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SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}1993 9 9 942~ #1~ $33 2534BUILD O1A~}~~~}1993 9 9 955~ #0~ %2~ #211BUILD O1A LINE~}~~~}19931109 827~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1 .O1A]~}~~~}199311 9 9 1~ #1~ $58 3249build o1a~}~~~}199311 9 9 7~ #0~ %2~ #210b uild o1a line~}~~~}19931109 914~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~ }~~~}199311 9 918~ #1~ $44 2591build o1a~}~~~}199311 9 919~ #0~ %2~ #211build o 1a line~}~~~}199312171013~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}1 9930207 758~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}19930207 818~ # 0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}199303091021~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCED IT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}19940329 909~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PA TD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}19940518 740~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O 1A]~}~~~}1994 518 742~ #1~ $32 2904build o1a~}~~~}1994 518 742~ #0~ %2~ #210bui ld o1a line~}~~~}19940518 909~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~ ~~}199405191100~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}19940519113 2~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}199405191240~ #0~ %0~ %0A RCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}199405191310~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS :[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}1994 5191312~ #2~ $62 3372BUILD O1A~}~~~}1994 519131 7~ #0~ %3~ #218BUILD O1A LINE~}~~~}199405191347~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD .DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}199405191407~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A ]~}~~~}199405191416~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}1994 51 91418~ #2~ $44 3204BUILD O1A~}~~~}1994 5191423~ #0~ %3~ #214BUILD O1A LINE~}~~~ }199405201015~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.O1A]~}~~~}1994 5201021~ #1~ $42 2767BUILD O1A~}~~~}1994 5201022~ #0~ %3~ #212BUILD O1A LINE~}~~~}1994 5201024~ #1~ $11~ #852copy [-.sheet1]o1a deco~}~~~}199405201515~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCE DIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199405201522~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PA TD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199405201533~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO ]~}~~~}19940523 728~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}19940523 733~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 523 734~ #2~ $47 2938build deco~}~~~}1994 523 735~ #0~ %3~ #217build deco line~}~~~}19940523112 6~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 5231128~ #2~ $64 301 8build deco~}~~~}1994 5231129~ #0~ %4~ #219build deco line~}~~~}199405231537~ #0 ~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 5231543~ #2~ $59 3372buil d deco~}~~~}1994 5231543~ #0~ %4~ #233build deco line~}~~~}199405241121~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199405241127~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$ GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 5241129~ #2~ $62 3014build deco~}~~~}19940524 1532~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 5241535~ #2~ $80 3075build deco~}~~~}1994 5241558~ #0~ %4~ #248build deco line~}~~~}19940525 84 6~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199405251128~ #0~ %0~ %0AR CEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199405251406~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[ PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199405251452~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DE CO]~}~~~}199405251535~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199405 26 735~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}19940526 744~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 526 747~ #2~ $86 3535build dec o~}~~~}1994 526 750~ #0~ %5~ #231build deco line~}~~~}19940526 946~ #0~ %0~ %0AR CEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 526 949~ #2~ $82 3604BUILD DECO~}~~ ~}1994 526 950~ #0~ %5~ #230BUILD DECO LINE~}~~~}1994 5261225~ #2~ $61 2478buil d deco~}~~~}1994 5261225~ #0~ %5~ #231build deco line~}~~~}1994 5261550~ #2~ $60 2333build deco~}~~~}1994 5261551~ #0~ %5~ #233build deco line~}~~~}19940527153 3~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 5271538~ #4~ $97 452 0build deco~}~~~}1994 5271541~ #0~ %6~ #234build deco line~}~~~}199405311134~ #0 ~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199405311447~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 5311457~ #5~ #132 5664build deco~}~~~}19 94 5311458~ #0~ %9~ #266build deco line~}~~~}199406021139~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS $GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199406021347~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.D ECO.DECO]~}~~~}199406021442~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~} 199406031117~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}199406031508~ # 0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT~}~~~}1994 6 31537 15~ #200 12172build deco1~}~~~}1994 6 31538~ #0~ $13~ #300build deco1 line~}~~~}1994 6 31550~ #0~ %4~ #272RENAME DECO1 DECO~ }~~~}199406061131~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994060615 24~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 6 616 8 17~ #235 19 106build deco~}~~~}19940607 834~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DECO.DECO]~} ~~~}1994 6 7 851 18~ #269 19116build deco~}~~~}1994 6 7 853~ #0~ $15~ #323build deco line~}~~~}1994 6 71338~ #0~ $11~ #610CREATELABELS DECO 0~}~~~}1994 6 71351 ~ #7~ #167 8815BUILD DECO~}~~~}199406071433~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL .DECO.DECO]~}~~~}1994 6101054~ #1~ %9 1063copy [-.deco]deco deco1~}~~~}19940613 739~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.DECO1]~}~~~}19940613 739~ #0~ %0 ~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.DECO1]~}~~~}199406141340~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.DECO1]~}~~~}1994 6141354 12~ #243 17487BUILD DECO1~}~~ ~}1994 6141354~ #0~ $15~ #302BUILD DECO1 LINE~}~~~}1994 6141414~ #0~ %1~ $37LABE LERRORS DECO1~}~~~}19940615 725~ #0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.SHEET1.DECO1 ]~}~~~}1994 6171452~ #1~ %9~ #943COPY [-.SHEET1]DECO1 DECO1~}~~~}19940620 808~ # 0~ %0~ %0ARCEDIT SYS$GIS:[PATD.DL.DONE.DECO1]~}~~~}1994 620 833~ #5~ #165 6861b uild deco1~}~~~}1994 620 833~ #0~ $15~ #341build deco1 line~}~~~}1994 622 932~ # 0~ %3~ #285RENAME DECO1 DIKES~}~~~}1994 622 932~ #0~ %3~ #271RENAME DIKES DECO~} ~~~}1994 6221018~ #3~ #153 1449EXPORT COVER DECO~ #DECO~ #PARTIAL 58250~}~~~}19 94 623 810~ #4~ #197 1430EXPORT COVER DECO~ #DECO~ #PARTIAL 58250~}~~~}1994 623 1041~ #6~ #152 1471EXPORT COVER DECO~ #DECO~ #PARTIAL 58250~}~~~}1994 6291434~ #0~ %1~ #118EXTERNALALL~}~~~}1994 630 8 6~ #3~ #151 1410EXPORT COVER DECO~ $DE CO~ $PARTIAL 58250~}~~~}1994 7 1 855~ #4~ #154 1630EXPORT COVER DECO~ $DECO~ $P ARTIAL 58250~}~~~}1994 7 51126~ #6~ #167 1690EXPORT COVER DECO~ $DECO~ $NONE~}~ ~~}19960809 940~ #2~ $53~ $64ggreen import cover deco deco~}~~~}199608091038~ #0 ~ %5~ $10ggreen projectdefine cover deco~}~~~}19960812 829~ #0~ %0~ %0ggreen~ #D OCUMENT DECO COPY~ #/mrsp1/ggreen/wyoming/~}~~DIKES ggreen~}199608121057~ #2~ $5 7~ #134ggreen EXPORT COVER DECO~ $DECO~ $NONE~}~~~}19961210 913~ #1~ $54~ #104gg reen import cover deco deco~}~~~}19961217 755~ #5~ $56~ $37ggreen project cover deco wyo_deco~}~~~}19961217 837~ #1~ $57~ #130ggreen build wyo_deco~}~~~}199612 17 859~ #0~ %4~ $17ggreen BUILD WYO_DECO LINE~}~~~}19961217 910~ #0~ %4~ $12ggre en build wyo_deco line~}~~~}19961217 916~ #2~ $81~ #249ggreen clip /mrsp1/ggreen /wyoming/wyo_deco clipper w~}~~yo_deco net~}19961217 916~ #0~ %4~ $46ggreen buil d wyo_deco~}~~~}19961217 916~ #0~ %2~ $11ggreen build wyo_deco line~}~~~}1997081 3 958~ #0~ %0~ %0ggreen~ #DOCUMENT WYO_DECO COPY~ #/mrsp1/ggreen/colo~}~~rado/ba ckdrop/DECO ggreen~}19970814 808~ #1~ %3~ #100ggreen copy ../backdrop/wyo_deco~} ~~~}19970815 946~ #0~ %0~ %0ggreen~ #DOCUMENT WYO_DECO UPDATE ggreen~}~~~}199708 181357~ #0~ %6~ $40ggreen export cover wyo_deco wyo_dec~}~~~}EOL~}PRJ 2~}Projec tion~ $LAMBERT~}~~~}Zunits~ (NO~}~~~}Units~ )METERS~}~~~}Spheroid~ &CLARKE1866~} ~~~}Xshift~ (0.0000000000~}~~~}Yshift~ (0.0000000000~}~~~}Parameters~}~~~} 33 0 0.000 /* 1st standard parallel~}~~~} 45 0 0.000 /* 2nd standard parallel~}~~ ~}-105 30 0.000 /* central meridian~}~~~} 0 0 0.000 /* latitude of projection 's origin~}~~~}0.00000 /* false easting (meters)~}~~~}0.00000 /* false northing (meters)~}~~~}EOP~}IFO 2~}WYO_DECO.AAT~ 4XX~ #9~ #9 34~ (58~}FNODE#~ ,4-1~ #1 4-1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 31-~}TNODE#~ ,4-1~ #54-1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 32-~}LP OLY#~ ,4-1~ #94-1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 33-~}RPOLY#~ ,4-1 134-1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 34-~}LENGTH~ ,4-1 174-1 12 3 60-1 -1 -1-1~ 35-~}WYO_DECO#~ )4-1 214 -1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 36-~}WYO_DECO-ID~ '4-1 254-1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 37- ~}P1~ 03-1 294-1~ #3-1 30-1 -1 -1-1~ 38-~}HP~ 03-1 324-1~ #3-1 30-1 -1 -1- 1~ 39-~}~ *1~ *1~ *1~ *2 1.2514519E+03~ *1~ (435~} 32101~}~ *1~ *2~ *1~ *1 5.021 7245E+02~ *2~ %113401~} 34101~}~ *3~ *3~ *1~ *3 1.4126591E+03~ *3~ (438~} 33101~ }~ *4~ *4~ *1~ *4 1.4129249E+03~ *4~ (438~} 33101~}~ *5~ *6~ *1~ *1 5.0242783E+0 2~ *5~ %113401~} 34101~}~ *6~ *6~ *1~ *5 1.2533042E+03~ *6~ (435~} 32101~}~ *7~ *7~ *1~ *6 1.2557766E+03~ *7~ (435~} 32101~}~ *7~ *8~ *1~ *1 5.0258871E+02~ *8~ %113401~} 34101~}~ *9~ *9~ *1~ *7 1.4126584E+03~ *9~ (438~} 33101~}~ )10~ )10~ *1~ *8 1.2604478E+03~ )10~ (435~} 32101~}~ )10~ )11~ *1~ *1 5.0213736E+02~ )11~ %113401~} 34101~}~ )12~ )12~ *1~ *9 1.2499297E+03~ )12~ (435~} 32101~}~ )12~ )1 3~ *1~ *1 5.0253287E+02~ )13~ %113401~} 34101~}~ )14~ )14~ *1~ )10 1.4135044E+03 ~ )14~ (438~} 33101~}~ )15~ )15~ *1~ )11 1.2480289E+03~ )15~ (435~} 32101~}~ )15 ~ )16~ *1~ *1 5.0240497E+02~ )16~ %113401~} 34101~}~ )17~ )18~ *1~ *1 5.0183533E +02~ )17~ %113401~} 34101~}~ )18~ )18~ *1~ )12 1.2608070E+03~ )18~ (435~} 32101~ }~ )19~ )19~ *1~ )13 1.4130758E+03~ )19~ (438~} 33101~}~ )20~ )20~ *1~ )14 1.254 8884E+03~ )20~ (435~} 32101~}~ )20~ )21~ *1~ *1 5.0232071E+02~ )21~ %113401~} 34 101~}~ )22~ )22~ *1~ )15 1.4132241E+03~ )22~ (438~} 33101~}~ )23~ )23~ *1~ )16 1 .4130905E+03~ )23~ (438~} 33101~}~ )24~ )24~ *1~ )17 1.4130149E+03~ )24~ (438~} 33101~}~ )27~ )25~ )18~ )19 4.9901419E+02~ )25~ (413~} 30101~}~ )28~ )27~ )18~ )22 5.0126535E+02~ )26~ (414~} 30101~}~ )28~ )25~ *1~ )18 7.8654773E+02~ )27~ ( 415~} 30101~}~ )25~ )29~ *1~ )19 7.7590216E+02~ )28~ (416~} 30101~}~ )27~ )29~ ) 19~ )23 4.9723157E+02~ )29~ (417~} 30101~}~ )30~ )26~ )20~ )21 4.9901407E+02~ )3 0~ (413~} 30101~}~ )31~ )30~ )20~ )24 5.0126544E+02~ )31~ (414~} 30101~}~ )31~ ) 26~ *1~ )20 7.8671796E+02~ )32~ (415~} 30101~}~ )26~ )32~ *1~ )21 7.7615112E+02~ )33~ (416~} 30101~}~ )30~ )32~ )21~ )25 4.9723151E+02~ )34~ (417~} 30101~}~ )29 ~ )33~ *1~ )23 7.8620502E+02~ )35~ (424~} 30101~}~ )33~ )27~ )22~ )23 5.0350000E +02~ )36~ (425~} 30101~}~ )33~ )28~ *1~ )22 7.8953650E+02~ )37~ (426~} 30101~}~ )32~ )34~ *1~ )25 7.8607916E+02~ )38~ (424~} 30101~}~ )34~ )30~ )24~ )25 5.0350 000E+02~ )39~ (425~} 30101~}~ )34~ )31~ *1~ )24 7.8932550E+02~ )40~ (426~} 30101 ~}~ )36~ )36~ *1~ )26 1.2522833E+03~ )41~ (435~} 32101~}~ )36~ )37~ *1~ *1 5.025 4254E+02~ )42~ %113401~} 34101~}~ )38~ )35~ )27~ )28 4.9951407E+02~ )43~ (413~} 30101~}~ )39~ )38~ )27~ )29 5.0126419E+02~ )44~ (414~} 30101~}~ )39~ )35~ *1~ ) 27 7.8640704E+02~ )45~ (415~} 30101~}~ )35~ )40~ *1~ )28 7.7583435E+02~ )46~ (41 6~} 30101~}~ )38~ )40~ )28~ )30 4.9723038E+02~ )47~ (417~} 30101~}~ )40~ )41~ *1 ~ )30 7.8652271E+02~ )48~ (424~} 30101~}~ )41~ )38~ )29~ )30 5.0350000E+02~ )49~ (425~} 30101~}~ )41~ )39~ *1~ )29 7.8982385E+02~ )50~ (426~} 30101~}~ )43~ )42~ )31~ )32 4.9901419E+02~ )51~ (413~} 30101~}~ )44~ )43~ )31~ )33 5.0126544E+02~ )52~ (414~} 30101~}~ )44~ )42~ *1~ )31 7.8654779E+02~ )53~ (415~} 30101~}~ )42~ )45~ *1~ )32 7.7590216E+02~ )54~ (416~} 30101~}~ )43~ )45~ )32~ )34 4.9723151E+ 02~ )55~ (417~} 30101~}~ )45~ )46~ *1~ )34 7.8620502E+02~ )56~ (424~} 30101~}~ ) 46~ )43~ )33~ )34 5.0350000E+02~ )57~ (425~} 30101~}~ )46~ )44~ *1~ )33 7.894110 7E+02~ )58~ (426~} 30101~}WYO_DECO.ATT~ 813 13 522~ (18~}PATHNAME~ (128-1~ #14- 1 128-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 31-~}TYPE~ .6-1 1294-1~ #6-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 32-~}FILENA ME~ )32-1 1354-1 32-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 33-~}ITEMNAME~ )16-1 1674-1 16-1 20-1 - 1 -1-1~ 34-~}ITEMWIDTH~ )4-1 1834-1~ #4-1 30-1 -1 -1-1~ 35-~}OUTPUTWIDTH~ '4- 1 1874-1~ #4-1 30-1 -1 -1-1~ 36-~}ITEMTYPE~ *1-1 1914-1~ #1-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 37-~}NUMDECIMAL~ (2-1 1924-1~ #2-1 30-1 -1 -1-1~ 38-~}USERNAME~ *8-1 1944-1~ #8-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 39-~}SHORTDEF~ )80-1 2024-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 210-~}DA TADOMAIN~ '80-1 2824-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 211-~}DATASOURCE~ '80-1 3624-1 80- 1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 212-~}ATTACCURACY~ &80-1 4424-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 213-~}/m rsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ VWYO_DECO.PAT~}~ &-~ 20 28- 0ggreen Attribute tabl e of WYO_DECO.~}~ I-~}~ IARC/INFO~}~ I-~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMN WYO_DECO.PAT~}~ &AREA~ /4 12F 3ggreen Area of poly/region in square coverage~} units~ DPositive real numbers~}~ IComputed~}~ IONLY valid for equal-area project ion~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.PAT~}~ &PERIMETER~ *4 12F 3ggreen Perimeter of poly/region in coverage un~}its~ FPositive real numbers~} ~ IComputed~}~ IValid for projection & fuzzy tolerance~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado /ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.PAT~}~ &WYO_DECO#~ *4~ #5B 0ggreen Internal feature num ber~}~ ISequential unique positive integer~}~ IComputed~}~ INo qualifications~}~ }/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.PAT~}~ &WYO_DECO-ID~ (4~ #5B 0ggr een User-assigned feature number~}~ IInteger~}~ IUser-defined~}~ I-~}~}/mrsp1/g green/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.PAT~}~ &P1~ 13~ #3I 0ggreen shorthand att ribute~}~}~}~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.PAT~}~ &NAME~ /5~ #5C 0ggreen item name~}~}~}~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.P AT~}~ &HP~ 13~ #3I 0ggreen pen color~}~}~}~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ VWY O_DECO.AAT~}~ &-~ 20 34- 0ggreen Attribute table of WYO_DECO.~}~ I-~}~ IARC/IN FO~}~ I-~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.AAT~}~ &FNODE#~ -4~ #5 B 0ggreen Internal number of from-node~}~ ISequential unique positive integer~} ~ IComputed~}~ INo qualifications~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DE CO.AAT~}~ &TNODE#~ -4~ #5B 0ggreen Internal number of to-node~}~ ISequential un ique positive integer~}~ IComputed~}~ INo qualifications~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colora do/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.AAT~}~ &LPOLY#~ -4~ #5B 0ggreen Internal number of po ly to left of arc~}~ ISequential unique positive integer~}~ IComputed~}~ INo qua lifications~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.AAT~}~ &RPOLY#~ -4~ #5B 0ggreen Internal number of poly to right of arc~}~ ISequential unique posi tive integer~}~ IComputed~}~ INo qualifications~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.AAT~}~ &LENGTH~ -4 12F 3ggreen Length of arc in coverage unit s~}~ IPositive real numbers~}~ IComputed~}~ IValid for projection and fuzzy tole ranc~}e~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.AAT~}~ &WYO_DECO#~ *4~ #5 B 0ggreen Internal feature number~}~ ISequential unique positive integer~}~ ICo mputed~}~ INo qualifications~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.AA T~}~ &WYO_DECO-ID~ (4~ #5B 0ggreen User-assigned feature number~}~ IInteger~}~ IUser-defined~}~ I-~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PCOLUMNWYO_DECO.AAT~}~ &P1 ~ 13~ #3I 0ggreen shorthand attribute~}~}~}~}~}/mrsp1/ggreen/colorado/ofr~}~ PC OLUMNWYO_DECO.AAT~}~ &HP~ 13~ #3I 0ggreen pen color~}~}~}~}~}WYO_DECO.BND~ 4XX~ #4~ #4 16~ )1~}XMIN~ .4-1~ #14-1 12 3 60-1 -1 -1-1~ 31-~}YMIN~ .4-1~ #54-1 12 3 60-1 -1 -1-1~ 32-~}XMAX~ .4-1~ #94-1 12 3 60-1 -1 -1-1~ 33-~}YMAX~ . 4-1 134-1 12 3 60-1 -1 -1-1~ 34-~}-1.9187645E+03 4.8441945E+06 2.7223188E+04 4.8907775E+06~}WYO_DECO.DOC~ 835 521352~ )1~}DOC-REV~ +8-1~ #14-1~ #8-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 31-~}CREATE-DATE~ &13-1~ #94-1 13-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 32-~}UPDATE-PER SON~ $30-1 224-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 33-~}UPDATE-DATE~ &13-1 524-1 13-1 20- 1 -1 -1-1~ 34-~}COVER~ ,16-1 654-1 16-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 35-~}WORKSPACE~ '128 -1 814-1 128-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 36-~}EXTENT~ +80-1 2094-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 37-~}PRECISION~ )6-1 2894-1~ #6-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 38-~}TOLERANCES~ '40-1 2954-1 40-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 39-~}NUM-ARCS~ *6-1 3354-1~ #6-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 210-~}NU M-SEGS~ *7-1 3414-1~ #7-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 211-~}NUM-POLYS~ )6-1 3484-1~ #6-1 20- 1 -1 -1-1~ 212-~}NUM-POINTS~ (6-1 3544-1~ #6-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 213-~}NUM-TICS~ *5-1 3604-1~ #5-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 214-~}NUM-ANNOS~ )5-1 3654-1~ #5-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 215-~}THEME~ ,30-1 3704-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 216-~}DESCRIPTION~ &80-1 4004-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 217-~}CONTACT-PERSON~ #30-1 4804-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 218-~}CONTACT-INSTRUC 80-1 5104-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 219-~}ORGANIZAT ION~ %30-1 5904-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 220-~}COVER-REV~ )8-1 6204-1~ #8-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 221-~}LOCATION~ )80-1 6284-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 222-~}RESOLUTION~ '30-1 7084-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 223-~}SCALE~ ,30-1 7384-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1 -1~ 224-~}ARCHIVE~ *80-1 7684-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 225-~}PUB-STATUS~ '80-1 84 84-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 226-~}CITATION-1~ '80-1 9284-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 227-~}CITATION-2~ '80-110084-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 228-~}CITATION-3~ '80-1108 84-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 229-~}CITATION-4~ '80-111684-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 230-~}CITATION-5~ '80-112484-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 231-~}BEGDATE~ +8-113284-1 ~ #8-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 232-~}BEGTIME~ +4-113364-1~ #4-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 233-~}EN DDATE~ +8-113404-1~ #8-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 234-~}ENDTIME~ +4-113484-1~ #4-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 235-~}THETITLE~ )80-1 9280-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}ORIGINATOR~ '80-110080-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}PUBLCNDATE~ '20-110880-1 20-1 20-1 - 1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}PUBLCNTIME~ '10-111080-1 10-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}TYPEOFMAP~ ( 20-111280-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}SERIESNAME~ '20-111480-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}ISSUEIDENT~ (5-111680-1~ #5-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}ONLINELINK~ '6 0-111730-1 60-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}LGRWRKCTN~ (15-112330-1 15-1 20-1 -1 - 1-1~ 2-1-~}PUBLPLACE~ (20-112480-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}PUBLISHER~ (30-11 2680-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}OTHCITINFO~ '30-112980-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1-1 ~ 2-1-~}EDITION~ *10-111180-1 10-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}DISTRIB1~ )20-1 5100-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}DISTRIB2~ )20-1 5300-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~} DISTRIB3~ )20-1 5500-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}DISTRIB4~ )20-1 5700-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}2.704~ #960809.141736ggreen~ 8970815.094628WYO_DECO~}/mrs p1/ggreen/colorado/backdrop~}~ P-1918.764526367 4844194.5 27223.~}1875 4890777.5 ~ BSINGLE43.70299911499 0~}~ .58~ $355~ $34~ $33~ $63~ #0~ $Geology of Wyoming~ ,d~}eco, a graphic overlay coverage for the geologic map~ ;g~}green@usgs.gov~ / ofr-94-0425~}~ =MRSP, GD, USGS, DOI~ 3the State of~}Wyoming~ Z 100 meters~}~ 15 00,000~ 7/pub/open-file-reports/ofr-94-042~}5 on greenwood.cr.usgs.gov~ 5complet e~}~ OThe Digital Geologic Map of Wyomi~}ng in ARC/INFO Format~ :Green, G.N. and Drouillard, P.H.~}~ O1994~}~ 'map~ 1open-file-report~ )greenwood.cr.usgs.gov /p ub/o~}pen-file-reports/ofr-94-0425~ 3Denver, Colorado~ $U.S.Geologica~}l Survey~ )Open-File Report 94-0425~}WYO_DECO.NAR~ 91~ #1 80~ '507~}TXT-NARR~ )80-1~ #14 -1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 31-~}~} 1. Abstract~}~ (This geologic map was prepared as part of a study of digital~}methods and techniques as applied to complex geo logic maps. The~}geologic map was digitized from the original scribe sheets use d to~}prepare the published Geologic Map of Wyoming (Love and Christiansen,~}198 5). Consequently, the digital version is at 1:500,000 scale using~}the Lambert Conformal Conic map projection parameters of the State base~}map. Stable base contact prints of the scribe sheets were scanned on~}a Tektronix 4991 digital s canner. The scanner automatically converts~}the scanned image to an ASCII vecto r format. These vectors were~}transferred to a VAX minicomputer, where they wer e then loaded into~}ARC/INFO. Each vector and polygon was given attributes deri ved from~}the original 1985 geologic map.~}~}~}~ #Descriptors:~}~ #The Digital G eologic Map of Wyoming in ARC/INFO Format~}~ #Open-File Report 94-0425~}~}~} 2. Applications that use this data~}~ #models and assesments~}~}~ #2.1 Intended u se of data~}~ #base geologic map~}~}~ #2.2 Limitations of data~} Scale is 1:50 0,000 and should not be used outside that range~}~} WATER, ROADS, CONTOURS, AND TOWNS:~}~}~ (Published geologic maps are prepared using a USGS topographic base ~}map that contains the hydrology, hypsography, and political features.~}Because this digital version of the Geologic Map of Wyoming started with~}the original geologic scribe sheets, these features were not present.~}Only those water bodi es that were required to close polygons were added~}by hand. The digital hydrol ogy is not complete or as accurate as the~}original USGS 1:500,000 topographic b ase. A few water bodies were added~}for visual effect. No roads, contours, or towns were present on the~}geologic scribe sheets and none were added to this d igital version.~}~}~} 3. Attribute discussion~}~ $CODING SCHEME FOR ATTRIBUTES:~ }ITEM~ -FEATURE~}~}P1~ .Shorthand attribute~}NAME~ ,Name~}BW~ .Line pattern from CARTO.LIN~}CCA~ -Line pattern from CCA.LIN or shade color from CCA.SHD~}DOT~ -S hade pattern from DOT.SHD~}PLT~ -Shade pattern from PLOTTER.SHD~}MAJOR1 DLG-3 ( Optional) style MAJOR1 attribute~}MINOR1 DLG-3 (Optional) style MINOR1 attribut e~}~}Line Types and Attributes~}~} P1~ #CCA BW MAJOR1 MINOR1 Name~}~}~ #1~ $1~ $0~ $500~ $401 contact~}~ #2~ $0~ $0~ $500~ $402 nonprinting contact~}~ # 3~ $4~ $0~ $500~ $403 fault~}~ #4~ $0 106~ $500~ $404 dotted fault~}~ #5~ $4~ $0~ $500~ $405 thrust fault~}~ #6~ $0 106~ $500~ $406 dotted thrust fault~}~ #7~ $4~ $0~ $500~ $407 thrust fault w/younger normal fault~}~ #8~ $0 106~ $50 0~ $408 dotted thrust fault w/younger normal fault~}~ #9~ $4~ $0~ $500~ $409 f ault ? - based on source maps~} 10~ $1~ $0~ $500~ $410 base of Shannon Sandsto ne Member~} 11 135~ $0~ %50~ $200 shoreline~} 12 135~ $0~ %50~ $103 edge o f ice~} 13~ $0 127~ %91~ %56 State Boundary~} 20 386~ $0~ $501~ $420 Ti in trusive~} 21 449~ $0~ $501~ $421 Yd intrusive~} 22 449~ $0~ $501~ $422 YX intrusive~} 23 223~ $0~ $501~ $423 XM intrusive~} 24 331~ $0~ $501~ $424 ~~W intrusive~} 30~ $2~ $0~ $502~ $430 diatreme~} 31 212~ $0~ $502~ $431 impact structure~} 32~ $1~ $0~ $502~ $432 ball outline~} 33~ $1~ $0~ $502~ $433 tooth outline~} 34~ $1~ $0~ $502~ $434 bar~} 35~ $1~ $0~ $502~ $435 s hear zone~} 40 212~ $0~ $503~ $440 anticline axis~} 41 212~ $0~ $503~ $441 anticline arrow~} 42 345~ $0~ $503~ $442 boundary region~}~}Polygon Types a nd Attributes~}~} P1~ #CCA DOT PLT MAJOR1 MINOR1 NAME~}~ #1~ $16~ #0~ $0~ $52 0~ $1~ $Qa~}~ #2~ $24~ #7~ $0~ $520~ $2~ $Qt~}~ #3~ $25~ #0~ $0~ $520~ $3~ $Qg~} ~ #4~ $25 71~ $0~ $520~ $4~ $Qls~}~ #5~ $19~ #0~ $0~ $520~ $5~ $Qs~}~ #6~ %4~ # 0~ $0~ $520~ $6~ $Ql~}~ #7~ $31~ #7~ $0~ $520~ $7~ $Qu~}~ #8~ $61~ #0~ $0~ $520~ $8~ $Qb~}~ #9~ $93~ #0~ $0~ $520~ $9~ $Qr~} 10~ $61~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #10~ $Qi~} 11~ $31 55~ $0~ $520~ #11~ $QTg~} 12~ $31 55~ $0~ $520~ #12~ $QTc~} 13~ $3 1 55~ $0~ $520~ #13~ $QTb~} 14~ $50~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #14~ $Tsl~} 15~ $50 55~ $ 0~ $520~ #15~ $Tte~} 16~ $50~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #16~ $Tr~} 17~ #142~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #17~ $Thr~} 18~ #139~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #18~ $Tii~} 19~ #312~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #19~ $Thl~} 20~ #312~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #20~ $Tsi~} 21~ $93~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #21~ $Tcc~} 22~ $50 55~ $0~ $520~ #22~ $Tcd~} 23~ $75~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #23~ $Tc~} 24~ #28 3~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #24~ $Tcv~} 25~ $75~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #25~ $Tml~} 26~ #300~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #26~ $Tbf~} 27~ $50~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #27~ $Tm~} 28~ $50 55~ $0~ $520 ~ #28~ $Tmu~} 29~ $75~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #29~ $Tu~} 30~ $75~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #30~ $T mo~} 31~ $64~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #31~ $Tf~} 32~ #303~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #32~ $Tcs~} 33 ~ $47 55~ $0~ $520~ #33~ $Tgrw~} 34~ $47 71~ $0~ $520~ #34~ $Twd~} 35~ $47~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #35~ $Tw~} 36~ $35~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #36~ $TKe~} 37~ $64~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #37~ $Twr~} 38~ #358~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #38~ $Ti~} 39~ #124~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #39~ $Twi~} 40~ #127~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #40~ $Ttl~} 41~ #171~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #41~ $Tt~} 42~ #107~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #42~ $Ta~} 43~ #102~ #7~ $0~ $520~ #43~ $Tts~} 44~ #102~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #44~ $Ts~} 45~ #171~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #45~ $Ttp~} 46~ $ 82~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #46~ $Twp~} 47~ #107~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #47~ $Thp~} 48~ $82 71~ $0~ $520~ #48~ $Taw~} 49~ $82~ #0~ #33~ $520~ #49~ $Teml~} 50~ $98~ #0~ $0~ $ 520~ #50~ $Tv~} 51~ $47~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #51~ $Twdr~} 52~ $70~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #52 ~ $Tta~} 53~ $47~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #53~ $Twl~} 54~ $98~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #54~ $Tcr~} 55~ #303~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #55~ $Tfu~} 56~ #303~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #56~ $Tdb~} 57~ $35~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #57~ $TKp~} 58~ $64 71~ $0~ $520~ #58~ $Tbi~} 59~ $64~ #0 ~ $0~ $520~ #59~ $Toe~} 60~ $98~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #60~ $Tip~} 61~ $59 55~ $0~ $5 20~ #61~ $Twa~} 62~ $59 55~ $0~ $520~ #62~ $Twb~} 63~ $59 55~ $0~ $520~ #63~ $Tb~} 64~ $98~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #64~ $Tcg~} 65~ $98~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #65~ $Tgc~} 66~ $91~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #66~ $Tgl~} 67~ #312~ #0~ #33~ $520~ #67~ $Tgw~} 68~ $91~ #0~ #33~ $520~ #68~ $Tgwt~} 69~ #200~ #0~ #33~ $520~ #69~ $Tgt~} 70~ #30 0~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #70~ $Tglu~} 71~ #312~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #71~ $Twg~} 72~ $45~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #72~ $Twc~} 73~ $79~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #73~ $Twn~} 74~ $47~ #0~ $0~ $52 0~ #74~ $Twm~} 75~ $79~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #75~ $Twlc~} 76~ $45 55~ $0~ $520~ #76~ $Tbw~} 77~ $45 71~ $0~ $520~ #77~ $Tbs~} 78~ $45~ #7~ $0~ $520~ #78~ $Tp~} 79~ #303 71~ $0~ $520~ #79~ $Tep~} 80~ #303~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #80~ $Th~} 81~ $ 60~ #7~ $0~ $520~ #81~ $Twru~} 82~ #358~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #82~ $Tid~} 83~ #124~ # 0~ $0~ $520~ #83~ $Tai~} 84~ $82~ #0~ #45~ $520~ #84~ $Twim~} 85~ $82~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #85~ $Tim~} 86~ #303~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #86~ $Tco~} 87~ #303~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #87~ $Tha~} 88~ $35~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #88~ $TKu~} 89~ $35~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #89~ $T Kf~} 90~ $60~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #90~ $Twrb~} 91~ $64~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #91~ $Twrc~} 92~ #358~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #92~ $Tie~} 93~ $47 71~ $0~ $520~ #93~ $Twmo~} 94~ $47 55~ $0~ $520~ #94~ $Twk~} 95~ $45~ #0~ #45~ $520~ #95~ $Tftr~} 96~ #303~ #0~ #45~ $520~ #96~ $Tftl~} 97~ #303~ #0~ $0~ $520~ #97~ $Tfl~} 98~ #303~ #0~ $9~ $520~ #98~ $Tflt~} 99~ $45~ #0~ $9~ $520~ #99~ $Tft~} 100~ #387~ #0~ $0~ $ 520 100~ $Ki~} 101~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 101~ $Kav~} 102~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 10 2~ $Kbb~} 103~ #761~ #0~ $0~ $520 103~ $Kh~} 104~ #768~ #0~ $0~ $520 104~ $Kf~ } 105~ #736~ #0~ $0~ $520 105~ $Kss~} 106~ #736~ #0~ $0~ $520 106~ $Kws~} 107~ #736~ #0~ $0~ $520 107~ $Ka~} 108~ #745~ #0~ $0~ $520 108~ $Kbr~} 109~ #800~ #0~ $0~ $520 109~ $Kg~} 110~ #727~ #0~ $0~ $520 110~ $Jst~} 111~ #964~ #0~ $0 ~ $520 111~ $J@n~} 112~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 112~ $J@nd~} 114~ #456~ #0~ $0~ $52 0 114~ $Pp~} 115~ #558~ #0~ $0~ $520 115~ $P&Ma~} 116~ #558~ #0~ $0~ $520 116 ~ $P&M~} 117~ $10~ #0~ $0~ $520 117~ $Mm~} 118~ #442~ #0~ $0~ $520 118~ $MD~} 119~ #435~ #0~ $0~ $520 119~ $Sl~} 120~ $44~ #0~ $0~ $520 120~ $O_~} 121~ #72 3~ #0~ $0~ $520 121~ $Klc~} 122~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 122~ $Ket~} 123~ #761~ #0~ $0~ $520 123~ $Kc~} 124~ #768~ #0~ #33~ $520 124~ $Kft~} 125~ #800~ #0~ $0~ $ 520 125~ $KJk~} 126~ #680~ #0~ $0~ $520 126~ $@cd~} 127~ #140~ #0~ $0~ $520 1 27~ $DO~} 128~ #723~ #0~ $0~ $520 128~ $Kl~} 129~ #723~ #0~ $9~ $520 129~ $Klm ~} 130~ #723~ #0~ $0~ $520 130~ $Kha~} 131~ #718~ #0~ $0~ $520 131~ $Kfh~} 132 ~ #718~ #0~ $9~ $520 132~ $Kfl~} 133~ #718~ #0~ $9~ $520 133~ $Kfb~} 134~ #718 ~ #0~ $9~ $520 134~ $Km~} 135~ #718~ #0~ $9~ $520 135~ $Kml~} 136~ #712~ #0~ $ 0~ $520 136~ $Kle~} 137~ #717~ #0~ #45~ $520 137~ $Kmv~} 138~ #755 55~ $0~ $5 20 138~ $Kso~} 139~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 139~ $Ksb~} 140~ #717 55~ $0~ $520 14 0~ $Kb~} 142~ #931~ #0~ $0~ $520 142~ $Kcf~} 143~ #761~ #0~ $0~ $520 143~ $Ks~ } 144~ #772~ #0~ $0~ $520 144~ $Kn~} 147~ #736~ #0~ $0~ $520 147~ $Kmt~} 148~ #800~ #0~ $0~ $520 148~ $KJ~} 149~ #800~ #0~ #45~ $520 149~ $KJs~} 150~ #800~ #0~ #45~ $520 150~ $KJg~} 151~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 151~ $K@~} 152~ #727~ #7~ $ 0~ $520 152~ $Js~} 153~ #727~ #0~ $0~ $520 153~ $Jsg~} 154~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 154~ $J@~} 155~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 155~ $J@gn~} 156~ #755~ #0~ $0~ $520 156~ $J@gc~} 157~ #680~ #0~ $0~ $520 157~ $@ad~} 158~ #378~ #0~ $0~ $520 158~ $Ob~ } 159~ #680~ #0~ $0~ $520 159~ $@c~} 161~ #788~ #0~ $0~ $520 161~ $@Pcg~} 162~ #788~ #0~ $0~ $520 162~ $@Pg~} 163~ #378~ #0~ #49~ $520 163~ $MzPz~} 164~ #37 8~ #0~ $0~ $520 164~ $P&c~} 165~ #378~ #0~ $0~ $520 165~ $PM~} 166~ #448~ #0~ $0~ $520 166~ $MDO~} 167~ #143~ #0~ $0~ $520 167~ $MO~} 168~ #444~ #0~ $0~ $5 20 168~ $Pzr~} 170~ #263~ #0~ $0~ $520 170~ $_r~} 171~ #717~ #0~ $0~ $520 171 ~ $Kp~} 172~ #723~ #0~ $0~ $520 172~ $Kmb~} 173~ #717~ #0~ #45~ $520 173~ $Kal ~} 174~ #717~ #0~ $0~ $520 174~ $Ke~} 175~ #717~ #0~ $9~ $520 175~ $Kr~} 176~ #717 55~ $0~ $520 176~ $Kbl~} 177~ #761~ #0~ $0~ $520 177~ $Kba~} 178~ #761~ #0~ $0~ $520 178~ $Ksn~} 179~ #768~ #0~ #45~ $520 179~ $Knt~} 181~ #788~ #0~ #45~ $520 181~ $@Pjs~} 182~ #456~ #0~ $0~ $520 182~ $Pfs~} 183~ #378~ #0~ $0~ $520 183~ $P&cf~} 184~ #830~ #0~ #45~ $520 184~ $Knc~} 185~ #830~ #0~ #45~ $5 20 185~ $Kcl~} 186~ #830~ #0~ $0~ $520 186~ $Kgb~} 187~ #736~ #0~ #45~ $520 1 87~ $Kgbm~} 188~ #736~ #0~ $0~ $520 188~ $Kmr~} 189~ #745~ #0~ $0~ $520 189~ $ Kns~} 190~ #788~ #0~ #45~ $520 190~ $@Ps~} 191~ #456~ #0~ $0~ $520 191~ $Pmo~} 192~ #558~ #0~ $0~ $520 192~ $P&h~} 193~ #558~ #0~ $0~ $520 193~ $P&m~} 194~ #143~ #0~ $0~ $520 194~ $MDe~} 195~ #143~ #0~ $0~ $520 195~ $MDg~} 196~ $32~ #0~ $0~ $520 196~ $Xsv~} 197~ $41~ #0~ $0~ $520 197~ $Xlc~} 198~ $32~ #7~ $0~ $520 198~ $Xdl~} 199~ #377~ #0~ $0~ $520 199~ $Wgn~} 200~ #395~ #0~ $0~ $520 200~ $WVsv~} 201~ #395~ #7~ $0~ $520 201~ $Ws~} 202~ #311~ #0~ $0~ $520 202~ $Wmu~} 203~ #683~ #0~ $0~ $520 203~ $Ugn~} 204~ #683~ #7~ $0~ $520 204~ $Ugn +~} 205~ #107~ #7~ $0~ $520 205~ $Ys~} 206~ #311~ #0~ $0~ $520 206~ $Yls~} 20 7~ #155~ #7~ $0~ $520 207~ $Yla~} 208~ %0~ #0~ $0~ $520 208~ $Yd~} 209~ %0~ #0 ~ $0~ $520 209~ $YX~} 210~ $70~ #7~ $0~ $520 210~ $Xgy~} 211~ #381~ #0~ $0~ $5 20 211~ $Xqd~} 212~ #385~ #0~ $0~ $520 212~ $Xm~} 213~ #373~ #0~ $0~ $520 213 ~ $Xgo~} 214~ #963~ #0~ $0~ $520 214~ $!W~} 215~ #420~ #0~ $0~ $520 215~ $Wp~} 216~ #420~ #7~ $0~ $520 216~ $Wg~} 217~ #380~ #0~ $0~ $520 217~ $Wgd~} 218~ # 420~ #0~ $0~ $520 218~ $Wqm~} 219~ $95~ #0~ $0~ $520 219~ $WVg~} 220~ %0~ #0~ $0~ $520 220~ $shear~} 298~ %0~ #0~ $0~ %50 103~ $ICE~} 299~ #680~ #0~ $0~ %5 0 101~ $H2O~} 300~ %0~ #0~ $0~ $520 300~ $blank~} 301~ #353~ #0~ $0~ $520 301 ~ $pink~} 302~ $47~ #0~ $0~ $520 302~ $tan~} 303~ #800~ #0~ $0~ $520 303~ $gre en~} 304~ %2~ #0~ $0~ $520 304~ $black~} 330~ %0~ #0~ $0~ $520 330~ $pipe~} 33 2~ %2~ #0~ $0~ $520 332~ $ball~} 333~ %2~ #0~ $0~ $520 333~ $tooth~}~}~} 4. P rocedures used to create or automate data~}~ *This geologic map was prepared as part of a study of digital~}methods and techniques as applied to complex geolog ic maps. The~}geologic map was digitized from the original scribe sheets used t o~}prepare the published Geologic Map of Wyoming (Love and Christiansen,~}1985). Consequently, the digital version is at 1:500,000 scale using~}the Lambert Con formal Conic map projection parameters of the State base~}map. Stable base cont act prints of the scribe sheets were scanned on~}a Tektronix 4991 digital scanne r. The scanner automatically converts~}the scanned image to an ASCII vector for mat. These vectors were~}transferred to a VAX minicomputer, where they were the n loaded into~}ARC/INFO. Each vector and polygon was given attributes derived f rom~}the original 1985 geologic map.~}~ %This database was developed on a MicroV AX computer system using VMS~}5.4-3 and ARC/INFO 5.0.2 software. The lineset an d shadeset files are~}coded for a Calcomp electrostatic plotter.~}~} 5. Revisio ns made to data (revision number, date, description)~}~ #none~}~} 6. Reviews ap plied to data (review type, date, person, description)~}~ +The database was revi ewed at the University of Wyoming, Wyoming~}Water Resources Center. The review was cross-checked at the USGS in~}Denver.~}~ (The authors wish to thank Dave Lo ve and Ann Coe Christiansen for~}providing access to the original Geologic Map o f Wyoming scribe sheets~}and negatives. For the digital review, we also thank P at Stamile of the~}USGS and Chris Arneson and Laisan Serebryakov of the Universi ty of~}Wyoming Water Resources Center.~}~}~} 7. Related spatial and tabular dat a sets and programs~}000READ.ME~ .Text file that contains this Open-File 94-0425 ~}~}LOAD.AML~ 0ARC/INFO commands to create the data bases.~}~}WYOMING.AML~ -ARCP LOT commands that create a plot file of the~}~ >geologic map from the data bases .~}~}LAMBERT.PRJ~ -A file of the projection parameters used.~}~}CCALIN.E00~ 1ARC /INFO lineset CCA.LIN, the palette of line types~}~ >for an electrostatic plotte r.~}~}DOTSHD.E00~ .ARC/INFO shadeset patterns, a palette of patterns.~}~}CCASHD. E00~ .ARC/INFO shadeset file A, the palette of colors for an~}~ >electrostatic p lotter.~}~}FNT003.E00~ .ARC/INFO geologic symbols font file.~}~}TWO.AML~ 1ARCPLO T commands that create a plot file of sheet~}~ =two of the geologic map explanat ion.~}~}THREE.AML~ /ARCPLOT commands that create a plot file of sheet~}~ =three of the geologic map explanation.~}~}FOUR.AML~ 0ARCPLOT commands that create a p lot file of sheet~}~ =four of the geologic map explanation.~}~}TWO.E00~ 1Sheet t wo of the geologic map explanation.~}~}THREE.E00~ /Sheet three of the geologic m ap explanation.~}~}FOUR.E00~ 0Sheet four of the geologic map explanation.~}~}TWO 00.ASC~ /Text files for sheet two of the explanation.~}~ #through~}TWO18.ASC~}~} THREE00.ASC~ -Text files for sheet three of the explanation.~}~ #through~}THREE6 0.ASC~}~}FOUR00.ASC~ .Text files for sheet four of the explanation.~}~ #through~ }FOUR06.ASC~}~}CONTACT.E00~ -Contacts and faults file for the Geologic Map of~}~ @Wyoming.~}~}DECO.E00~ 0Decorations file for the Geologic Map of Wyoming.~}~}DI KES.E00~ /Dikes file for the Geologic Map of Wyoming.~}~}BORDER.E00~ .The title and scale bar of the Geologic Map of~}~ >Wyoming.~}~}~}~}~} 8. References cite d~}~ #Love, J.D., and Christiansen, A.C., 1985, Geologic Map of Wyoming: U.S.~} Geological Survey Special Geologic Map, scale 1:500,000.~}~}The following maps were used for clarification:~}~}DeWitt, E.H., Redden, J.A., Buscher, D.P., and Wilson, A.B., 1989,~} Geologic map of the Black Hills area, South Dakota and W yoming: U.S.~} Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1910 ,~} scale 1:250,000.~}~}Dover, J.H., and M'Gonigle, J.W., 1993, Geologic map of the Evanston~} 30'x60' quadrangle, Uinta and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming: U.S .~} Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2168,~} scale 1:100,000.~}~}Love, J.D., and Christiansen, A.C., 1983, Preliminary geologic ma p of~} Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-83-802, scale~} 1:5 00,000.~}~}Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., Brown, T.M., and Earl, J.L., 1979,~} Preliminary geologic map of the Thermopolis 1 x2 quadrangle,~} central Wyomi ng: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-79-962,~} scale 1:250,000.~}~}Lo ve, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., and Earl, J.L., 1978, Preliminary~} geologic map of the Sheridan 1 x2 quadrangle, northern Wyoming:~} U.S. Geological Survey O pen-File Report OF-78-456, scale 1:250,000.~}~}Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., E arl, J.L., and Jones, R.W., 1978,~} Preliminary geologic map of the Arminto 1 x 2 quadrangle, central~} Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-78 -1089,~} scale 1:250,000.~}~}Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., Earl, J.L., and Jo nes, R.W., 1979,~} Preliminary geologic map of the Casper 1 x2 quadrangle, cen tral~} Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-79-961, scale~} 1:2 50,000.~}~}Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., and Jones, R.W., 1979, Preliminary~} geologic map of the Lander 1 x2 quadrangle, central Wyoming:~} U.S. Geologic al Survey Open-File Report OF-79-1301, scale 1:250,000.~}~}Love, J.D., Christian sen, A.C., and McGrew, L.W., 1978, Preliminary~} geologic map of the Gillette 1 x2 quadrangle, northeastern~} Wyoming and western South Dakota: U.S. Geologic al Survey Open-File~} Report OF-78-343, scale 1:250,000.~}~}Love, J.D., Christi ansen, A.C., and McGrew, L.W., 1987, Geologic map~} of the Newcastle 1 x2 quad rangle, northeastern Wyoming and~} western South Dakota: Geological Survey of W yoming Map MS-25I,~} scale 1:250,000.~}~}Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., McGrew , L.W., and King, J.K., 1990,~} Geologic map of the Gillette 1 x2 quadrangle, northeastern~} Wyoming and western South Dakota: Geological Survey of Wyoming Map~} MS-25G, scale 1:250,000.~}~}M'Gonigle, J.W., and Dover, J.H., 1992, Geol ogic map of the Kemmerer~} 30'x60' quadrangle, Uinta and Sweetwater Counties, W yoming: U.S.~} Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2079 ,~} scale 1:100,000.~}~}Oriel, S.S., and Pratt, L.B., 1980, Geologic map of the Preston 1 x2~}quadrangle, southeastern Idaho and western Wyoming: U.S.~}Geologi cal Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1127,~} scale 1:250,000.~} ~}Pierce, W.G., 1978, Geologic map of the Cody 1 x2 quadrangle,~} northwestern Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field~} Studies Map MF-963, scal e 1:250,000.~}~}U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Geologic map of the Yellowstone Na tional~} Park: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map~} I-711, scale 1:250,000.~}~}In addition, J.D. Love made the following unpublish ed mapping available:~}~}Love, J.D., and Christiansen, A.C., unpublished, Prelim inary geologic~} map of the Cheyenne 1 x2 quadrangle, scale 1:250,000.~}~}Love , J.D., and Christiansen, A.C., unpublished, Preliminary geologic~} map of the Driggs 1 x2 quadrangle, scale 1:250,000.~}~}Love, J.D., and Christiansen, A.C. , unpublished, Preliminary geologic~} map of the Rawlins 1 x2 quadrangle, scal e 1:250,000.~}~}Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., Cassandra, K.S., and Roehler, H. W.,~} unpublished, Preliminary geologic map of the Rock Springs 1 x2~} quadran gle, scale 1:250,000.~}~}~}~}~} 9. Notes~}~ (The authors wish to thank Dave Lov e and Ann Coe Christiansen for~}providing access to the original Geologic Map of Wyoming scribe sheets~}and negatives. For the digital review, we also thank Pa t Stamile of the~}USGS and Chris Arneson and Laisan Serebryakov of the Universit y of~}Wyoming Water Resources Center.~}WYO_DECO.PAT~ 4XX~ #7~ #7 28~ (34~}AREA~ .4-1~ #14-1 12 3 60-1 -1 -1-1~ 31-~}PERIMETER~ )4-1~ #54-1 12 3 60-1 -1 - 1-1~ 32-~}WYO_DECO#~ )4-1~ #94-1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 33-~}WYO_DECO-ID~ '4-1 1 34-1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 34-~}P1~ 03-1 174-1~ #3-1 30-1 -1 -1-1~ 35-~}NAME~ .5-1 204-1~ #5-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 36-~}HP~ 03-1 254-1~ #3-1 30-1 -1 -1-1~ 37 -~}-5.0065615E+06 3.5144188E+04~ *1~ *0 0~ '0~} 1.2332655E+05 1.2514519E+03~ *2 ~ (356332ball 201~} 9.5994938E+04 1.4126591E+03~ *3~ (359333cog 201~} 9.6033031 E+04 1.4129249E+03~ *4~ (364333cog 201~} 1.2354291E+05 1.2533042E+03~ *5~ (3673 32ball 201~} 1.2381335E+05 1.2557766E+03~ *6~ (368332ball 201~} 9.5994844E+04 1. 4126584E+03~ *7~ (374333cog 201~} 1.2428091E+05 1.2604478E+03~ *8~ (376332ball 201~} 1.2305368E+05 1.2499297E+03~ *9~ (378332ball 201~} 9.6110906E+04 1.413504 4E+03~ )10~ (379333cog 201~} 1.2224530E+05 1.2480289E+03~ )11~ (382332ball 201~ } 1.2424400E+05 1.2608070E+03~ )12~ (384332ball 201~} 9.6052266E+04 1.4130758E+0 3~ )13~ (386333cog 201~} 1.2376300E+05 1.2548884E+03~ )14~ (389332ball 201~} 9. 6071164E+04 1.4132241E+03~ )15~ (390333cog 201~} 9.6054641E+04 1.4130905E+03~ ) 16~ (394333cog 201~} 9.6042805E+04 1.4130149E+03~ )17~ (395333cog 201~} 1.9506 202E+05 1.7868273E+03~ )18~ (400330pipe~ #0~} 1.9162977E+05 1.7721479E+03~ )19~ (401330pipe~ #0~} 1.9515080E+05 1.7869974E+03~ )20~ (402330pipe~ #0~} 1.9176256 E+05 1.7723967E+03~ )21~ (403330pipe~ #0~} 1.9829231E+05 1.7943019E+03~ )22~ (40 6330pipe~ #0~} 1.9658891E+05 1.7869366E+03~ )23~ (405330pipe~ #0~} 1.9819355E+05 1.7940909E+03~ )24~ (408330pipe~ #0~} 1.9652602E+05 1.7868107E+03~ )25~ (407330 pipe~ #0~} 1.2344086E+05 1.2522833E+03~ )26~ (409332ball 201~} 1.9512133E+05 1.7 871853E+03~ )27~ (410330pipe~ #0~} 1.9171616E+05 1.7725789E+03~ )28~ (411330pipe ~ #0~} 1.9831705E+05 1.7945880E+03~ )29~ (413330pipe~ #0~} 1.9662083E+05 1.78725 31E+03~ )30~ (412330pipe~ #0~} 1.9506202E+05 1.7868274E+03~ )31~ (415330pipe~ #0 ~} 1.9162975E+05 1.7721478E+03~ )32~ (416330pipe~ #0~} 1.9823431E+05 1.7941765E+ 03~ )33~ (418330pipe~ #0~} 1.9658891E+05 1.7869365E+03~ )34~ (417330pipe~ #0~}WY O_DECO.REF~ 95 18 400~ )1~}CITATION-1~ '80-1~ #14-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 31-~} CITATION-2~ '80-1 814-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 32-~}CITATION-3~ '80-1 1614-1 80 -1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 33-~}CITATION-4~ '80-1 2414-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 34-~}CITA TION-5~ '80-1 3214-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 35-~}THETITLE~ )80-1~ #10-1 80-1 20- 1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}ORIGINATOR~ '80-1 810-1 80-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}PUBLCNDA TE~ '20-1 1610-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}PUBLCNTIME~ '10-1 1810-1 10-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}EDITION~ *10-1 1910-1 10-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}TYPEOFMAP~ ( 20-1 2010-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}SERIESNAME~ '20-1 2210-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}ISSUEIDENT~ (5-1 2410-1~ #5-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}ONLINELINK~ '6 0-1 2460-1 60-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}LGRWRKCTN~ (15-1 3060-1 15-1 20-1 -1 - 1-1~ 2-1-~}PUBLPLACE~ (20-1 3210-1 20-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}PUBLISHER~ (30-1 3410-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1-1~ 2-1-~}OTHCITINFO~ '30-1 3710-1 30-1 20-1 -1 -1- 1~ 2-1-~}The Digital Geologic Map of Wyoming in ARC/INFO Format~}Green, G.N. and Drouillard, P.H.~}1994~ Dmap~ 1open-file-report~}~ %greenwood.cr.usgs.gov /pub/ open-file-reports/ofr-94-0425~}Denver, Colorado~ $U.S.Geological Survey~ )Open-F ile Report 94-0425~}WYO_DECO.TIC~ 4XX~ #3~ #3 12~ (63~}IDTIC~ -4-1~ #14-1~ #5-1 50-1 -1 -1-1~ 31-~}XTIC~ .4-1~ #54-1 12 3 60-1 -1 -1-1~ 32-~}YTIC~ .4-1~ # 94-1 12 3 60-1 -1 -1-1~ 33-~}~ &10546 3.8812066E+04 5.3987205E+06~}~ &10646-3 .8812262E+04 5.3987205E+06~}~ &10746-1.1643222E+05 5.3995745E+06~}~ &10846-1.940 3786E+05 5.4012830E+06~}~ &10446 1.1643209E+05 5.3995745E+06~}~ &10946-2.7162038 E+05 5.4038450E+06~}~ &11146-4.2667647E+05 5.4115295E+06~}~ &11046-3.4916944E+05 5.4072610E+06~}~ &11246-5.0413175E+05 5.4166515E+06~}~ &10445 1.1826838E+05 5.2 883385E+06~}~ &10745-1.1826838E+05 5.2883380E+06~}~ &10845-1.9709819E+05 5.29007 35E+06~}~ &10945-2.7590381E+05 5.2926755E+06~}~ &11045-3.5467628E+05 5.2961455E+ 06~}~ &11145-4.3340569E+05 5.3004815E+06~}~ &11245-5.1208266E+05 5.3056840E+06~} ~ &10444 1.2010091E+05 5.1773305E+06~}~ &10443 1.2193020E+05 5.0665150E+06~}~ &1 0442 1.2375696E+05 4.9558545E+06~}~ &10441 1.2558174E+05 4.8453140E+06~}~ &10440 1.2740515E+05 4.7348575E+06~}~ &10540 4.2469922E+04 4.7339230E+06~}~ &10542 4.1 253961E+04 4.9549470E+06~}~ &10541 4.1862270E+04 4.8443925E+06~}~ &10543 4.06450 47E+04 5.0656205E+06~}~ &10544 4.0035219E+04 5.1764495E+06~}~ &10640-4.2470051E+ 04 4.7339235E+06~}~ &10641-4.1862297E+04 4.8443925E+06~}~ &10642-4.1253957E+04 4 .9549465E+06~}~ &10643-4.0645078E+04 5.0656205E+06~}~ &10644-4.0035242E+04 5.176 4495E+06~}~ &10545 3.9424363E+04 5.2874705E+06~}~ &10645-3.9424371E+04 5.2874705 E+06~}~ &10740-1.2740515E+05 4.7348575E+06~}~ &10742-1.2375695E+05 4.9558550E+06 ~}~ &10741-1.2558178E+05 4.8453140E+06~}~ &10743-1.2193020E+05 5.0665150E+06~}~ &10744-1.2010087E+05 5.1773305E+06~}~ &10840-2.1232477E+05 4.7367270E+06~}~ &10 841-2.0928603E+05 4.8471565E+06~}~ &10842-2.0624508E+05 4.9576705E+06~}~ &10843- 2.0320059E+05 5.0683040E+06~}~ &10844-2.0015195E+05 5.1790925E+06~}~ &10940-2.97 21869E+05 4.7395310E+06~}~ &10941-2.9296494E+05 4.8499200E+06~}~ &10942-2.887079 7E+05 4.9603935E+06~}~ &10944-2.8017881E+05 5.1817355E+06~}~ &10943-2.8444638E+0 5 5.0709870E+06~}~ &11041-3.7660841E+05 4.8536040E+06~}~ &11042-3.7113603E+05 4. 9640245E+06~}~ &11043-3.6565772E+05 5.0745640E+06~}~ &11044-3.6017172E+05 5.1852 585E+06~}~ &11141-4.6020625E+05 4.8582085E+06~}~ &11040-3.8207659E+05 4.7432680E +06~}~ &11140-4.6688825E+05 4.7479395E+06~}~ &11142-4.5351916E+05 4.9685615E+06~ }~ &11143-4.4682478E+05 5.0790345E+06~}~ &11144-4.4012103E+05 5.1896620E+06~}~ & 11240-5.5164338E+05 4.7535435E+06~}~ &11241-5.4374838E+05 4.8637320E+06~}~ &1124 2-5.3584731E+05 4.9740055E+06~}~ &11243-5.2793775E+05 5.0843975E+06~}~ &11244-5. 2001703E+05 5.1949450E+06~}EOI~}EOS~}