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Change Notice 96-001

  Number Date Number Date
1. ---- ---- IMC 2603 01/16/96
2. ---- ---- IP 88056 01/16/96
3. ---- ---- IP 88057 01/16/96
4. ---- ---- IP 88058 01/16/96
5. ---- ---- IP 88059 01/16/96
6. ---- ---- IP 88060 01/16/96
7. ---- ---- IP 88061 01/16/96
8. ---- ---- IP 88062 01/16/96
9. ---- ---- IP 88063 01/16/96
10. ---- ---- IP 88064 01/16/96
11. ---- ---- IP 88065 01/16/96
12. ---- ---- IP 88066 01/16/96
13. ---- ---- TI 2603/001 01/16/96
TRAINING: No special training requirements have been identified for any documents issued with this change notice.
REMARKS: IMC 2603 (Inspection of the Nuclear Chemical Process Safety Program at Fuel Cycle Facilities) is issued to establish the inspection program for the Nuclear Chemical Process Safety Program at NRC-licensed or certified nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Included in this program are facilities for spent fuel storage, spent fuel reprocessing, plutonium processing and fuel fabrication, uranium processing and fuel fabrication, UF6 conversion, and certain research and development activities associated with these facilities.

IP 88056 (Process Safety Information)

IP 88057 (Hazard Identification and Assessment)

IP 88058 (Standard Operating Procedures)

IP 88059 (Site-Wide Safety Procedures)

IP 88060 (Detection and Monitoring)

IP 88061 (Chemical Safety Training)

IP 88062 (Maintenance and Inspection)

IP 88063 (Management of Change)

IP 88064 (Emergency Response Procedures)

IP 88065 (Incident Investigation)

IP 88066 (Audits and Inspection)

The above procedures implement the inspection program for the Nuclear Chemical Process Safety Program at NRC licensed nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

TI 2603/001 (Chemical Safety Inspections of Fuel Cycle Licensees) is issued to provide interim guidance for performing chemical safety inspections at fuel cycle facilities per manual chapter IMC 2603 and its implementing procedures.



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Thursday, February 22, 2007