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Zimbabwe - Complex Emergency

Map of Zimbabwe
Map of Zimbabwe

Regional Team: SWAN

Disaster Declared:

Brief Description:
Conditions for the majority of Zimbabweans continue to deteriorate due to the country’s ongoing economic decline, low agricultural productivity, and the increasing impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Internal displacement and urban vulnerability spiked as a result of Operation Murambatsvina in 2005, which according to the U.N. displaced an estimated 700,000 people and indirectly impacted as many as 2.4 million others. Widespread loss of housing and livelihoods forced the majority of the affected urban population deeper into poverty. In addition to urgent needs in shelter, water and sanitation, health, and protection, humanitarian access to the affected populations remained limited.

On November 14, 2005, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Eric T. Schultz redeclared a disaster in Zimbabwe due to the complex emergency. From FY 2002 to 2005, OFDA provided more than $21 million in humanitarian assistance to Zimbabwe. OFDA’s programs are focused in supporting displaced and other vulnerable populations by strengthening livelihoods and providing assistance in the sectors of water and sanitation, food security and agriculture, child protection, relief commodities, and humanitarian coordination.


  • 02-03-2006 Southern Africa Situation Report #1(88kb PDF)(map)



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Wed, 30 May 2007 08:25:14 -0500