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Heartbeat International

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

665 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., Suite 440
Columbus, OH 43229

888-550-7577 (Voice - Toll-free)
614-885-7577 (Voice)
614-885-8746 (FAX)


Heartbeat International, Founded in 1971, Christian association of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers, medical clinics, maternity homes, and nonprofit adoption agencies which seek to create an environment where every human heart is cherished and protected -- within the womb and within strong families. Crisis-intervention services in Heartbeat affiliated centers include 24-hour hot lines, pregnancy testing, pregnancy diagnosis with ultrasound, and counseling, host homes, clothing, baby items, financial assistance, community referrals, helpline phone support, and abstinence counseling. Long-term and follow-up services in Heartbeat affiliated centers include medical care, post-abortion support groups, parenting classes and other educational programs, adoption support groups, single-parent support groups, and other similar services.

Online Resources

Print Resources

An annual directory of life-affirming pregnancy service centers throughout the world is available. Serial publication: Heartbeat (newsletter), quarterly--educational and training materials and manuals for professionals, volunteers, Boards, and administrators..

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Review Date

Tue Oct 5, 2004