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RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting XXIII - March 19, 2004

Location: BNL CAD Department, Bldg. 1005 ~ Third Floor Conference Room ~ 9:00-5:00pm 

Bridge Line:  631-344-6363  

VRVS:  Community=ASTRO, Virtual Room=CenA

ALL speakers please send talks in advance to  Thank you.


9:00     Welcome and Coffee
9:10     Machine Status & Update, W. Fischer
9:30     News from AGS pp run, H. Huang
10:30   Coffee Break
10:45   RHIC Snake Quence Protection Update, G. Ganetis
11:00   Updates on RHIC Commissioning Plan, M. Bai
11:45   Some Discussions on FY05 run
12:00   Lunch
13:30   "Final" Result from RHIC pC CNI, O. Jinnouchi
14:30   FY03 AGS CNI Polarimeter Results, J. Wood
15:00   Coffee Break
15:20   FY04 AGS CNI Polarimeter Updates, D. Svirida
15:50   Update from pp2pp, W. Guryn
16:45   AOB and next meeting date
17:00   Beer, Wine, Soda, and Food


Last update on: 26 Jan 2005. Page problems?