Battle of Champion Hill

May 16, 1863

Early on the morning of May 16, 1863, General Grant received news that Confederate forces were at Edwards Station preparing to march east. He ordered his columns forward. Moving westward from Bolton and Raymond, blueclad soldiers slogged over rapidly drying roads in three parallel columns. About 7 a.m. the southernmost column made contact with Confederate pickets near the Davis Plantation and shots rang out. The battle of Champion Hill,the decisive engagement of the Vicksburg campaign, had begun.

ellisonhm.jpg (31145 bytes)
near Champion Hill Battlefield

Once contact had been made, Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton, the Confederate commander, quickly deployed his three divisions. The Confederate battleline, three miles in length, ran from southwest to northeast along the military crest of a ridge overlooking Jackson Creek. The crest of Champion Hill, on the left of the line, was picketed as a security measure. Pemberton's position was suited for defense and was especially formidable against attacks via the Middle and Raymond roads. The Confederate commander, however, was unaware that a strong Union force was pushing down the Jackson Road toward his unprotected left flank. If unchecked, this Union force would capture Edwards and cut the Confederates off from their base of operation--Vicksburg.

Davis Plantation

Shortly after 9 a.m. a courier brought warning of the Federal advance along the Jackson Road. Confederate troops were shifted to the left to cover Champion Hill and protect the vital crossroads. As the Confederates hastened into position on the crest of Champion Hill, Federal soldiers near the Champion house swung from column into double line of battle. Union artillery was wheeled into position and unlimbered. The bloodshed began in earnest when the guns roared into action.
Grant arrived near the Champion house around 10 o'clock. After surveying the situation, he ordered the attack. Two Union divisions, 10,000 men in battle array, moved forward in magnificent style with flags flying. The long blue lines extended westward beyond the Confederate flank. To meet this threat, Confederate troops shifted farther to the west creating a gap between the forces defending the Crossroads and those defending the Raymond Road.

By 11:30, the Northerners closed in on the Confederate main line of resistance. With a cheer they stormed the position. The fighting was intense as the battle raged on Champion Hill. The lines swayed back and forth as charge and countercharge were made. But the strength of numbers prevailed; and the blue tide swept over the crest of Champion Hill shortly after 1 p.m.

The Confederates fell back in disorder to the Jackson Road followed closely by the hard-driving Federals. The powerful Union drive captured the Crossroads; and, on the right, severed the Jackson Road escape route. Confronted by disaster, Pemberton ordered his two remaining divisions to counterattack. Leaving one brigade to guard the Raymond Road, the Confederates marched from their right along the Ratliff Road toward the Crossroads. With characteristic abandon the 4,500 soldiers of Brigadier General John S. Bowen's division attacked. With fury and determination they hit the Federals near the Crossroads. At the point of bayonet they drove the Federals back three-quarters of a mile and regained control of Champion Hill. The attack, however, was made with insufficient numbers and faltered short of the Champion house.

Grant exerted himself to prevent a breakthrough and ordered up fresh troops to drive back the Confederates. In addition, the Federals along the Middle and Raymond roads began to drive hard. All morning they had operated under instructions to "move cautiously," but now were thrown forward. In a matter of moments, Confederate resistance was shattered and Pemberton ordered his army from the field.

With only one avenue of escape open to them, the Confederates fled toward the Raymond Road crossing of Bakers Creek. Brigadier General Lloyd Tilghman's Brigade, acting as the rear guard for the Confederate army, was ordered to hold its ground at all cost. In so doing, General Tilghman was killed. His brigade, along with the rest of Major General William W. Loring's division, was cut off from Edwards and eventually made its way to Jackson by a circuitous route.

The victorious Federals gained control of the Bakers Creek bridge late in the afternoon and, about 8 p.m., entered Edwards. This smashing victory cost Grant 410 killed, 1,844 wounded, and 187 missing out of 32,000 men. But victory at Champion Hill guaranteed the success of his campaign.

May 16, 1863, was a disastrous day for Pemberton. His army lost 381 killed, 1,018 wounded, and 2,441 missing out of the 23,000 men he carried into battle. In addition, 27 artillery pieces were lost.

Map-Grant's March, Battle of Champion Hill, May 16 115k,   Large Format

Map, Battle of Champion Hill, May 16, 1030-1300 hours 130k,   Large Format

Map, Battle of Champion Hill, May 16, 1300-1515 hours 117k,   Large Format 

Map, Battle of Champion Hill, May 16, 1600-1730 hours 135k,   Large Format

Coker House, Champion Hill Battlefield


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Last update: Friday, November 05, 1999
Editor: G. Zeman