Holocaust-Era Assets

Art Provenance and Claims Research Project

Descriptive List of Key Records

Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point

Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points (Ardelia Hall Collection), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection Point, Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Card Index. (Entry 500)


Although not always provided, the front of property cards contained space for the following information:

  • Classification (e.g., painting)
  • Author or artist
  • Depot possessor
  • Identifying marks
  • Material (i.e., medium used)
  • Description
  • Presumed owner
  • Catalog number
  • Claim number
  • Negative number
  • Bibliography
  • Measurements & Weight
  • Depot number
  • Subject
  • Arrival condition
  • Accession number
  • Inventory number
  • Photograph
  • Other photos
  • Movements

The back of the cards contained space for the following additional information although it is not always provided in this series:

  • History and ownership
  • Location
  • Exit Date
  • Arrival Date
  • Condition and Repair Record

Approximately half of the cards provide in & out shipment numbers but tend to provide no further description of the object. The other half provide measurements, textual descriptions and photographs but not shipment numbers.

This series is arranged by property accession number. The cards are double-sided.

Volume: 1 1/4PHO-G archives boxes (12 1/4" x 8 1/4" ) - .42 cu. ft.

Location: 390/45/21/02; boxes 197-198.

Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection Point, Records Relating to the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Restitution. (Entry 501)

Although not always provided, the front of property cards contained space for the following information:

  • Classification (e.g., painting)
  • Author or artist
  • Depot possessor
  • Identifying marks
  • Material (i.e., medium used)
  • Description
  • Presumed owner
  • Catalog number
  • Claim number
  • Negative number
  • Bibliography
  • Measurements & Weight
  • Depot number
  • Subject
  • Arrival condition
  • Accession number
  • Inventory number
  • Photograph
  • Other photos
  • Movements

The back of the cards contained space for the following additional information although it is not always provided in this series:

  • History and ownership
  • Location
  • Exit Date
  • Arrival Date
  • Condition and Repair Record

This series is arranged by country and thereunder by accession number. These cards are double-sided. Most cards have an attached photograph.

Volume: Five 12 1/4" x 8 1/4" (PHO-G) sized archives boxes (1.68 cu.ft.)

Location: 390/45/21/02-03; boxes 199-203.

Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection Point, Records Related to Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Accessions, 1945-1949. (Entry 502)


Although not always provided, the front of property cards contained space for the following information:

  • Classification (e.g., painting)
  • Author or artist
  • Depot possessor
  • Identifying marks
  • Material (i.e., medium used)
  • Description
  • Presumed owner
  • Catalog number
  • Claim number
  • Negative number
  • Bibliography
  • Measurements & Weight
  • Depot number
  • Subject
  • Arrival condition
  • Accession number
  • Inventory number
  • Photograph
  • Other photos
  • Movements

The back of the cards contained space for the following additional information although it is not always provided in this series:

  • History and ownership
  • Location
  • Exit Date
  • Arrival Date
  • Condition and Repair Record

Most cards contain history and ownership information and a photograph.

Volume: Seventeen 12 1/4" x 8 1/4" (PHO-G) sized archives boxes (5.712 cu. ft.).

Location: 390/45/21/03-05; boxes 204-220.

Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection Point, Records Relating to the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Releases, 1949-1951. (Entry 503)

Description: Property cards includes such information as author or artist, measurements, depot processor, any identifying remarks, subject of art, material or medium used, condition of object, description of object, the presumed owner, inventory number, and sometimes a photograph of the object. Arranged by repository and thereunder by accession number. Cards are double-sided.

Although not always provided, the front of property cards contained space for the following information:

  • Classification (e.g., painting)
  • Author or artist
  • Depot possessor
  • Identifying marks
  • Material (i.e., medium used)
  • Description
  • Presumed owner
  • Catalog number
  • Claim number
  • Negative number
  • Bibliography
  • Measurements & Weight
  • Depot number
  • Subject
  • Arrival condition
  • Accession number
  • Inventory number
  • Photograph
  • Other photos
  • Movements

The back of the cards contained space for the following additional information although it is not always provided in this series:

  • History and ownership
  • Location
  • Exit Date
  • Arrival Date
  • Condition and Repair Record

Volume: Six 12 1/4" x 8 1/4" (PHO-G) archives boxes (2.016 cu. ft.).

Location: 390/45/21/06-07; boxes 221-226.

Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection Point, Records Related to Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Property Releases to German Private Owners, 1945-1950. (Entry 504)

Description: Property cards includes such information as author or artist, measurements, depot processor, any identifying remarks, subject of art, material or medium used, condition of object, description of object, the presumed owner, inventory number, and sometimes a photograph of the object. Arranged alphabetically by verified owner and thereunder by accession number. Cards are double-sided.

Although not always provided, the front of property cards contained space for the following information:

  • Classification (e.g., painting)
  • Author or artist
  • Depot possessor
  • Identifying marks
  • Material (i.e., medium used)
  • Description
  • Presumed owner
  • Catalog number
  • Claim number
  • Negative number
  • Bibliography
  • Measurements & Weight
  • Depot number
  • Subject
  • Arrival condition
  • Accession number
  • Inventory number
  • Photograph
  • Other photos
  • Movements

The back of the cards contained space for the following additional information although it is not always provided in this series:

  • History and ownership
  • Location
  • Exit Date
  • Arrival Date
  • Condition and Repair Record

Volume: Two 12 1/4" x 8 1/4" (PHO-G) archives boxes (.672 cu. ft.).

Location: 390/45/21/07; boxes 227-228.

Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection Point, Records Related to Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Transfers, 1945-1948. (Entry 505)

Description: Indicates to whom (i.e., country, organization, or individual) art was transferred or restituted. Arranged by final disposition.

Although not always provided, the front of property cards contained space for the following information:

  • Classification (e.g., painting)
  • Author or artist
  • Depot possessor
  • Identifying marks
  • Material (i.e., medium used)
  • Description
  • Presumed owner
  • Catalog number
  • Claim number
  • Negative number
  • Bibliography
  • Measurements & Weight
  • Depot number
  • Subject
  • Arrival condition
  • Accession number
  • Inventory number
  • Photograph
  • Other photos
  • Movements

The back of the cards contained space for the following additional information although it is not always provided in this series:

  • History and ownership
  • Location
  • Exit Date
  • Arrival Date
  • Condition and Repair Record

Volume: Three 12 1/4" x 8 1/4" (PHO-G) archives boxes (1.512 cu. ft.).

Location: 390/45/22/01; boxes 229-231.

Record Group & Series: : RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, Restitution, Research, and Reference Records 1900-1954. (Entry 498)

Description: Intelligence, interrogation, and investigative reports, and captured documents, relating to Hermann Goering, Ettle Gisela Limberger, Adolf Weinbmuller, Heinrich Hoffmann, Ernst Buchner, Walter Andrea Hofer, Walter Bornheim, Dr. Hans Frank, Alfred Rosenberg, Joachim von Ribbontrop, Sess-Inquart, Walter Funk, Baldur von Scirach, and Albert Speer. Records relating to the German occupation of the Netherlands, the disposition of German assets in Italy, the German evacuation of cultural objects from Berlin during the war, the German seizure of works of art in Poland, the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), and the early development of the Nazi Party in the Berchtesgaden area. And some publications including touring guide books to points of cultural interest in Germany, France, and the low countries. Arranged by subject.

Box # File Titles or Subjects
168-169 Hermann Goering--captured records relating to art collecting activities 1940-1945
170-177 Wilhelm Ettle--investigative reports and correspondence 1945-1954
177-180 Prominent German personalities: captured documents, investigative reports, and interrogations relating to Gisela Limberger, Adolf Weinmuller, Heinrich Hoffmann, Ernst Buchner, Walter Andreas Hofer, Walter Bornheim, Dr. Hans Frank, Seyss-Inquart, Hermann Goering, Walter Funk, Baldur von Schirach, and Albert Speer 1939-1948
181-182 Cultural objects in the German occupied Netherlands--documents 1940-1944
182 Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg [ERR]--translations and documents 1942-1945
183 Development of the Wallraf-Richard Museum 1945
184-190 German cultural assets in Italy 1945-1954
191 Provinzialkonservator Peschke and the evacuation of cultural objects from Berlin 1943-1945
191 "Seizure of Works of Art in Poland" (photostatic copy of Nazi report) 1943
192-193 Touring guide books to points of cultural interest in German, France, and the low countries 1900-1942
194-195 Miscellaneous 1923-1942, as follows: Source material on Obersalzberg; two photostatic copies of Moritz Mayer's Judith Platter of the Novel Zwel Menschen (Berchtesgaden: J. N. Bonderthann, Jr., 1930); photostatic copies of a 50-page andwritten manuscript on the development of the Berchtesgaden Ortsgruppe of the Nazi Party up to 1930, by Ludwig Kollhofer; Colonel Erwin Rommel, Infanterie greift an (Potsdam: Ludwig Voggenreiter, 1948); Listing of Private Organizations in the United States that have Helped England, Nazi Party publication, undated, in German; Otto von Kursell, editor, Der Hitler Prozess (The Hitler Trial)(Munich, Nazi Party Publication, 1923).

Volume: 28 boxes.

Location: 390/45/20/05-390/45/21/02; boxes 168-195.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272