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"Global Green New Deal" - Environmentally-Focused Investment Historic Opportunity for 21st Century Prosperity and Job Generation

UNEP Launches Green Economy Initiative to Get the Global Markets Back to Work

London/Nairobi, 22 October 2008 - Mobilizing and re-focusing the global economy towards investments in clean technologies and 'natural' infrastructure such as forests and soils is the best bet for real growth, combating climate change and triggering an employment boom in the 21st century.

The call was made today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and leading economists as they launched the Green Economy Initiative aimed at seizing an historic opportunity to bring about tomorrow's economy today.

>> full release

Children Raise US$ 21,000 for the Fight Against Climate Change

26 children's paintings sold as part of UNEP's Paint for the Planet event in New York New York, 26 October 2008 - In a ray of hope amid the current economic crisis, children from around the world have pulled together and raised US$21,000 for the fight against climate change.

As part of the Paint for the Planet event organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), children's paintings were auctioned at New York's Harvard Club to raise money for children in areas affected by climate-related disasters.

>> full release

"Global Green New Deal" - Environmentally-Focused Investment Historic Opportunity for 21st Century Prosperity and Job Generation
"Global Green New Deal" - Environmentally-Focused Investment Historic Opportunity for 21st Century Prosperity and Job Generation
Danone, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature
ICC and UNEP Host Climate and Resource Efficiency Forum
UNEP/CMS Backed Agreement to Protect Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia
UN-backed Caring for Climate Initiative Convenes First Meeting of Signatories
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