Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature:
DC Government Cluster

Record Groups 42, 66, 132, 302, 328, 351, 418
  1. "Americans in Paris: NARA Exhibit Highlights History Made by Diplomats, Soldiers, Authors." Prologue 37, no.2 (Summer 2005): 42-47.
    RG066/RG204/JFK Library/JC Library

  2. Abell, Julie D. and Petar D. Glumac. "Beneath the MCI Center: Insights into Washington's Historic Water Supply." Washington History 9, no.1 (Spring-Summer 1997): 24-41.

  3. Barnes, William R. "A National Controversy in Miniature: The District of Columbia Struggle over Public Housing and Redevelopment, 1943-46." Prologue 9, no.2 (Summer 1977): 91-104.
    RG302/RG328/FDR Library

  4. Barthold, Elizabeth. "The Predicament of the 'Parklets': Understanding Washington's Smaller Parks." Washington History 5, no.1 (Spring-Summer 1993): 28-45.
    RG042/NARA maps

  5. Berebitsky, Julie. "'To Raise as Your Own': The Growth of Legal Adoption in Washington." Washington History 6, no.1 (Spring/Summer 1994): 4-26.

  6. Black, Alysha E. "Making the Most of the Archives: Finding White House Documentary Sources at the National Archives." White House History 9 (Spring 2001): 4-13.
    RG233/RG287/NARA photos

  7. Bochert, James. "Urban Neighborhood and Community: Informal Group Life, 1850-1970." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 11, no.4 (Spring 1981): 607-631.

  8. Bowling, Kenneth R. "Neither in a Wigwam Nor the Wilderness: Competitors for the Federal Capital, 1787-1790." Prologue 20, no.3 (Fall 1988): 163-179.

  9. Bowling, Kenneth R. "The Other G.W." Washington History 3, no.2 (Fall/Winter 1991-1992): 4-21.

  10. Bushong, William B. "Glenn Brown and the Planning of the Rock Creek Valley." Washington History 14, no.1 (Spring/Summer 2002): 56-71.

  11. Bushong, William B. "Ruin and Regeneration." White House History 4 (Fall 1998): 24-32.

  12. Butler, Stuart L. and Grame McCluggage. "Taking Measure of America: Records in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch." Prologue 23, no.1 (1991): 41-57.

  13. Daniels, Maygene. "District of Columbia Building Permits." American Archivist 38, no.1 (January 1975): 23-30.

  14. Everly, Elaine C. and Howard H. Wehmann. "The War Office Fire of 1800." Prologue 31, no.1 (Spring 1999): 22-35.

  15. Falck, Zachary J. S. "Controlling the Weed Nuisance in Turn-of-the-Century American Cities." Environmental History 7, no.4 (October 2002): 611-631.

  16. Fisher, Allen and Ted Gittinger. "LBJ Champions the Civil Rights Act of 1964." Prologue 36, no.2 (Summer 2004): 10-19.
    RG302/RG306/LBJ Library

  17. George, Joseph, Jr. "'Nature's First Law': Louis J. Weichmann and Mrs. Surrat." Civil War History 28, no.2 (June 1982): 101-127.

  18. Gordon, Martin K., Barry R. Sude, and Ruth Ann Overbeck. "Chemical Testing in the Great War: The American University Experiment Station." Washington History 6, no.1 (Spring/Summer 1994): 28-45.

  19. Gustafson, Milton O. "The Empty Shrine: The Transfer of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to the National Archives." American Archivist 39, no.3 (July 1976): 271-285.
    RG059/RG064/RG066/RG121/FDR Library/HST Library

  20. Harris, C. M. "Washington's Gamble, L'Enfant's Dream: Politics, Design, and the Founding of the National Capital." William and Mary Quarterly 56, no.3 (July 1999): 527-564.

  21. Harris, C. M. "The Politics of Public Building: William Thornton and President's Square." White House History 3 (Spring 1998): 46-59.

  22. Harrison, Michael R. "The 'Evil of the Misfit Subdivisions': Creating the Permanent System of Highways of the District of Columbia." Washington History 14, no.1 (Spring/Summer 2002): 26-55.

  23. Heger, Kenneth W. "Strategies for Reconstructing Careers of Foreign Service Officers." Prologue 31, no.1 (Spring 1999): 74-81.

  24. Helfrich, Kurt. "Modernism for Washington? The Kennedys and the Redesign of Lafayette Square." Washington History 8, no.1 (Spring-Summer 1996): 16-37.
    RG066/RG269/DDE Library/NARA photos

  25. Jameson, John R. "The National Park System in the United States: An Overview With a Survey of Selected Government Documents and Archival Materials." Government Publications Review 7A, no.2 (1980): 145-158.

  26. Kasun, Leo J. "Henry Arthur Taft: Glimpses of Everyday Life." Washington History 2, no.1 (Spring 1990): 50-67.

  27. Kirk, Elise K. "A New Look at the John F. Kennedys and the Arts." White House History 14 (Winter 2004): 38-51.
    RG042/JFK Library/NARA photos

  28. Kirk, Elise K. "Music at the White House: Lyrical Images of America." Prologue 22, no.3 (Fall 1990): 239-251.
    RG042/GRF Library/JC Library/JFK Library/Nixon Materials

  29. Lessoff, Alan. "Washington Insider: The Early Career of Charles Moore." Washington History 6, no.2 (Fall-Winter 1994-95): 64-80.
    RG066/NARA photos

  30. Mackintosh, Barry. "A Partially Fulfilled Dream: The George Washington Memorial Parkway in Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 91, no.4 (Winter 1996): 404-425.

  31. McCoy, Donald R. "The Struggle to Establish a National Archives in the United States." Prologue 16, no.2 (Summer 1984): 75-90.

  32. McCutchan, Mary F. "Dupont Memorial Fountain Celebrating 75 Years." CRM 19, no.4 (1996): 49-51.

  33. McNeil, Priscilla. "Pretty Prospects: The History of a Land Grant." Washington History 14, no.2 (Fall/Winter 2002): 6-25.

  34. McNeil, Priscilla W. "Rock Creek Hundred: Land Conveyed for the Federal City." Washington History 3, no.1 (Spring/Summer 1991): 34-51.

  35. Miller, Nathan. "'The Bride at Every Wedding': Theodore Roosevelt in the White House." Prologue 26, no.4 (Winter 1994): 214-223.

  36. Millikan, Frank Rives. "St. Elizabeths Hospital: End of the Cathedral Era." Washington History 1, no.2 (Fall 1989): 26-41.
    NARA photo/RG418/RG048

  37. Nicholson, Claudia J. "Washington: Behind the Monuments." Prologue 22, no.1 (1990): 81-89.
    RG042/RG077/RG111/RG121/RG328/RG351/FDR Library

  38. Paul, Marilyn. "Designs for Democracy: 200 Years of Drawings from the National Archives." Prologue 30, no.1 (Spring 1998): 54-61.

  39. Purdy, Virgina C. "A Temple to Clio: The National Archives Building." Prologue 16, no.2 (Summer 1984): 91-106.

  40. Raphael, Marc Lee. "'Our treasury is empty and our bank account is overdrawn': Washington Hebrew Congregation, 1855-1872." American Jewish History 84, no.2 (June 1996): 81-98.

  41. Roe, Donald. "The Dual School System in the District of Columbia, 1862-1954: Origins, Problems, Protests." Washington History 16, no.2 (Fall/Winter 2004-2005): 26-43.

  42. Sandage, Scott A. "A Marble House Divided: The Lincoln Memorial, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Politics of Memory, 1939-1963." Journal of American History 80, no.1 (June 1993): 135-167.

  43. Schamel, Charles E. "Untapped Resources: Private Claims and Private Legislation in the Records of the U.S. Congress." Prologue 27, no.1 (Spring 1995): 44-57.

  44. Schrag, Zachary M. "Mapping Metro, 1955-1968: Urban, Suburban, and Metropolitan Alternatives." Washington History 13, no.1 (Spring/Summer 2001): 4-23.

  45. Scott, Gary. "The Quarries at Aquia and Seneca." White House History 3 (Spring 1998): 32-37.

  46. Seale, William. "About the Gold Spoon Oration." White House History 10 (Winter 2002): 4-11.

  47. Seale, William. "Best Foot Forward: White House Social Rules in the Time of Theodore Roosevelt." Prologue 24, no.3 (Fall 1992): 215-225.

  48. Seale, William. "The Design of Lafayette Park." White House History 2, no.1 (June 1997): 6-19.

  49. Seale, William. "The Stonemasons Who Built the White House." White House History 3 (Spring 1998): 16-31.

  50. Seale, William. "The White House Before the Fire." White House History 4 (Fall 1998): 18-23.

  51. Seale, William. "The White House in John Adam's Presidency." White House History 7 (Spring 2000): 26-35.

  52. Stillman, Damie. "Six Houses for the President." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 129, no.4 (October 2005): 411-431.

  53. Tangires, Helen. "Contested Space: The Life and Death of Center Market." Washington History 7, no.1 (Spring-Summer 1995): 46-67.
    RG042/RG083/RG233/NARA photos

  54. Thomas, Christopher A. "The Marble of the Lincoln Memorial: 'Whitest, Prettiest, and ... Best.'" Washington History 5, no.2 (Fall-Winter 1993-94): 42-63.
    RG042/RG066/RG079/NARA photos

  55. Vivian, James F. "Splendid Isolation: Argentina, the United States, and the San Martin Monument in Washington, 1921-1925." North Dakota Quarterly 45, no.2 (Spring 1977): 24-35.

  56. Ziolkowski, John E. "The Parthenon Stone in the Washington Monument." Prologue 25, no.4 (Winter 1993): 374-381.

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