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Andrew Johnson National Historic Site
The Articles of Impeachment

March 7, 1868

The Senate of the United States to Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, Greetings:
Whereas the House of Representatives of the United States of America, did on the Fourth day of March, 1868, exhibit to the Senate articles of impeachment against you the said Andrew Johnson, in the words following:

ARTICLE I.                      
ARTICLE II.                     
ARTICLE III.                   
ARTICLE IV.                    
ARTICLE V.                       

and demand that you, the said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, shall be put to answer the accusations as set forth in said articles, and that such proceedings, examinations, trials, and judgments might be thereupon had as are agreeable to law and justice, as demanded by the House of Representatives through their managers.
And whereas, the House of Representatives through their Managers did, also, on the sixth day of March instant, demand that process be taken against you, that you may answer at the bar of the Senate, upon the articles of impeachment theretofore preferred.
Now therefore, you, the said Andrew Johnson President of the United States, are hereby summoned to be and appear before the Senate of the United States of America, sitting on the trial of the said impeachment, at their chamber in the City of Washington, on Friday the Thirteenth day of March instant, at one O'clock after noon, then and there to answer to the said articles of impeachment, and then and there to abide by, obey, and perform such orders, directions and Judgments as the said Senate of the United States, sitting as aforesaid, shall make in the premises, according to the Constitution and laws of the United States.
Hereof you are not to fail.
Witness Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the United States and President of said Senate sitting on the trial of the said impeachment, at the City of Washington, this Seventh day of March, in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the independence of the United States the Ninety Second.

(signed) Salmon P. Chase
Chief Justice of the United States




ivory basket sample  

Did You Know?
Queen Emma of the Sandwich Islands (now known as the Hawaiian Islands) came to visit President Andrew Johnson in Washington. It was the first time a Queen had visited the White House. She gave this ivory basket to President and Mrs. Johnson. It is now on display in the Andrew Johnson NHS museum.

Last Updated: May 15, 2008 at 13:50 EST