NSLS-II Multimedia

Animated Fly-over of NSLS-II
This is a computer-animated aerial flight over the NSLS-II ring. This animation shows how NSLS-II will be situated on the Brookhaven National Laboratory campus in relation to existing facilities such as the Center for Functional Nanomaterials and the NSLS. Download this movie as a Windows Media file.

NSLS-II Renderings Renderings of NSLS-II
A series of architectural renderings and drawings of NSLS-II are available here.
Video NSLS-II: A New Light on the Horizon
The NSLS-II Project is actively seeking project engineers, structural engineers, research associates and more to join the team. See this video at for an overview of opportunities available at NSLS-II, presented by current team members.

NOTE: The archived files below are streaming video files and must be viewed with RealPlayer.

Dehmer NSLS-II User Workshop
Videos of individual talks from the July 2007 NSLS-II User Workshop are available. Among the speakers were Patricia Dehmer (at left), John Marburger, Steve Dierker, Charles Lieber, Paul Gallagher and Stephen Harrison. See User Workshop videos.
July 17, 2007
NSLS-II Update (41 min.)
Presented by Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources Steve Dierker at the NSLS Town Meeting hosted by the Users' Executive Committee. PowerPoint slides used in this presentation can be downloaded here (9 Mb file).
August 17, 2006
Pat Dehmer at the 2006 CFN/NSLS Users' Meeting (22 min.)
Patricia Dehmer, Associate Director of the DOE Office of Science speaks at the 2006 CFN/NSLS Users’ Meeting and addresses the importance of NSLS-II and its expected challenges as well as the impact to DOE funding resulting from the recently announced American Competitiveness Initiative.
May 15, 2006
Steve Dierker at the 2006 CFN/NSLS Users' Meeting (35 min.)
Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources Steve Dierker updates users of the Center for Functional Nanomaterials and the National Synchrotron Light Source on the status of the NSLS-II Project. PowerPoint slides used in this presentation can be downloaded here (15 Mb file).
May 15, 2006
NSLS-II Receives CD-0 (46 min.)
This critical-decision milestone is a recognition of mission need for NSLS-II, a third-generation synchrotron. DOE Brookhaven Site Office Manager Michael Holland announced the news at an all-hands meeting for staff and users at the National Synchrotron Light Source. Others speakers included Laboratory Director Praveen Chaudhari and Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources Steve Dierker.
September 9, 2005
NSLS-II Workshop, Part 1 (1 hr., 22 min.)
Presentations by Battelle CEO Karl Kohrt, DOE Office of Science Associate Director Patricia Dehmer, New York Congressman Tim Bishop and BNL Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources Steven Dierker.
March 15, 2004
NSLS-II Workshop, Part 2  (1 hr. 55 min.)
Presentations by Congressional Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert, IBM Researcher Paul Horn, and co-winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Roderick MacKinnon.
March 15, 2004


Last Modified: February 22, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Gary Schroeder