SUMEX-AIM RESOURCE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR POTENTIAL USERS Please provide either a brief reply to the following or cite supporting documents. A) MEDICAL AND COMPUTER SCIENCE GOALS 1) Describe the proposed research to be undertaken on the SUMEX- AIM resource. 2) How is this research presently supported? Please identify application and award statements in which the contingency of SIJMZX-AIM availability is indicated. What is the current status of any application for grant support of related research by any federal agency? Please note if you have received notification of any disapproval or approval, pending funding, within the past three years. Budgetary information should be furnished where it concerns operating costs and personnel for computing support. Please furnish any contextual information concerning previous evaluation of your research plans by other scientific review groups. 3) What is the relevance of your research to the AI approach of SUr%X-AIM as opposed to other computing alternatives? B) CCLLABCRATIVE COMMUNITY BUILDING 1) Will the programs designed in your research efforts have some possible general application to problems analogous to that research? 2) h'hat application programs already publicly available can you use in your research? Are these available on SUMEX-AIM or elsewhere? 3) Knat opportunities or difficulties do you anticipate with regard to making available your programs to other collaborators within a reasonable interval of publi.cation of your work? 4) Are you interested in discussing with the SUMEX staff possible ways in which other artificial-intelligence research capabilities might interrelate with your work? 5) If approved as a user, would you advise us regarding collaborative opportunities similar to yours with other investigators in your field? c> HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE HEGUIREMENTS 1) What computer facilities are you now using in connection with your research or do you have available at your institution? In what respect do these not meet your research requirements? . 2) What languages do you either use or wish to use? Will your research require the addition of major system programs or languages to the system? Will you maintain them? If you are committed to systems not now maintained at SUMEX, what effort would be required for conversion to and maintenance on the PDP-10 - TENEX system? What are the merits of the alternative plan of converting your application programs to one of the already available standards? Would the latter facilitate the objectives of Part B), Collaborative Community Building? 3) Can you estimate your requirements for CPU utilization and disk space? What time of day will your CPU utilization occur? Would it be convenient or possible for you to use the system during off-peak periods? Please indicate (as best you can) the basis for these estimates and the consequences of various levels of restriction or relaxation of.access to different resources, SUMEX-AIM's tangible resources can be measured in terms of: a) CPU cycles. b) Correct time and communications. c) User terminals (In special cases these may be supported by SUZEX-AIM.). d) Disk space. e) Off-line media-printer outputs, tapes (At most, limited quantities to be mailed.). Can you estimate your requirements? With respect to a) and b), there are loading problems during the daily cycle.--Can you indicate the relative utility of prime-time (CgOD-1600 PST) vs. off-peak access? 4) What are your communication plans (TYMNET, ARPANET, other)? How will your communication and terminal costs be met? See following note concerning network connections to SUMEX-AIM. 5) If this is a development project, please indicate your long- term plans for software implementation in an applied context keeping in mind the research mission of SIJMEX-AIM. 3 Our procedures are still evolving, and we welcome your suggestions about this framework for exchanging information. Needless *to say, each question should be qualified a) "insofar as relevant to your proposaltt, and b) "to the extent of available information". Please do not force a reply to a question that seems inappropriate. We prefer that you label it as such so that it can be dealt with properly in future dialogue. Above all, we are eager to work with potential users in any way that would help minimize bureaucratic burdens and still permit a responsible regard for our accountability both to the NIH and the public. Please do not hesitate to address the substance of these requirements in the format most applicable to you. NETSOAK CONNECTIONS TO SUMEX-AIM TY t4!4 2T Attached is a list of available TYMNET nodes. The cost to users of using TYMiJET is the telephone charge from user location to the nearest TYiddZT `node. In some cases, *`foreign exchange" lines to nodes are set up by users. These may offer less expensive communication. Details of these possibilities can best be learned by calling the nearest TY?aET node. The telephone company can provide information on comparative costs of leased lines, toll charges, etc. The initial capital investment for TYMNET installation as well as network charges for accessing SUMEX-AIM are funded by the SUMEX project. TYWZT usage costs are covered only for communication to SUMEX-AIM and not to other facilities that may be connected to TYMNET. Standard usage charges on TYMNET are approximately $5/connect-hour. A RPAET SUEX-AIi1 is connected to the ARPANET. Our name is SUMEX-AIM; our nickname is AIM. We support the new TELNET protocol. Our network address is decimal 56, octal 70. This provides convenient access for ARPANET Hosts and Associates and those who have accounts with RRPZE'; .