Duke Forest FACE Performance


Operations Performance

Scheduled hours are the total number of daylight hours (solar altitude > -6°) when ambient temperature was greater than 5° C and average wind speeds just above the canopy were less than 5 m sec-1. Operating hours (averaged for the facility) are scheduled hours when the CO2 exposure system was fumigating the treatment plots.

 of Goal
July 2008 472.5 471.5 99.8%
June 2008 466.0 462.8 99.3%
May 2008 466.3 465.7 99.9%
April 2008 412.9 409.3 99.1%
March 2008 339.2 336.2 99.1%
February 2008 225.5 225.0 99.8%
January 2008 177.3 177.1 99.9%
December 2007 232.5 223.7 96.2%
November 2007 288.3 287.9 99.9%
October 2007 367.4 366.7 99.8%
Fiscal Year 2007 4,264.0 4,243.7 99.5%
September 2007 397.4 389.1 97.9%
August 2007 444.8 443.8 99.8%
July 2007 473.2 469.1 99.1%
June 2007 466.5 465.7 99.8%
May 2007 464.3 463.8 99.9%
April 2007 387.6 385.1 99.4%
March 2007 342.7 342.4 99.9%
February 2007 158.9 157.8 99.3%
January 2007 213.4 213.2 99.9%
December 2006 272.0 271.7 99.9%
November 2006 287.7 287.1 99.8%
October 2006 355.5 354.9 99.8%
Fiscal Year 2006 4,290.4 4,259.2 99.3%
September 2006 395.6 394.6 99.8%
August 2006 445.3 444.1 99.7%
July 2006 473.1 458.3 99.8%
June 2006 466.0 464.7 99.7%
May 2006 465.0 463.8 99.7%
April 2006 410.6 402.5 98.0%
March 2006 330.5 330.1 99.9%
February 2006 207.6 207.4 99.9%
January 2006 277.0 276.1 99.7%
December 2005 175.8 175.6 99.9%
November 2005 284.7 283.4 99.6%
October 2005 359.2 358.6 99.8%
Fiscal Year 2005 4,176 4,166 99.8%
September 2005 396 395 99.7%
August 2005 443 442 99.8%
July 2005 472 471 99.8%
June 2005 465 463 99.6%
May 2005 460 459 99.8%
April 2005 395 395 100%
March 2005 288 287 99.7%
February 2005 216 215 99.5%
January 2005 169 169 100%
December 2004 200 200 100%
November 2004 302 301 99.7%
October 2004 370 369 99.7%
Fiscal Year 2004 4,068 4,052 99.6%
September 2004 394 393 99.7%
August 2004 442 441 99.8%
July 2004 471 470 99.8%
June 2004 464 460 99.1%
May 2004 463 462 99.8%
April 2004 401 399 99.5%
March 2004 352 350 99.4%
February 2004 171 170 99.4%
January 2004 131 131 100%
December 2003 145 145 100%
November 2003 275 273 99.3%
October 2003 359 358 99.7%

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Operations Performance by Calendar Year

Jan - Dec Scheduled
 of Goal
2007 4,237.0 4,208 99.3%
2006 4,385.9 4,355.3 99.3%
2005 4,124 4,114 99.8%
2004 4,161 4,146 99.6%

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CO2 Treatment Statistics

The target atmospheric CO2 concentration (often denoted as "[CO2]") for the Duke Forest FACE facility is ambient [CO2] + 200 ppm (µmol mol-1 on a volume basis).  The delivered [CO2] is the actual CO2 treatment attained at the sampling point near the top of the canopy in the center of the plot during the treatment periods for a given calendar year.  Variation around the target is presented as the percentage of time the actual one minute average [CO2] was within 10% and 20% of the target concentration.  This is the typical information required when reporting FACE performance in a peer reviewed journal.

Year Target
[CO2] (ppm)
[CO2] (ppm)
Time within 10%
of target (%)
Time within 20%
of target (%)
2007 589 589 60 87
2006 587 591 67 91
2005 582 585 62 89
2004 579 581 66 91
2003 573 573 70 92
2002 569 568 74 94
2001 572 571 65 90
2000 569 568 64 89
1999 570 568 70 93
1998 575 572 70 93
1997 572 568 65 91
1996 574 570 69 93

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Last Modified: August 11, 2008

FACE is a program of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) - U.S. Department of Energy. Please forward all questions or comments about this site to: Brookhaven FACE Program