Wellbeing 24/7

Promoting a culture of health, fitness and safety


Features for September

September is National Preparedness Month

After a summer of severe thunderstorms, the hurricane season is now upon us.  Winter's snow and ice won't be far behind.  Extreme weather isn't the only potentially dangerous situation that you may face.  What plans have you made in case of a house fire?  What will you do if there is a prolonged power blackout?  Are you prepared if someone is injured in your home?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security offers information about how to prepare for all of these situations and more.  The Nassau and Suffolk Chapters of the American Red Cross have a Hurricane Guide with local emergency phone numbers and a listing of local TV and radio stations that provide updated information during a hurricane or other emergency.

Taking a few simple steps in advance can help you protect your family and your home.

Regular Features

Due to order processing problems and security concerns, the discount website for home-use PPE is not available at this time.  We hope to be able to provide this service again soon.


Program of the Month - BNL Life Insurance

BNL provides, at no cost, basic life insurance coverage to all regular employees who work 20 or more hours per week.  Additional options are also available.  National Life Insurance Awareness Month is a good time to re-evaluate your coverage (see Denise DiMeglio's article in the BNL Monday Memo).

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National Events

  • Life Insurance Awareness Month.  When a loved one dies without adequate life insurance coverage, surviving family members often face very difficult financial consequences.  As many as 68 million Americans may have no life insurance; many others have inadequate coverage.  Yet in today's difficult financial climate, those most at economic risk may question the cost of life insurance.  The life insurance industry (LIAM) offers information about insurance needs at different life stages.  You can estimate your life insurance needs using on-line tools at the LIAM website or at http://www.prudential.com/HowMuchDoINeed.

  • National Celiac Disease Awareness Day is September 13.  Celiac is a genetic disorder that causes an autoimmune reaction when someone eats a food containing gluten.  In addition to wheat and wheat products, gluten is found in other common grains including oats and rye.  Even small amounts of "hidden" gluten, such as occur in starches used to thicken processed foods, may cause a reaction.  Celiac disease is more common than many people realize, yet only about 3 percent of people with celiac have been diagnosed.  Diagnosis may be difficult because the symptoms may vary from person to person.  Learn more about celiac disease and how to live with it.

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Safety, Health and Fitness Programs and Activities at BNL

Municipal employees in Toronto missed 3.35 fewer days in just the first six months of a fitness program, compared with colleagues who didn't participate.  Many BNL employee injuries on the job are so-called "life-style" injuries that are a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle.  Many back injuries can be avoided through improved abdominal strength and weight loss.  Physical activities such as yoga or dancing help improve balance, reducing the risk of injury from slips and falls.

Brookhaven Employees Recreation Association (BERA) Clubs and fitness activities

BERA offers a wide variety of clubs and activities to employees and their families.  There are over twenty clubs that promote fitness and health along with fun. They range from league sports and ultimate Frisbee to ballroom dancing and a Reiki Community Circle.  Other activities and classes are offered at various times during the year.  Check the BERA fitness activities web page for details.

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Recreation Facilities

Indoor and outdoor recreation facilities provide opportunities for both team sports and individual activities.  Facilities include a gym, weight room, tennis courts, indoor swimming pool, and par course (exercise trail).  A Recreation Park is located at the east end of Brookhaven Avenue.  It features athletic fields (softball, football, soccer and cricket pitch), an archery range, and volleyball courts.  There is also playground equipment is for children.

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Employee Discounts

Many local businesses offer discounts to BNL employees on health, safety and fitness products and services.  These include:

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE), includes clothing, emergency preparedness kits, flu prevention, more, for home use.  Watch for the PPE Featured Product of the Month.
  • Massage and wellness services
  • Discount nutritional supplements
  • Exercise equipment and accessories
  • Fitness club memberships

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Health Promotion Program

BNL's Health Promotion Program fosters a work environment that supports positive health and fitness practices so employees can reduce health-risk factors, achieve healthy lifestyles, and become more fit. The Health Promotion Program provides health education seminars, workshops, fitness activities, and screenings for the BNL community.

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Employee Assistance Program

Safe and healthy employees are BNL's greatest asset.  Personal and family concerns can distract workers, causing them to pay less attention to safety and reducing productivity.  The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers a wide range of programs and services to employees, including articles, videos, health screenings and self-assessments, and counseling services.

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Defensive Driving Class

BNL sponsors a defensive driving class several times each year.  This New York State approved program not only emphasizes safety on the road, it saves you money on your car insurance.  The course is open to BNL, BSA and DOE employees, BNL facility-users, contractors and other guests, and their family members.  The 2008 schedule is now available.

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Sitewide Safety Steward (S3) Recognition

The Sitewide Safety Steward (S3) program seeks out and recognizes people in the Lab community who demonstrate outstanding awareness and implementation of health and safety improvements and corrective actions.  All BNL employees, contractors, visitors, and guests are eligible for an S3 award.  See the Sitewide Safety Steward website for information on how to nominate a candidate and the criteria used for selection.

On March 27, 2008, five Brookhaven employees were given the second annual Sitewide Safety Stewardship (S3) Award.  Four others received Honorable Mention at the award ceremony.  Read about the winners...

Photo of S3 Award winners

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Safety Solutions (S2) Program

The BNL Safety Solutions (S2) Program is designed to seek out and fund health and safety improvements and corrective actions derived from employee suggestions. All BNL employees, contractors, visitors, and guests are eligible to submit a project for funding consideration.  The scope of the program includes eliminating or reducing safety and health hazards and enhancing safety and health through equipment and process improvements.  See the Safety Solutions website for information on criteria used to select projects and how to apply for funding.

Recent S2 award-winning projects have included installation of automatic external defibrillators at large experimental areas in RHIC; purchase of UV-blocking eyewear; replacing a broken curb with a ramp; and closure of a driveway at Bldg. 179.

Wellbeing 24/7 is a philosophy that emphasizes a "whole person" approach, that promotes physical and emotional health in a culture of safety at work and off the job, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Wellbeing 24/7 has three components:

  • Awareness - There are fewer accidents when awareness of safety and health is part of everyone's value system and lifestyle.
  • Participation - Being aware of health and safety opportunities is just the start.  To enjoy the benefits of a culture of health, fitness and safety, you need to participate. 
  • Ownership - Let's face it: no one cares more about your personal wellbeing than YOU.  When you take ownership of your wellbeing, it's an ongoing way of life that also touches your family, friends and co-workers.

Wellbeing 24/7 is the one place where you can come to find information about all of the Lab's many health and safety programs, events and facilities - information that you can use at home and at play, as well as at work.  Each month a different program or special event and an item from the BNL home discount PPE catalog will be highlighted. As Wellbeing 24/7 continues to develop, it will feature a member of the BNL community sharing his or her safety or health-related personal success story. Your friends and colleagues have taken charge of their own safety and health and improved their lives in the process.



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Last Modified: September 9, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Mary Daum