Crossing at Bruinsburg

April 30--May 1

Undaunted by his failure at Grand Gulf, Grant moved farther south in search of a more favorable crossing point.  Looking now to cross his army at Rodney, Grant was informed that there was a good road ascending the bluffs east of Bruinsburg. Seizing the opportunity, the Union commander hurled his army across the mighty river and onto Mississippi soil at Bruinsburg on April 30--May 1, 1863.   In the early morning hours of April 30, infantrymen of the 24th and 46th Indiana Regiments stepped ashore on Mississippi soil at Bruinsburg. The invasion had begun. bruinsbrg.jpg (27189 bytes)
State Historical Marker in Port Gibson
The landing was made unopposed and, as the men came ashore, a band aboard U.S.S. Benton struck up "The Red, White, and Blue."   The Hoosiers were quickly followed by the remainder of the XIII Union Army Corps and portions of the XVII Corps--17,000 men. This landing was the largest amphibious operation in American history until the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II.   Elements of the Union Army pushed inland and took possession of the bluffs thereby securing the landing area. By late afternoon of April 30, 17,000 soldiers were ashore and the march inland began.  Having pushed inland from the landing area at Bruinsburg, Union soldiers rested and ate their crackers in the shade of the trees on Windsor Plantation. Late that afternoon the decision was made to push on that night by a forced march in hopes of surprising the Confederates and preventing them from destroying the bridges over Bayou Pierre. The Union columns resumed the advance at 5:30 p.m.  Instead of taking the Bruinsburg Road, which was the direct road from the landing area to Port Gibson, Grant's columns swung onto the Rodney Road, passed Bethel Church and marched through the night.

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Historic Bethel Church

Bethel Presbyterian Church is one of the few remaining landmarks associated with the battle of Port Gibson. Built circa 1826, the church played a significant role in the expansion of Presbyterianism into the Old Southwest. The present structure dates to the mid-1840s. Although the slave gallery has been removed and the original pointed steeple destroyed by a tornado (1943), the church retains the classical symmetry of the Greek Revival style.


This section of the Rodney Road has changed little since the days of the Civil War. Imagine if you will, soldiers marching down this road tightly packed in columns of four; the stillness of the night broken by the sounds of marching feet, clanking accouterments, and the rumbling of wagons and artillery pieces. It was a clear, moon-lit night. Tension and fear were in the air for these soldiers were on enemy soil and the enemy was near, but where? As they marched along in the late night hours many of the soldiers dozed. One bluecoat recalled the night march as being "romantic in the extreme."


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The Historic Rodney Road (1998)

Map-Crossing at Bruinsburg 104k,   Large Format

The village of Bruinsburg was established in 1796 and quickly became a landing of great importance. It was here that young Andrew Jackson, future President of the United States, established a small trading post. The advent of the Civil War brought a decline in river traffic which resulted in the economic collapse of Bruinsburg. By 1865 the town was extinct. The former town site is now private property..


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Last update: Friday, November 05, 1999
Editor: G. Zeman