Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office
California and Nevada Operations, Region 8
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Fisheries Program Guidance
Arcata Fish & Wildlife Office, Fisheries Program


1. The Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office Fisheries Program Mission is aligned with the California and Nevada Operations Strategic Plan, July 28, 2006

California Nevada Operations Vision

  • Acknowledged excellence in enhancing the environmental quality of California's, Nevada's, and Klamath's diverse ecological resources.

California Nevada Operations Mission Statement

  • California and Nevada Operations (CNO) is dedicated to providing biological expertise and leadership to the conservation and restoration of the Services' trust resources through the application of creditable science, sound managerial techniques, and community-based partnerships


2. Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office Fisheries Program activities are aligned with the National Fisheries Program Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 2004 – 2008, January 20, 2006

National Vision

The vision of the Service and its Fisheries Program is working with partners to restore and maintain fish and other aquatic resources at self-sustaining levels and to support Federal mitigation programs for the benefit of the American public.

Implementing this vision will help the Fisheries Program do more for aquatic resources and the people who value and depend on them through enhanced partnerships, scientific integrity, and a balanced approach to conservation.

National Commitment

To achieve the Fisheries Program vision, we are committed to working with our partners to:

  • Protect the health of aquatic habitats;
  • Restore fish and other aquatic resources; and
  • Provide opportunities to enjoy the many benefits of healthy aquatic resources.

National Criteria for Making Decisions and Setting Priorities

The Fisheries Program will use five criteria in deciding what fishery activities, opportunities, and issues to address for each of the seven priority areas, and partners will be consulted as key decisions are made that affect the direction of the Fisheries Program. The criteria are based on the identification of a Federal role and a determination of whether or not the Service is the most appropriate Federal agency. The Service will weigh proposed and potential activities by:

  • The strength of Federal authority and responsibility;
  • Tthe extent to which our efforts will complement others in the fisheries and aquatic resources conservation community;
  • The likelihood that our efforts will produce measurable resource results;
  • The likelihood that our efforts will produce significant economic or social benefits; and
  • The extent of partner support.


Last updated: September 22, 2008