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Lowman, P. D., Jr., 1999, Landsat and Apollo: the forgotten legacy. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 65, 1143-1147.

Lulla, K., Evans, C., Amsbury, D., Wilkinson, J., Willis, K., Caruana, J., O'Neill, C., Runco, S., McLaughlin, D., Gaunce, M., McKay, M.F., and Trenchard, M., 1996, The NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography Database: an underutilized resource for global environmental geosciences. Environmental Geosciences, 3, 40-44.

Robinson, J. A., D. A. Liddle, C. A. Evans, and D. L. Amsbury, In press, Astronaut-acquired orbital photographs as digital data for remote sensing: spatial resolution. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

Webb, E. L., Ma. A. Evangelista, and J. A. Robinson, 2000, Digital land use classification using Space Shuttle-acquired orbital photographs: a quantitative comparison with Landsat TM imagery of a coastal environment, Chanthaburi, Thailand. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 66,1439-1449.

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