Estimated Percentage* of Children 19-35 Months With Selected Socio-demographic Characteristics By State and Immunization Action Plan Area -- U.S., National Immunization Survey, Q3/2001-Q2/2002
  Below Poverty§ Public Providerll Private Provider White
Hispanic MSA Central City**
US National 20.4±1.0 15.5±0.8 55.5±1.1 56.9±1.1 14.4±0.8 23.5±1.0 35.1±1.0
Alabama 24.9±5.4 19.8±4.7 58.2±5.7 63.5±5.6 29.1±5.3 6.3±2.9 34.0±5.1
   AL-Jefferson County 19.9±7.1 19.3±6.9 51.6±7.5 47.1±7.3 41.4±7.6 NA 71.1±6.4
   AL-Rest of State 25.8±6.2 19.8±5.4 59.4±6.6 66.4±6.4 26.9±6.1 NA 27.3±5.9
Alaska 12.6±4.3 32.1±6.1 29.0±5.8 56.8±6.3 NA NA 37.1±6.2
Arizona 21.0±4.1 13.9±3.4 56.1±4.7 45.7±4.7 NA 45.6±4.8 53.2±4.7
   AZ-Maricopa County 18.0±5.5 NA 60.7±6.4 46.2±6.5 NA 46.6±6.5 57.2±6.4
   AZ-Rest of State 26.2±5.9 22.9±6.0 48.2±6.4 44.8±6.4 NA 43.8±6.5 46.3±6.5
Arkansas 24.5±6.4 44.6±6.8 27.0±5.4 68.1±6.6 21.3±6.2 NA 20.0±5.0
California 24.0±3.9 9.5±2.8 62.4±4.2 32.4±3.8 5.7±2.4 53.0±4.2 26.2±3.5
   CA-Los Angeles County 28.2±6.5 NA 71.1±6.3 18.3±4.6 NA 65.5±6.6 23.8±5.3
   CA-San Diego County 22.9±5.9 21.4±5.9 52.4±6.6 40.6±6.2 NA 46.2±6.6 41.3±6.6
   CA-Santa Clara County 13.4±4.3 NA 65.8±6.2 35.1±6.1 NA 37.1±6.3 51.8±6.4
   CA-Rest of State 22.8±5.9 NA 58.9±6.6 38.4±6.3 NA 48.9±6.6 22.8±5.4
Colorado 13.6±3.9 17.6±4.6 54.2±6.1 59.2±6.0 NA 32.9±5.7 35.7±5.7
Connecticut 13.8±5.0 NA 69.8±6.1 64.4±7.0 NA 18.4±5.4 27.2±6.0
Delaware 17.2±5.7 NA 61.0±6.7 58.6±6.7 18.5±5.1 18.4±6.1 45.4±6.6
District of Columbia 29.3±8.2 14.0±6.5 49.9±7.8 18.0±4.4 64.7±6.5 14.2±4.1 NA
Florida 21.6±4.8 20.6±5.1 57.3±5.6 48.0±5.4 23.7±5.3 25.5±4.5 53.9±5.4
   FL-Miami-Dade County 33.5±8.1 NA 61.9±7.9 13.8±4.9 27.7±8.2 57.6±8.0 66.7±7.4
   FL-Duval County 18.6±6.3 NA 63.4±6.9 57.0±7.2 31.2±7.3 NA 93.0±3.6
   FL-Rest of State 19.4±5.9 22.7±6.3 55.8±6.9 54.3±6.9 22.3±6.6 20.2±5.5 48.2±6.8
Georgia 21.5±5.4 18.5±5.3 59.7±5.9 51.2±5.8 31.2±5.5 14.8±4.3 16.7±3.8
   GA-Fulton/DeKalb Counties 19.9±5.3 NA 60.2±6.3 28.0±5.2 51.3±6.3 16.9±4.9 36.2±6.3
   GA-Rest of State 21.8±6.5 20.3±6.4 59.5±7.2 56.7±7.1 26.4±6.7 NA 12.2±4.4
Hawaii 20.9±5.4 NA 65.4±6.0 21.2±5.0 NA 19.0±4.9 27.9±5.7
Idaho 17.3±4.8 18.8±4.9 52.9±6.1 82.2±5.1 NA 15.8±5.0 14.9±4.4
Illinois 18.6±4.4 21.5±4.9 50.9±5.2 52.4±5.0 20.4±4.8 22.9±4.3 36.5±4.0
   IL-City of Chicago 33.9±7.0 24.7±7.4 41.7±7.0 17.5±4.8 39.1±7.7 37.8±6.8 97.9±2.3
   IL-Rest of State NA 20.3±6.1 54.4±6.6 65.6±6.9 NA 17.2±5.5 13.1±5.3
Indiana 18.4±5.0 21.0±4.5 48.6±5.8 78.4±4.7 8.6±3.3 10.4±3.4 36.8±5.2
   IN-Marion County 19.9±6.6 19.5±6.7 44.5±6.9 61.2±7.2 22.6±6.7 NA 95.3±3.4
   IN-Rest of State 18.2±5.8 21.2±5.3 49.4±6.8 81.8±5.4 NA NA 25.2±6.3
Iowa 12.9±4.6 14.0±4.5 51.3±6.4 84.1±4.9 NA NA 30.2±5.9
Kansas 20.4±6.5 26.2±6.4 39.9±6.6 74.1±6.3 NA 17.0±5.6 28.4±6.5
Kentucky 28.1±6.8 28.5±6.4 42.8±6.5 85.2±5.3 NA NA 26.7±6.0
Louisiana 33.1±6.2 27.0±5.8 48.3±6.2 51.8±6.2 39.7±6.1 NA 35.9±5.5
   LA-Orleans Parish 45.2±7.4 24.4±6.7 45.5±7.2 16.9±4.1 74.8±5.4 NA 97.9±2.5
   LA-Rest of State 31.6±7.0 27.4±6.5 48.6±6.9 56.2±7.0 35.2±7.0 NA 28.0±6.1
Maine 15.8±5.1 13.5±4.8 59.0±6.4 92.8±3.7 NA NA 16.3±5.0
Maryland 12.6±3.9 3.8±1.8 76.2±4.9 52.3±5.8 32.0±5.5 10.9±3.8 18.6±2.7
   MD-City of Baltimore 30.1±7.0 NA 49.3±7.3 20.2±5.1 71.0±6.4 NA 97.6±2.4
   MD-Rest of State NA NA 80.7±5.6 57.7±6.8 25.4±6.4 11.7±4.4 NA
Massachusetts 11.9±3.7 5.6±2.0 74.9±4.6 72.4±4.9 7.1±2.3 15.2±4.3 7.6±2.0
   MA-City of Boston 25.4±6.1 25.7±6.2 37.5±6.7 28.7±5.9 36.7±7.1 25.7±5.5 56.9±6.8
   MA-Rest of State NA NA 79.2±5.1 77.4±5.5 NA 14.0±4.7 NA
Michigan 17.4±4.6 17.8±5.1 44.9±5.9 72.3±4.7 18.5±4.0 5.7±2.1 28.1±4.4
   MI-City of Detroit 36.3±6.6 17.4±5.1 39.6±6.6 NA 75.3±5.7 13.8±4.4 95.5±3.0
   MI-Rest of State 14.9±5.2 17.8±5.8 45.7±6.6 81.0±5.3 10.9±4.5 NA 19.0±4.8
Minnesota NA NA 57.4±6.5 76.1±5.8 NA NA 36.4±6.6
Mississippi 33.6±7.7 46.3±7.7 25.4±6.2 51.9±7.7 44.8±7.8 NA 15.6±6.4
Missouri 18.8±6.3 20.1±5.8 51.7±6.7 76.1±6.1 14.6±5.0 NA 26.8±6.0
Montana 17.5±5.6 20.8±5.2 40.5±6.5 85.9±5.0 NA NA 25.3±5.9
Nebraska 14.3±4.3 NA 48.9±6.4 79.2±5.2 NA 15.1±4.6 49.2±6.4
Nevada 22.7±5.4 28.4±5.8 31.1±5.8 49.5±6.4 NA 37.6±5.9 63.6±6.2
New Hampshire NA NA 72.1±6.1 90.1±4.5 NA NA NA
New Jersey 14.8±5.1 NA 73.6±5.7 53.5±6.3 16.7±5.4 20.8±5.0 10.4±3.7
   NJ-City of Newark 37.9±6.7 NA 46.5±7.1 NA 54.9±6.9 36.2±6.4 NA
   NJ-Rest of State 13.8±5.4 NA 74.9±6.0 55.5±6.7 15.0±5.6 20.1±5.2 NA
New Mexico 27.3±6.3 NA 50.5±6.6 31.4±6.1 NA 56.8±6.6 40.9±6.5
New York 20.2±4.3 NA 59.4±5.0 52.3±4.6 16.9±4.4 24.3±4.1 58.5±3.7
   NY-City of New York 24.7±6.7 NA 47.5±7.4 26.2±6.1 27.9±7.8 35.3±6.8 NA
   NY-Rest of State 16.2±5.7 NA 70.0±6.8 75.3±6.1 NA 14.7±5.1 22.0±5.6
North Carolina 19.7±5.7 18.8±5.8 54.0±6.6 57.2±6.8 24.1±6.2 12.9±4.7 33.4±6.3
North Dakota 14.5±4.6 21.6±5.1 31.3±5.7 88.5±4.4 NA NA 37.0±6.4
Ohio 17.4±4.2 14.1±3.6 56.8±4.7 78.8±3.5 14.2±3.1 5.0±1.8 43.7±4.6
   OH-Cuyahoga County 22.0±7.1 NA 55.3±7.4 57.3±7.4 34.0±7.4 NA 61.4±6.9
   OH-Franklin County 15.6±5.7 NA 64.7±6.8 65.4±6.4 20.2±5.1 NA 60.4±6.6
   OH-Rest of State 16.9±5.2 16.5±4.7 55.9±6.0 84.1±4.3 10.2±3.7 NA 38.5±5.8
Oklahoma 23.6±6.0 20.9±5.5 35.9±6.2 58.6±6.7 NA 16.2±4.9 28.7±6.2
Oregon 19.2±5.4 15.4±4.9 52.9±6.4 70.6±5.7 NA 20.5±5.0 27.6±5.5
Pennsylvania 12.7±4.0 NA 68.7±5.3 77.4±4.0 11.8±2.9 8.8±3.0 36.0±4.8
   PA-Philadelphia County 25.6±6.0 NA 50.0±6.7 27.4±5.6 50.3±6.7 15.2±4.5 NA
   PA-Rest of State NA NA 71.9±6.1 86.2±4.6 NA NA 24.7±5.6
Rhode Island 17.0±5.0 NA 64.6±6.3 64.7±6.2 NA 24.3±5.9 38.6±6.2
South Carolina 24.5±7.0 30.4±7.0 49.0±7.2 58.1±7.5 30.7±7.5 NA 30.5±7.1
South Dakota 19.9±6.7 17.7±6.0 52.2±6.8 80.6±6.2 NA NA 23.5±5.7
Tennessee 23.0±4.4 25.0±4.7 51.2±5.0 70.8±4.1 19.8±3.6 7.6±2.5 31.7±3.5
   TN-Davidson County 18.7±5.2 14.9±5.1 63.4±6.5 54.5±6.7 25.7±6.1 15.4±5.4 70.7±6.2
   TN-Shelby County 30.3±6.9 23.7±6.4 49.6±6.8 33.4±5.9 53.3±6.7 NA 80.1±4.8
   TN-Rest of State 21.7±6.0 26.9±6.3 49.8±6.8 83.4±5.4 NA NA 12.7±4.2
Texas 29.9±4.9 20.2±4.7 47.8±4.9 35.1±4.7 12.3±3.8 48.9±5.0 53.3±4.8
   TX-Bexar County 32.5±7.5 23.3±7.1 41.6±6.8 22.2±5.4 NA 71.8±6.0 94.5±3.7
   TX-City of Houston 32.5±7.7 NA 60.2±7.8 20.1±6.0 23.2±7.2 54.2±7.9 99.4±1.2
   TX-Dallas County 27.7±5.9 20.5±5.5 49.0±6.5 30.5±5.7 20.0±6.1 45.9±6.3 56.4±6.4
   TX-El Paso County 46.6±7.0 18.4±4.8 50.6±6.7 9.6±3.8 NA 88.0±4.8 93.0±3.5
   TX-Rest of State 28.5±7.2 22.3±6.9 45.7±7.2 41.6±7.1 NA 43.7±7.4 37.4±7.5
Utah NA 19.1±5.1 50.3±6.3 83.5±5.0 NA 13.4±4.5 36.0±6.2
Vermont NA NA 61.5±6.2 94.4±2.8 NA NA NA
Virginia 14.7±4.9 13.9±5.0 57.9±6.8 60.0±7.0 21.2±5.9 NA 19.9±6.0
Washington 18.2±4.1 13.3±3.8 55.8±4.9 69.1±4.4 NA 18.2±3.6 38.5±4.8
   WA-King County NA NA 57.8±6.6 63.4±6.3 NA 12.8±4.4 45.1±6.6
   WA-Rest of State 21.4±5.4 15.2±5.0 55.0±6.3 71.3±5.5 NA 20.3±4.7 36.0±6.1
West Virginia 25.9±6.4 20.3±5.7 46.8±6.8 91.4±4.7 NA NA 13.9±4.8
Wisconsin 15.1±4.0 15.3±3.9 47.7±5.2 79.6±3.6 9.1±2.4 7.5±2.6 46.5±4.9
   WI-Milwaukee County 28.0±7.8 NA 57.1±7.1 42.2±6.8 37.2±8.0 16.9±4.9 88.5±3.8
   WI-Rest of State NA 17.0±4.8 45.0±6.3 90.3±3.8 NA NA 34.5±6.1
Wyoming 21.4±5.8 18.0±4.9 55.3±6.6 79.1±6.0 NA NA 25.9±6.0
* Estimate=NA (Not Available) if the unweighted sample size for the numerator was <30 or (CI half width)/Estimate >0.5 or (CI half width)>10
Selected characteristics that have been associated with undervaccination.   
Children in the Q3/2001-Q2/2002 National Immunization Survey were born between August 1998 and November 2000.
§ Based on family income and household size using US Bureau of the Census poverty thresholds for 2000
ll Self-reported by the provider.
Self-reported by respondent.  Children of Hispanic ethnicity may be of any race.
** Metropolitan Statistical Area as defined by the US Office of Management and Budget
†† % ± 95% Confidence Interval