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Pretrial Research Meeting: Working Bibliography

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The following lists are provided in an effort to share and solicit information on pretrial research.

Published Articles, Reports and Papers

American Bar Association (pending 2007). ABA Standards for Criminal Justice, Third Edition: Pretrial Release, Black Letter With Commentary. Washington, DC: American Bar Association

Belenko, S., Mara-Drita, I., & McElroy, J.E. (1992). Drug tests and the prediction of pretrial misconduct:  Findings and policy issues. Crime and Delinquency, 38, 557-582.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (pending 2007, Jul). Pretrial Release Statistics, 1994-2004.

Britt, C.L., M.R. Gottfredson, and J.S. Goldkamp. (1992, Feb). Drug testing and pretrial misconduct: An experiment on the specific deterrent effects of drug monitoring defendants on pretrial release. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 29(1), 62-78.

Cadigan, I.P. (1992). The federal demonstration program of mandatory drug testing. Federal Probation, 56, 22-28.

Clark, J. (2004, Feb). Non-Specialty First Appearance Court Models for Diverting Persons With Mental Illness: Alternatives to Mental Health Courts. Delmar, NY: Technical Assistance and Policy Analysis Center for Jail Diversion.

Clark, J. and D.A. Henry. (2003, Jul). Pretrial Services Programming at the Start of the 21st Century. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Assistance Monograph, NCJ 199773.

Fagan, J. and M. Guggenheim. (1996, Wtr). Preventive detention and the judicial prediction of dangerousness for juveniles: A natural experiment. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 86(2), 415-448.

Gewirtz, M. (2007). Recidivism Among Juvenile Offenders in New York City pdf.  New York:  New York City Criminal Justice Agency.

Goldkamp, J.S. (1983, Wtr). Questioning the practice of pretrial detention: Some empirical evidence from Philadelphia. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 74(4), 1556-1588.

Goldkamp, J.S., M.R. Gottfredson, P.R. Jones, and D. Weiland. (1995). Personal Liberty and Community Safety:  Pretrial Release in the Criminal Court. New York: Plenum Publishing.

Goldkamp, J.S., M.R. Gottfredson, and D. Weiland. (1990). Pretrial drug testing and defendant risk. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 81(3), 585-652.

Goldkamp, J.S. and P.R. Jones, P.R. (1992). Pretrial drug testing experiments in Milwaukee and Prince George’s County: The context of implementation (NCJRS Abstract). Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 29(4), 430-465, NCJ 156671.

Goldkamp, J.S., P.R. Jones, D. Weiland, and M.R. Gottfredson. (1990). Measuring the Impact of Drug Testing at the Pretrial Release Stage: Experimental Findings From Prince George's County and Milwaukee County (NCJRS Abstract). Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Assistance, NCJ 165451.

Goldkamp, J.S., and M.D. White. (1998, Aug). Restoring Accountability in Pretrial Release: The Philadelphia Pretrial Release Supervision Experiments, Final Report pdf. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, NCJ 189164.

Goldkamp, J.S., and M.D. White. (2006). Restoring Accountability in Pretrial Release: The Philadelphia Pretrial Release Supervision Experiments. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 2(2), 143-181.

Gottfredson, M.R., C.L. Britt, and J.S. Goldkamp. (1990). Evaluation of Arizona Pretrial Services Drug Testing Programs: Final Report (NCJRS Abstract). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, NCJ 139966.

Harrell, A., M. Schaffer, C. DeStefano, and J. Castro. (2006). Evaluation of Milwaukee's Judicial Oversight Demonstration (NCJRS Abstract). Washington, DC: Urban Institute, NCJ 215349.

Helland, E. and A. Tabarrok. (2004). The fugitive: Evidence on public versus private law enforcement from bail jumping. Journal of Law and Economics, 47, 93-122.

Henry, D.A and J. Clark. (1999, Jul). Pretrial Drug Testing: An Overview of Issues and Practices pdf. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Assistance, NCJ 176341.

Kapsch, S. and L. Sweeny. (1990). Multnomah County Detection and Monitoring of Drug Arrestees Project: Evaluation Final Report (NCJRS Abstract). Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Assistance, NCJ 165446.

Lasley, J. (2003). The effect of intensive bail supervision on repeat domestic violence offenders. The Policy Studies Journal, 31, 187-207.

Longshore, D., F. Taxman, S. Turner, S., et al. (2001, Mar). Operation Drug TEST Evaluation pdf. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, NCJ 188269.

Mahoney, B., B.D. Beudin, J.A. Carver, et al. (2001, Mar). Pretrial Services Programs: Responsibilities and Potential. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, Issues and Practices, NCJ 181939.

Maxwell, S.R. (1999). Examining the congruence between predictors of ROR and failures to appear. Journal of Criminal Justice, 27, 127-141.

Moyer, S. and M. Basic. (2004, Mar). Pre-Trial Detention Under the Young Offenders Act: A Study of Urban Courts. Department of Justice Canada.

New York City Independent Budget Office (2005, Sep). State Saves as City Bears Added Jail Costs for Felony Cases pdf. New York, NY: Author.

New York City Independent Budget Office (undated). Cost of Pre-Trial Detention in City Jails Takes Bite Out of Big Apple's Budget.

Peterson, R.R. (2006). Pretrial Failure to Appear and Pretrial Re-Arrest Among Domestic Violence Defendants in New York City (NCJRS Abstract). New York, NY: New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc., NCJ 216210.

Peterson, R.R. (2006, Sep). Pretrial Outcomes for Domestic Violence Defendants (NCJRS Abstract) . New York, NY: New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc.,  NCJ 216203.

Podkopacz, M.R., D. Eckberg, and G. Kubits. (2006, Oct). Fourth Judicial District Pretrial Evaluation: Scale Validation Study. Hennepin County, MN: Minnesota Judicial Branch.

Pretrial Services Resource Center (1999, Jul). Integrating Drug Testing Into a Pretrial Services System: 1999 Update (NCJRS Abstract). Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Assistance, NCJ 176340.

Rhodes, W.M., R. Hyatt, and P. Scheiman. (1996, Jan). Predicting Pretrial Misconduct With Drug Tests of Arrestees: Evidence From Six Sites. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, Research in Brief,  NCJ 157108.

Scalia, J. (1999, Feb). Federal Pretrial Release and Detention, 1996. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics, NCJ 168635. 

Siddiqi, Q. (2006, Nov). Predicting the Likelihood of Pretrial Re-Arrest for Violent Felony Offenses and Examining the Risk of Pretrial Failure Among New York City Defendants: An Analysis of the 2001 Dataset (NCJRS Abstract). New York, NY: New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc., NCJ 216720.

Siddiqi, Q. (2005, Jun). Evaluation of the New Pretrial Release Recommendation System in New York City: Phase II of the Post-Implementation Research (NCJRS Abstract) . York, NY: New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc., NCJ 215745.

Siddiqi, Q. (2002, Jun). Prediction of Pretrial Failure to Appear and an Alternative Pretrial Release Risk-Classification Scheme in New York City: A Reassessment Study. New York, NY: New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc.

Smith, D.A., E.D. Wish, and G.R. Jarjoura. (1989, Jun). Drug use and pretrial misconduct in New York City. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 5(2), 101-126.

Toborg, M.A., J.P. Bellassai, A.M. Yezer, and R.P. Trost. (1989). Assessment of Pretrial Urine Testing in the District of Columbia (NCJRS Abstract). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, NCJ 119968.

Toborg, M.A., J.P. Bellassai, A.M.J. Yezer, and W. Rhodes. (1991). Assessment of the Urine-Testing Program for Juveniles in the District of Columbia (NCJRS Abstract). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, NCJ 165447.

VanNostrand, M., G. Keebler, P. Jablonski, and B. Kays. (2006, Sep). Pretrial Case Processing in Maine: A Study of System Efficiency and Effectiveness. St. Petersburg, FL: Luminosity, Inc.

VanNostrand, M. (2003, Apr). Assessing Risk Among Pretrial Defendants in Virginia: The Virginia Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument pdf. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services.

Visher, C.A. (1992, Sep). Pretrial Drug Testing (NCJRS Abstract). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, Research in Brief, NCJ 137057.

Visher, C.A. (1992, May). Drug abuse: Linking policy and research. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 521, 112-131.

Visher, C.A., P.K. Lattimore, and R.L. Linster. (1991). Predicting the recidivism of serious youthful offenders using survival models. Criminology, 29(3), 329–366.

Visher, C.A. and R.L. Linster. (1990, Jun). A survival model of pretrial failure. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 6(2), 153-184.

Winterfield, L., M. Coggeshall, and A. Harrell. (2003, Apr). Development of an Empirically-Based Risk Assessment Instrument: Final Report. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.

Research in Progress

Pretrial Services Resource Center:

  • Pretrial Release of Latino Defendants in State Courts (NIJ Grant 2007-IJ-CX-0002).

NYC Criminal Justice Agency:

  • Bail Amounts, Pretrial Detention, and Case Outcomes.
  • Predicting the Likelihood of Combined Failure: An Examination of New York City Defendants.

Other Resources

American Bar Association (pending 2007). ABA Standards for Criminal Justice, Third Edition: Pretrial Release. Washington, DC: American Bar Association.

National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies Standards on Pretrial Release (2004)pdf


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Marlene Beckman (