BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Switzerland Local time: 12:30 AM


2005 market figures (estimated):

Total market: USD 727 million
Total imports: USD 597 million
U.S. import market share: 2.2 %

Estimated market growth rate for 2006: 0.5 %

  • The German-speaking area of Switzerland (64% of the country) in particular is regarded as very receptive for English books.
  • Preferred reading in the German-speaking part of Switzerland includes fiction and non-fiction.
  • Preferred reading in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (20%) includes fiction, travel-related books, crime novels and comics
  • There are no pronounced preferences in the Italian-speaking part of the country (6%).
  • Switzerland is home to some of the most avid readers in the world, and seventy percent of Swiss report reading at least 30 minutes per day.
  • There is one specialized bookshop per 11,400 Swiss, one of the highest ratios in the world.
  • Best prospects for US publishers include education, fiction, science, business, dictionaries, and IT.
  • The introduction of English as a foreign language in primary school in many cantons is expected to lead to an increased demand for English-language education books over the next few years and to a long-term increase in demand for all types of English-language books.

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