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Mid-Year Changes in 2008 MeSH Descriptors

Most changes in MeSH Descriptors are made on an annual basis, by calendar year. However, when the occasion warrants, changes can be made during the year. Accordingly, a cumulative list of mid-year Descriptor changes in the current MeSH year is available. Example:

*****  Update = 15-OCT-07  ************************

Records Modified:

UI      Preferred Term
------- --------------------------------
D004628 Embryonic Structures
D054334 Viral Regulatory and Accessory Proteins

The list does not specify what was changed in the record, but if a MeSH user adds the complete record, the change will be included. The list may include records modified, added, or deleted. Note that the changes apply primarily to the MeSH data in the XML format. Therefore some data changes may not apply to other MeSH formats since the XML data include the broadest range of data elements.

The records are grouped according to the weekly updates so that users may determine whether their version of the MeSH data needs to be updated.

The Supplementary Concept Records (SCRs) are regularly updated on a weekly basis and are not included in this list of mid-year changes.

Last updated: 14 October 2007
First published: 14 October 2007
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