Recommend a Resource

We welcome your recommending resources for inclusion in the National Science Digital Library. (If you have an entire collection of resources to submit, please contact NSDL and describe the nature of the collection—its title, content, education level, and approximate number of items.)

To submit a resource for consideration, please enter the resource URL in the first box below, type the validation code in the second box, and click the Continue button.

After you click Continue, the system will perform a quick scan of NSDL's holdings to check whether the resource is already in the Library. If it is not, you will be asked to provide descriptive information about the resource. You will need to provide your e-mail address (which will be kept confidential) in order to submit this description.

Resource URL

Resource URL



Validation Information

To submit this form, the code must exactly match, please check capitalization.

Your validation code is: 8S5Z

Resources are accepted into the Library if they conform to the NSDL mission, collection scope, and quality guidelines as defined in the NSDL Collection Development Policy. If you have questions, contact NSDL.