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AAR Manufacturing, Inc.

1.0 Site Identification

Location: Livonia, MI
License No.: STB-362
Docket No.: 40-0235
License Status: Terminated License
Project Manager: Kristina Banovac

2.0 Site Status Summary

The AAR site, located in Livonia, Michigan, was formerly owned by Brooks & Perkins, Inc. (B&P), a licensee of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). AEC Source Material License No. D-547 was issued to B&P on January 17, 1957, and then was superseded by License No. STB-0362 on August 10, 1961. AEC terminated license STB-0362 on May 17, 1971. In 1981, AAR purchased B&P and obtained the property. Thorium contaminated surface and subsurface soil has been identified at several locations on the site. The site was added to the Site Decommissioning Management Plan list in August 1994.

AAR submitted its final remediation plan (RP) on October 14, 1997, and NRC approved the RP on May 22, 1998. In November 1998, AAR completed additional site characterization and identified large volumes of soil that contained thorium in concentrations exceeding the approved cleanup criterion. In September 1999, AAR effectively withdrew its approved RP and proposed using "unimportant quantities of source material" (0.05 percent by weight source material), as defined in 10 CFR 40.13(a), as a decommissioning criterion. After staff consultation with the Commission on this policy issue, NRC informed AAR that the revised remediation approach was not acceptable, by letter dated August 9, 2002. AAR is currently proposing unrestricted use of the eastern portion of the site and restricted use of the western portion of the site. AAR plans to enter into a settlement agreement with the NRC on the restrictions and controls needed for restricted use. The agreement would include using a restrictive covenant that would outline the restrictions on the use of the site, such as prohibiting farming or developing residential properties on the site. The agreement would allow NRC or the local and State government to enforce the controls. The cost of decommissioning is unknown at this time.

3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues

AAR is not a licensee. AAR believes it should not be responsible for the cost of site remediation, since it was not directly responsible for the contamination onsite. Elevated levels of thorium have also been identified along the fence separating AAR and CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSX). Although contamination appears to be very limited, there is the potential that financial responsibility for the contamination on CSX property may become an issue. No remediation has been performed by CSX.

4.0 Estimated Date For Closure


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Monday, April 14, 2008