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Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record


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File NameFile Size (bytes)WidthHeightAnnotatedCroppedPurposeComments
View AS11-44-6548_2.JPG 11726492515 No No From ISD highres, sharpened
View AS11-44-6548.JPG 63121540540 No No NASA's Earth Observatory web site
View AS11-44-6548.JPG 76807540520 No No NASA's Earth Observatory web site
View AS11-44-6548.JPG 318644664639 No No
View AS11-44-6548.JPG 3610511000964 No No NASA's Earth Observatory web site

Large Images to Request for Downloading

File NameFile Size (bytes)WidthHeightAnnotatedCroppedPurposeComments
Request AS11-44-6548_2.JPG 124853844004600 No No From ISD TIFF images
Request AS11-44-6548.JPG 261678919231853 No No

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Electronic Image Data

Camera files only apply to electronic still cameras.
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Mission: AS11 Roll: 44 Frame: 6548 Mission ID on the Film or image: AS11
Country or Geographic Name:
Center Point Latitude: Center Point Longitude: (Negative numbers indicate south for latitude and west for longitude)
Stereo: (Yes indicates there is an adjacent picture of the same area)


Camera Tilt:
Camera Focal Length: mm
Camera: HB: Hasselblad
Film: UNKN : unknown.


Film Exposure:
Percentage of Cloud Cover: (0-10)


Date: 196907__ (YYYYMMDD)GMT Time: (HHMMSS)
Nadir Point Latitude: , Longitude: (Negative numbers indicate south for latitude and west for longitude)
Nadir to Photo Center Direction:
Sun Azimuth: (Clockwise angle in degrees from north to the sun measured at the nadir point)
Spacecraft Altitude: nautical miles (0 km)
Sun Elevation Angle: (Angle in degrees between the horizon and the sun, measured at the nadir point)
Orbit Number:


Earth from the Moon: A Different Perspective on the Harvest Moon

The Moon (or ‘Luna’ in Latin) has occupied a prominent place in myth and folklore throughout human history. From mid-August to mid-October the Moon rises at almost the same time every evening in the northern mid-latitudes. The bright disk of Luna provides enough dependable light at this time of year to allow longer days for harvesting crops—which has led to the“Harvest Moon” of numerous songs, stories, paintings and photographs. The Moon also inspired the most ambitious human endeavor to date—landing astronauts on its surface to examine our closest celestial neighbor directly.

This image from Apollo 11 shows the Earth rising over the limb of the Moon much as the Harvest Moon does from our planetary perspective. Over the stark, scarred surface of the moon, the Earth floats in the void of space, a watery jewel swathed in ribbons of clouds.

If you were alive and aware on July 16, 1969, you were probably glued to a television set somewhere on the planet—at home with your family, gazing avidly through a storefront window, or gathered with friends at a community center or vacation cottage. On that day, America and much of the world watched, awestruck, as astronauts landed on the Moon and shared with us a look back at Earth.

While the Harvest Moon has allowed humans throughout history to coax “just a little more” from the Earth's bounty before the onset of winter, images of our home from the moon helped raise awareness of the Earth as a rare (and perhaps unique) ‘planetary ecosystem.’ The Apollo 11 images provided a global backdrop for the building U.S. environmental movement, including a surge of citizen-led environmental cleanups in the 1960s and 70s, and implementation of key national environmental policies.

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