Senator Tom Coburn's activity on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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Oversight Action

U.S. Spending $470,000+ to Send 116 Federal Employees to Mexico City AIDS Conference

July 31, 2008

At least 116 U.S. federal employees will join 22,000 people attending this week’s International AIDS Conference in Mexico City. Taxpayers will contribute almost a half-a-million dollars to t... Read More

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Departments of State and Education fund anti-Semitic apologists of terrorism

July 29, 2008

Since 2003, the Palestinian American Research Center (PARC) has received almost $890,000 in international education funding (Title VI of the Higher Education Act) from the U.S. Departments of State a... Read More

Your Tax Dollars at Work

UNDP fails to bring employee to justice for genocide

July 18, 2008

During the Tutsi genocide, a United Nations Development Program (UNDP) employee organized the massacre of fellow UNDP employees in Rwanda and logistically supported militiamen’s genocide with UN... Read More

Legislative and Floor Action

Preserving the Winning Formula on Global AIDS

June 30, 2008

** Breaking News: With Dr. Coburn's support, the Senate passed PEPFAR legislation w/ treatment oriented goals 80-16. He is eagerly awaiting the House passage.** The millions of people t... Read More

News - Wall Street Journal

Coburn of Africa

June 28, 2008

In fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa, the United States has an unparalleled success in Pepfar, aka the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Since President Bush announced it in 2003, Pepfar has provi... Read More

Oversight Action

Senator Coburn calls for U.N. head of Food and Agriculture Organization to resign

June 4, 2008

Senator Tom Coburn sent letters to the Secretary of State, Secretary of Agriculture, and the Administrator of USAID requesting all taxpayer support of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) ... Read More

FFM Oversight Issue

USDA Spends Over $90 Million on Conferences

May 14, 2008

The American people expect USDA to spend its-almost $18 billion discretionary budget this year helping farmers and protecting the safety and health of the U.S. agricultural system. While USDA will mee... Read More


U.S. Senators Support African AIDS Delegation Call to Save Seven Million Lives through PEPFAR

May 13, 2008

WASHINGTON D.C., May 12, 2008--A delegation of doctors and AIDS treatment clients who have traveled to Washington from Africa to speak out firsthand about the importance of lifesaving antiretroviral A... Read More

Your Tax Dollars at Work

After Years of Failure, DOD Travel System Still Can't Get Off the Ground

April 28, 2008

Joining the chorus of critics from Capitol Hill, employees at the Department of Defense are not big fans of the Defense Travel System (DTS). The Financial Times recently reported that DTS is plagued ... Read More

Senator Tom Coburn's activity on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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