materials

Textual Records: Correspondence of the Office of Materials, 1942-53. Records of the Industrial Advisory Committee, 1947-52.

330.13.6 Records of related committees

Textual Records: Records of the Aircraft Committee, 1940-53, including the Subcommittee on Supply and Maintenance Requirements, 1940-51. Records of the Committee on Facilities and Services, 1947-49, 1952.

330.14 Records of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the

History: Established to assist the defense establishment in recruiting women for the armed forces, 1951.

Sound Recordings (2 items): Public service radio special, "A Letter to Joan," performed by actress Helen Hayes; and spot announcements entitled "Women in the Service Recruiting Campaign." See also 330.18.

330.15 Textual Records (General)

The Peers Report on the My Lai Incident, Department of the Army Review of the Preliminary Investigations into the My Lai Incident directed by Lt. Gen. William R. Peers, 1969-71, consisting of the final report, 1970, testimony, exhibit items, and related records, 1969-71. Task Force Russia (POW/MIA) reports and verbatim translations prepared for the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on POW/MIAs, 1992-95. Copies of Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Office (DPMO) records relating to Korean War POW/MIAs, 1951-58. Mixed classified records of subordinate offices and boards reporting to the Secretary of Defense, 1946-61. Copies of incoming classified messages, 1950-60, sent to the Historian's Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). Publications of the Federal Voting Assistance Program, 1969-73. Reports and other documents relating to the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, 1942-92. Lists of the music transcription library's recordings.

Subject Access Terms: Calley, William L.; Medina, Ernest L.; Massacre, My Lai.

330.16 Cartographic Records (General)

See Maps under 330.6.6.

330.17 Motion Pictures (General)

Inaugural parade and ceremonies for President John F. Kennedy, 1961 (19 reels). Defense Industrial Security Institute training films on handling classified materials, 1972-84 (MPF, 75 reels). Miscellaneous films produced or obtained by the Office of Information for the Armed Forces, ca. 1950-79 (MPF, 9 reels).

See under 330.7.3.

330.18 Video Recordings (General)

Television spots and military service announcements, 1981-85 (5 items). Armed Forces Radio and Television Service spot announcements, 1981-95 (111 items).

330.19 Sound Recordings (General)

Radio spots and announcements relating to military justice and courtesy, 1981-85 (5 items). Armed Forces Radio and Television Service spot announcements, 1981-95 (84 items).

See under 330.7.3, 330.7.4, 330.7.5, and 330.14.

330.20 Machine-Readable Records (General)

Military prime contract awards over $10,000, with supporting documentation, 1965-75 (10 data sets). Contract Action Data System master files, FY 1986-87 (3 data sets). Defense Medical Data Dictionary, 1986-92 (3 data sets). Korean conflict casualties file, 1950-57 (1 data set). Other combat area casualty files, 1988-95 (14 data sets). Foreign military sales reports, ca. 1950 (2 data sets). International balance of payments report, n.d. (1 data set). Defense Energy Information System I, FY's 1975 (4 data sets), 1979, 1980, 1982 (3 data sets). Federal wage system historical survey data, 1974-91 (30 data sets), and pay schedule data, 1982-91 (4 data sets). Defense contract information, 1976-1985 (11 data sets), and related contractor file, FY76-85 (1 data set). Defense Energy Information System II, FY 1982 (1 data set). Combat area casualty files (history and current), 1992 (2 data sets). Federal wage system historical wage survey data, 1982-91 (8 data sets).

See under 330.4.4, 330.5.3, and 330.10.

330.21 Still Pictures (General)

Photographs: Ceremonial activities, 1963-80 (C, 700 images). Color and black and white photographs of Armed Forces Radio and Television Service activities and personnel, 1943-87 (MS, 310 images).

Color Slides: Armed Forces Radio and Television Service radio and television stations, 1969-79 (RS, 758 images).

Posters: Classified American Forces Information Service posters for Department of Defense distribution, 1963-84 (AP, BP, DP; 9 images). American Forces Information Service Defense Billboard posters, 1987-93 (BP, 577 images). Classified American Forces Information Service posters celebrating Armed Forces Day, 1987-95 (AP, 30 images). Classified poster advertising the Defense Management Systems College, ca. 1993 (1 image). Unclassified posters encouraging U.S. citizens to exercise the right to vote, n.d. (VP, 3 images).

Subject Access Terms: Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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