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Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Photos & Multimedia
Sunset near Pea Island
Photo by Chris Wonderly
Sunset near Pea Island.

The Photos and Multimedia pages include photo galleries and webcams of some of the historic and natural landscapes protected at Cape Hatteras National Seashore 

Visit our Photo Gallery page here.

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Web Cam
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Web Cam
Two web cams are located in and around the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.  Webcams Page
This artist's rendering shows the U.S.S. Monitor foundering in a storm off of Cape Hatteras in December 1862.  

Did You Know?
The U.S.S. Monitor sank off Cape Hatteras during a storm in December 1862. The wreck's location was a mystery until 1973 when a research vessel found the ship 16 miles off the cape in 230 feet of water. In 1975, the Monitor was named the nation’s first National Marine Sanctuary.

Last Updated: September 10, 2007 at 15:10 EST