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Java EE at a Glance

Java EE: Do more with less work.
Platform for SOA and next-generation web applications.  

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) builds on the solid foundation of Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) and is the industry standard for implementing enterprise-class service-oriented architecture (SOA) and next-generation web applications. The SDKs contain Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server, previously named Sun Java System Application Server, and provide support for Java EE 5 specifications.

Updated! Download the Java EE 5 SDK or Java Application Platform SDK.

What's New

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RESTful Web Services and Comet September 12, 2008
RESTful Web Services and Comet
Users can interact remotely with a Comet web application. Learn how to build one with Dojo, Java EE technologies, and GlassFish.

September 12, 2008
Last Chance to Enter: Project SailFin and Ericsson Application Competition
Create or enhance an IMS client-server application for a chance to win US$5,000 or a Sony Ericsson phone. Competition ends on September 30. Enter now.

September 08, 2008
Sun xVM Virtualization Portfolio
Check out the only open solution spanning virtualization and management from desktop to datacenter. See the live webcast and participate in the live chat on Wednesday, September 10, at 9 a.m. PT.

» See more

Training and Certification

Java EE Training
Find out about training for architects and web component, business component, and integration developers.
Certification Learn about various Sun certification courses for programmers and enterprise architects, preparation methods, and savings programs.


Got Technical Questions? Get Answers. Sun Developer Expert Assistance provides online support services for programming and other technical issues. Learn more.
Need Help with Your App Server? Find out about support options for Sun Java System Application Server 9.1.


Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server: Introduction
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server: Introduction This training course covers the features of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server (formerly Sun Java System Application Server) and focuses on tools integration, deployment, performance, debugging, monitoring, administration, and clustering.

Community Code Samples Use Code Samples for your own programming, and add your own examples to this collection.



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Open-Source Java Project Sun's Java implementation and Free Software unite.
GlassFish Participate in the community development of the GlassFish application server, which implements the newest features in the Java EE 5 platform.
The Aquarium Get daily news from the GlassFish Community. And read about GlassFish in the real world in Stories.
Samples for Project GlassFish Developers can use and contribute to the sample applications that demonstrate Java EE technology using the Java EE SDK built by the GlassFish Community.
Java EE Forums Share information, locate tried solutions, and learn best practices for Sun products and technologies.
Java Enterprise Community Here's the place to exchange ideas with other developers working with Java EE technologies.

The name of the Java platform for the enterprise has been simplified. Formerly, the platform was known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and specific versions had "dot numbers" such as J2EE 1.4. The "2" is dropped from the name, as well as the dot number. So the latest version of the Java platform for the enterprise is Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5).

Java EE SDK Fuels Efficiency - Get it Now

GlassFish AppServer - Get it Now

Getting Started
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