OPM Seal United States
Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 02-317 Date: October 4, 2002

Subject: 2003 FEHB Withholdings and Contribution Rates

This letter transmits the official FEHB withholdings and contribution rates for 2003. These are the only rates that agency payroll offices (APOs) should use to update their systems and are effective for pay periods beginning after December 31, 2002.

The FEHB withholdings and contribution rates are available in ASCII, DBF, and Excel formats. We are still unable, however, to make these files available for download from our website. If you are a subscriber to "FINPAY", you will receive all three files. If you are not a FINPAY subscriber and want these files, please email us at finance@opm.gov, using "Want FEHB Rates" as the subject. We will email you the three rate files.

Over the years, we have provided the FEHB carrier contact information for enrollment reconciliation purposes. Due to the recent implementation of the FEHB Centralized Enrollment Clearinghouse (CLER) system, it is no longer necessary that we do so. Rather APOs should obtain carrier contact information from the CLER website at https://www.nfc.usda.gov/cler/index2.asp.

If you have questions about this letter, we would prefer that you email us at finance@opm.gov, so we have a record of them. You may of course call us on 202-606-0606.


Robert A. Yuran, Chief
Financial Policy Staff

Download Letter as PDF File: Adobe Acrobat PDF File

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Page created 4 October 2002