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Research and Publications for Jim Zhang

Research Studies

Selected Publications

Zhang J, Yancey MK, Klebanoff MA, Schwarz J, Schweitzer D. (2001). Does epidural analgesia prolong labor and increase risk of cesarean delivery? A natural experiment. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 185:128-34. [Abstract]

Zhang J & Yu KF. (1998). What's the relative risk? A method of correcting the odds ratio in cohort studies of common outcomes. JAMA, 280:1690-1691. [Abstract]

Zhang J, Troendle J, & Yancey MK. (2002). Reassessing the labor curve in nulliparous women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 187:824-828. [Abstract]

Zhang J, Gilles JM, Barnhart K, Creinin MD, Westhoff C, & Frederick MM. (2005). A comparison of medical management with misoprostol and surgical management for early pregnancy failure. New England Journal of Medicine, 353(8):761-769. [Abstract]

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Contact Information:
Dr Germaine M Louis
Senior Investigator
6100 Executive Blvd Room 7B03, MSC 7510
Rockville, MD 20852
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Rockville Md 20852
Phone: 301-496-6155
Fax: 301-402-2084